Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5759 5754? Black Day, Night Home

The small door of the eight-star Zongmen should not be so waste.

Even only the Lord of the universe of the four-knocked universe, I am afraid there is some kind of backhand to explode powerful strength.

Never just regularly.

"Remember, I am the night of the black sky!" The red-haired youth is finished, and the hands have each other, and the forehead red meridian instantly beats.

The sacredness of the surrounding, also varies.

It turned out to be a constantly gathered to night.

The Lord of the universe of the four pilgrims is about 400,000.

But the power of the other party has soared to 450,000.

The sword is unparalleled to be calm, but with the midst of the other's power, the bottom is also very shocking.

It is not unrest.

The other party is a small door, if there is no good show, it is not a waste.

Within 500,000, he fully grasped the living, more than 500,000 power, and did not have a war.

"I won't look at you!" The sword is unparalleled once again, and the figure is flying out, a sword is swept, broken the void space, and crushed the origin of this place.

The condensed power is also broken by his sword tip.


A hard thing, but directly blocked his nephew.

The sword is unparalleled, the first time, the other side, turned back to the body.

Seeing that the red-haired night clouds appeared on the sky.

The power of the upper point is extremely horrible, and it exceeds millions of power.

"Call!" The sword was unparalleled to see it was shocked, and then he reached.

That is a protective cover, which can resist millions of power.

It is not a million power of the night.

Otherwise, he has no time to run.

" ..... I was shocked!" The night clouds still didn't forget the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, the cold channel: "Turtle shell, I don't believe you have been hiding in it!"

"Haha!" Heard the night cloud of this sentence, smirking, just like a big joke.

After his strength, he has continued to rise, he has arrived at a pole, he stopped the laughter, and his eyes were gotten, stared at the sword. There were unparalleled: "You can really be innocent, this is my father's power, just Kill you don't need my father's power, I am enough! "

"You have these second generations, just like to say big words?" The sword was unparalleled.

But behind the back, there is cold sweat, and it is really not what he expensive.

The other party does have a powerful basement.

The blood shield of millions of power can not only block the attack, but also be attacked by the night clouds.

This is a bit horrible.

If the other party will kill him directly, it is not just that he is just a day.


The sword is unparalleled.

This kind of power is not a night, then it is limited.

He has to consume this force, or when the night clouds have been found, but he uses this power. He is not finished.

Millions of power.

For those who soul of the soul, nothing, even can only be a strong entrance.

It can be used to say that it is desperate strength.

Don't look at it now, he can limit the limit of fifty thousand power, but in front of millions of power, it is the antity.


He used this ant to consume this big tree.

The sword is unparalleled, and the scorpion is gently turned. From his pupil, you can see a blue airweight is being sprayed.

In the next moment, the blue breath of the whole body started directly.

"The anges change!" The sword was unparalleled.

At this time, his peak is probably comparable to 500,000.

It's just the power of the starry sky, now there is a lot to say to him.

More than the power consumption.

Moreover, his origin is the main source of the Starry, and naturally uses the power of this source.

"Is this?" Night Yunxiao, also found that the sword is unparalleled, but did not think that there is no double change in the sword, and the status is similar to just.

It's just the color of the hair, and the breath on your body has changed.

This breath has replaced the power.

The force of the Starry Sky, the power returns.

This makes the sword are very distressed.

If it is a thrust, the starry is increased.

His five hundred thousand power can be used as a million power.

Unfortunately, he can't master it now.

Yunzhi National Lord also said that this practice is too counter-sky.

Emperor may not hope.

But after the robbery, the sword must have this secret law.

Otherwise, his skills will be very losing.

The two cannot be both, and it is also a pain.

He has the east monarch.

Dongjun's identity is likely to be a strong stroke.

He was originally left in the starry sky.

Power is stronger than gods.

Baoqiqi robbery.

In combination with the east rock, he will finally become a super powerful.

Shen Li is also cultivated at the same time.

Need to be combined.

But not combined to become a power of power.

The power of the power is inverted.

The sword is unparalleled with fists, with unlimited power.


A boxing broke out.

Directly on the blood shield.

Just playing this blood shield, there is no change.

"The big tree, not self-strength!" The night clouds snorted and continued to condense the weeks.

He only needs several breathing, it can condense success.

Nowadays, his power has been from forty or 30,000, soared to 50,000.

It is not a problem in the limit state, fifty-50,000, or even fifty-eight thousand.

He has recognized this power and has been able to kill the sword.

I really want to be this card, the sword is unparalleled.

But he is afraid of this blood shield, and finally become a bloody knife or blood sword, and a few seconds.

One punch is not enough, then a hundred punches, dors!

For him now, playing hundreds of millions of boxes, and it is also a moment.

boom! ! ! !

Constantly a boxing shadow, taking the truthful playing on the blood shield.

Millions of power, hard, and began to shake.

Night Yunxiao is almost shocked, he found that the strength of the sword is like unlimited, constantly making full outbreak, actually without weakening.

"It seems that simple attack is useless!" The sword is unparalleled to only shake, but it can't consume, decided to change a method.

He thought of the trick that the soul of the soul in the eternal kingdom.

Hand aggregate power.


He squeezed up and down and instantly condensed a blue horror force.

This group of blue power is only the size of the fist.

The force of the starry sky again, it turned more than ten times.

The sword is unparalleled with a pair of hands, and it is reduced to a point.

Then inject the force of the starry sky again.

It is so counterpostable.

That group blue power, pure!

Deep blue!

This power is more than 100 times more than the power of the starry sky outside the sword.

The night clouds in the blood shield are not moving, and he has not found something wrong with it.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to be able to succeed!" He did the first time. I didn't expect to learn the essence of the soul of the soul.

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