Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5758 5753??

You don't need him to order, the soul of the soul take the lead, and the iron gall is stopped directly.

Iron gallrooms saw many strong people who came into joined, and they were amazed: "It's a lively!"

"Zhu brother, don't be innocent!" The soul of the soul is cold, and it is not like a greeting.

More like provocation.

He has long been watching the iron gallroom.

At this point, it can be used to kill each other with the power of Babi.

The strength of iron gallroom, he is clear, the peak seven robbery is the Lord of the universe.

With his current battle, it is not too much.

He did not believe in the opponent with now.

However, don't forget, there is a super existence in the cosmic boat.


If Red Jiusi is, the Lord of a seven-robbery is not worthless.

Everything is to see how Babi is doing.

As long as the Babi nodded, Red Jiuyi will definitely shoot.

The sword of the same is unparalleled, try to make himself in the crowd, the breath is converge, and I don't dare to open.

Which iron gallroom, I don't know if I will pay attention to him.

But the blood knife old ancestors, but I know him.

In case it is recognized, it is not good.

Fortunately, Just Dilun shot enough, now the blood knife, the old ancestors, there should be no good to take care of him.

On the other hand, the red-haired youth that is uninformed is still chasing him.

At this time, two have arrived in Shi State.

Also here is the moment he wants to do.

As for the battlefield of the Magic.

He is able to feel that Babi Emperor does not arrogant to see people to kill.

Especially the main thing about the universe.

Babi is not interested.

Moreover, iron gallroom is a strong man of the ancient moon god, once it is killed, it is broken.

Although Babi Emperor is not afraid, it is too much to smash it.

The most important thing is the most important thing.

So when I saw the other party, he brought it directly into it.

The blood knife is not dead, but also taken away.

Anyway, it is a morning and evening.

Just this scene, the sword is unparalleled is not as seen.

It is best to kill, then hurry.

He doesn't want to be recognized.

Babi is a person with a person with iron gallroom.

The sword is unparalleled, it is like a dog, with a red-haired youth, a sinister in the stone country.

This place is falling in the phoenix.

I heard that the rumor is falling in a congenital spirit.

That one existence, the Lord of the natural universe, is powerful.

More than the nine beast gods in Moococco time.

Everything is seven-robbery.

Just don't matter how powerful these congenital spirit, it will eventually fall in the hands of strong people.

Ethnic workers, stone country old ancestors.

In the peak period, killing this congenital spirit is extremely simple.

The fallen congenital spirit, the flesh is here, and we will be in the valley of this place.

The turmoil is also formed therein.

This place has passed the exploration of countless times, and now there is no secret to say.

Don't say that the owner of the universe is that the emperor is very small.

That is, this is extremely broad.

Attracting a lot of people came to touch the luck.

The sword is unparalleled in this place, and it is also for hidden eyes.

Those who have banned and unable to stop his pace.

The arbitrary collision, the space of this place is broken.

The red-haired youth is chasing it, and it is necessary to diamond from the sword where there is no dinner. I thought the sword is unparalleled is the end of the poor, but I don't know, this place is his fall.

"Kid, you can't escape, if you stop now, I can consider collecting you as a dog!" Red-haired youth is rampant, just like hunting, it is easy to catch the sword.

Flying in the front of the sword is unparalleled, looking back at an eye, feeling almost enough.

Already reached the deepest place in the turmoil.

If you have a strong, you can't enter this place.

In the past, there was a hijacking, and there were also some of the people of the universe.

It's okay now.

Not afraid of being seen by the outsiders.


The sword is unparalleled, and the body has stopped the body. Subsequently, it will turn straight to the body, and it is not directly turned. A breathing time, the red-haired youth also chased it.

Back facing each other.

His hand is constantly shaking, always ready to pull the sword.

This battle is going to see how strong.

"I have no place to run!" The red-haired youth lifted his head, and it was cold.




A series of sounds, in the same time, the sword is unparalleled instant, the foot tip is light, the body is behind, and the sword in hand has been out.

The power of the body exploded directly to 400,000.

All this is very fast, the sword is unparalleled, and this moment is turned on.

The Siki's universe, the small door of the blood jacket, actually did not respond, when he wants to resist the knife, his eyes have begun to tilt.

The flesh is cracking instantly.

A blood mist broke out, he was completely stunned.

Blood fog re-casting the flesh, this is the peak of the sergeant door.

I didn't expect that today's emperor, I made him a bloody, which would be displayed when it was.

"You!" Red-haired young people who returned the flesh, pointed to the sword, and still looked at the sword unparalleled back.

"What is the sword you just used!"

Red-haired youth, stunned!

He can't believe that the sword is unparalleled so powerful.

The strongest emperor of the darkness can be comparable to the general universe. He also saw it.

The peak of Shenle is 25,000.

The sword is unparalleled and forty thousand.

Just an outbreak, more than 500,000.

This is a horrible.

More powerful than which big godman is.



The sword is unparalleled, and the rushes are held.

Sterile face, cold channel: "It is just ordinary eternal to Bao!"

Red-haired youth, but I can't believe it, I just feel that the sword is unparalleled.

He also stared at the sword in the sword in his hands.

The sword is really no special.

The other party should not know what the vitality in the will, so there is no finding.

When he got the sword where the sword was not pair, it was stunned.

"The innate origin, you actually have the treasure of the congenital origin!" Red-haired youth seems to have a strong reason to catch the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and shakes his head. He replied: "Is there a small door of an eight-star Zongmen?"

A beast god soldier, what is big and strange.

The ancient month time and space, there have been a lot before.

Just as the times migrate, it is now completely preserved.

The turmoil like this is a place where a congenital spirit is falling.

It is a pity that the flesh and the origin.

Otherwise, it is a powerful treasure than the beast.

"Hey, the arrogant boy!" The worry of the red-haired youth and panic, but more calm.

The sword is nothing to do.

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