Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5768 5763? You should be cherished!

After you feel some of your own loss, Fan Tianfeng face changed, the sound is cold: "Since you get it, you should cherish it."

The sword is unparalleled. This time has nothing to refute, it is true.

At that time, he could not use his own flesh to resist the blood needle!

"I heard ..." The sword has no doubles, but it will hand in the past.

The intent is obvious.

He knows the relationship between the two.

This sword is also a relic of family.

It's also giving Fan Tianfeng.

Fan Tianfeng did not refuse, after receiving the sword, turned directly to the left.

When I went to the threshold, she was slightly eye-catching, and the sound was slow: "In Shi Country, I need help, I can contact me at any time!"

"Never polite!" The sword had no double loud answer.

Want to leave the other party, he took out the recommendation letter, thinking about going to build a sword.

In these days, he also got some news from North City.

Wangdu Dongcheng.

Almost the power of the flame.

It is also the place where the founder opened.

No one was recommended, he can't.

Today, I can see it.

East City is even.

The sword is unparalleled.

The practitioner of this place, is simply different from North City.

This is the sky.

On the street, you can see the soup of the dark red robe everywhere.

In their chest, there is a badge of this block.

The most common cast god teacher is just nine products.

Immortal, or emperor can get started.

Eight pieces of gods, they need the strength of the emperor, otherwise the instruments can not be mastered.

Most of the gods visible everywhere, most of them are nine pieces.

After a long time, I went to the most prosperous street.

He saw a few seven products cast the gods, and a six-character casting person.

Zhulu Road.

The most prosperous street in Dongcheng.

On this road, at least there were at least thousands of people opened.

Everyone has the banner.

The gods, almost all self-contained wheat.

It is a store of six products in this street.

That is to say, the entire King is a castor with thousands of products.

even more.

Because of the information he learned.

This street.

In the casting palace of Jia, at least dozens of six products are sitting in the town.

The quantity has to be doubled.

I thought that when I was in the temple, my old man was also casting the gods, and the probability also had six products.

Just, he has fallen.

It's still falling in the nature of the original universe.

Unable to be resurrected.

At the beginning, it is the last eye.

After a long time, he continued to go forward.

Methylene is made of metal.

He can't see it.

The strongest few stores in Aquioli, but also in the second.

Fan Tianfeng recommended him to the first casting of the ancient wood mainland.

It is a signboard of the god.

The whole street is such a family.

Inside the soul, the weakest is six products.

Moreover, six products are here, can only be striped.

External disciples are all starting.

The disciple of the door is more common, and even two products.

Only when you arrive on a product, you will become a pro-disciple.

The entire stone country's casting teacher, the product is also a bit.

Almost all this great disciple.

Which master called wine is also the disciple of this existence.

And it is only an internal disciples, not pro.

This big-moving disciple is only three.

Rumoring every bit is a seven-robbery.

Seven robbery!

Which cast master is also a seven-robbery.

It is conceivable to let the horses, Nada, can imagine.

This is inherited, there will be more attractive.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled, not interested.

"Just here!" The sword didn't look at it, and he was ready to enter.

At this time, he heard a familiar voice.

And very familiar atmosphere.

The sword is unparalleled, and a rustic girl in the earth, follows a group of cast makers, in the end, look at the mouth, far away, is not all the way.

But he can see that there is a connection.

I didn't prepare for it, but I listened to it, but I understood everything.

He didn't expect this little girl who buckled home, this time would be so generous.


"No, this is twenty billion cosm, I said that I can make it!" Li Ming was so good.

Which of the young emperor who left the team, leaking a strange eyes, and quickly asked where.

But seeing the girlfriend's strange explanation, not asking, and took it directly.

Whether you are welcome.

Eat soft rice, eat this extent, let the sword are unparalleled.

"Ming, this time I thank you, I follow Master Luo Lu Zhen Temple to learn, I need this cosmic crystal!" The youth is high-profile, talking about panic, face is not red.

Li Minger smiled and said: "Little things, when I encounter one of my predecessors, I will ask for it!"

The youth touched the medal of the chest, and the numbers of the upper point represent eight products.

This is an emperor.

Can Li Ming, just immortal.

The sword is unparalleled, and he is now eating the soft rice of Vietnami, there is no such comment.

This kid, lied to people, but it is not red and not jumped.

If it is known from the predecessors, it is not allowed to be a sword.

This kind of thing is not good.

I will write down.

Waiting for opportunities, be sure to teach each other.

"Do you stay!"

The sword is unparalleled to enter the hall of this god.

It was stopped by a Purple robe man.

The other's chest has a five-product logo.

Can be in the temple, just a striker.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no more to say anything, stopping the footsteps, and directly there is a letter.

After seeing the flag of the flame god, it stunned, then the face was surprised.

He can't see the unparalleled realm of the sword, but see this recommendation letter.

The bottom is that the sword is definitely a big man.

"The seniors come with me!" Purple robe sent people, and the sword was unparalleled to take a rest, then he took the recommendation letter and went to the deep place of the temple.

There is only one layer on the surface of the temple.

But underground, there are several layers.

Histed, only the top three levels.

The four layers of the underground will not be able to enter, which Purple robe has arrived at the fourth layer of entrance, and the letter will be given to an internal door disciple. After returning to the hall.

The sword is unparalleled, sitting on the side, sitting on the best tea.

The guy who just kids Li Ming, and then followed the gods of the Six products.

Just where they are sitting, they stand in the corner.

The old man took the lead in seeing that the master of Kid Li Ming.

The sword is unparalleled, always staring at the person.

Think about how to learn how to teach.

He sent out the source of the front feet, and the next hand was defrauded by the other party.


This will be killed.

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