Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5769 5764 ?? Soft meal can't eat

An emperor, don't learn well.

Learn to eat soft rice.

Not teeth.

The youth of the Purple robe before going, all the way to the sword without double, and found that he was staring at a group of people at the corner.

I thought it was an unparalleled eye in the sword, and I was busy: "Who brought these people, hurry, did you see this place?"

At this time, when you have a sword, it is completely reversed.

Just like a person who is strict and cold.

I heard the words of the Purple robe.

Several six-piece treasures, even busy suggesting, and then rushing toward the pedestrian.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is broken: "Forget it, these people have a reason to have this seat, let them stay!"

After listening to this sentence, the Youth of the Purple Robe changed, and the face was also squeezed out the amiable smile.

"Since it is a friend of the seniors, then take them to the first floor!"

"But there are people waiting in line in front!" There was a hetero to join the Temple, some dead brains, interrupted the words of the Purple robe.

The Youth of the Purple Robe changed, cold channel: "Then, let them go, let these butter fish in the future."

"This!" Which six products hedge were hesitant.

"Not going!" The Youth of the Purple Robe, I felt that my majesty was somewhat invalid, and when I drank it.

Several people at the horizon wall are both dark.

"Several people, wait a moment, the first layer of people will clean up, will let you go to see, there is tea, casual!" The Youth of the Zi Zobe squeezed out his smile and tried his hands.

The sword is shocked!

This is the same as the facade of the delivery, is different!

The face change is fast.

"Seniors, elders and old news, say to take you to the ninth floor!" The Youth of the Purple Robe stood in this time, and he said carefully.

The five-product foundant, at least the land of the universe of the trumper.

It is so humble.

Not to say, is it a proud of the gods?

It turns out that it is a weak person.

His strength makes the other party to see.

I definitely think that his power of his strong universe.

Coupled with the recommendation letter from the flame god.

This is the sky of Stone Country.

Who dares to treat it!

"Let's take the way!" The sword did not stand up, behind his hands.

Also experienced a treatment of energy.

When I walked around the gods who came to see, the sword was unparalleled. He looked at the youth of Kid Li Ming.

Subsequently followed which Purple robe youth, entered the ground casting hall.

After he leaves.

Several people in the corner were loose.

"Which predecessors have just been, what is the identity, actually letting the Temple of 5 pseudonym, so respectful, is the owner of a five-knocked universe!"

"I don't necessarily, even if it is the Lord of the universe of the five, there is no need to treat the people of the Temple, may come from a great force!"

Which 's youth, afraid of the eyes of the sword, secretly swearing, and there will be such people in the future.

However, he couldn't stay, the people like the sword were not used. How long does it take? If you want to send him to see the ancient times.

After entering the earth, the sword is unparalleled, the structure, the structure, and the formation density, as in the fall of the phoenix.

Every layer of this place has a high level.

Entering the third layer is the original state in the beginning.

It is a nine floors here.

The top three layers is just some disciples from the outside.

Four layers of the disciples of the door.

Seven layers only have a disciple.

Eighth floors, in addition to the energy of the energy, no one can enter.

And this time he has to enter the ninth floor.

That is, Wangdu underground nine thousand feet.

The whole of the king, naturally, it is impossible to have this formation mystery.

Single can open up nine thousand feet.

I am afraid that this is the first flame of the flame to open.

The energy of the eight robbery can be opened so deep.

At the fourth floor, I changed a woman to lead him.

The top three layers, he hasn't felt anything.

But after the fourth level, he felt a hot feeling.

So the founder of this location is very cool.

For example, leading him the soul.

There are only a few pieces of cloth on top.

It seems that it is not big, and the material is special, it should be used for summer.

This ground refining is the universe to treasure, the needed flame, is naturally very powerful.

There is less wearing, normally.

This place is also the land of the temple.

The sword is unparalleled and avoided.

Instead, it is staring at which woman in front.

Although there is an indiscriminate, it is also forced to respect the temple.

"Seniors, the seventh floor will lead you, I will send you to this, when you return, you will have a brother to receive this!"

The sword has no double dry cough, thank you.

Follow the third leader.

The seventh floor, there is no kind of hot feeling, but some cool.

And no one.

He looked at a few eyes around, all of which were close to the secret room.

After that, just a narrow road.

The eighth layer entrance.

No one is receiving.

"This Taoist, I can only send this, after you enter, you only need to go forward, you can see the entrance of the ninth floor!"

"Thank you!" The sword was unparalleled.

This is a pro-disciple.

The big energy of the Qi Qi.

Although it is not the Lord of the universe, it is also a unable to exist.

Naturally you are welcome.

After a thank you, he took the eighth floor.

After entering, it was found to be a fully closed space.

"Always walk?" He was a little deceived.

There is no way this place.

That can go all the time!

It is also endless darkness.

Just when he did not know, there was a sound of a metal collision.

The sword is unparalleled and looking away.

In the dark, there is more red eyes.


The pair of red eyes sounded, followed by countless red eyeballs.

The sword is unparalleled, it was scared.

He felt that he was cheated by Fan Tianfeng.

The other party is still so be careful.

The owner of these red eyes is a monster.

Every one has the power of the universe,

At least the top of the three knocked universe.

This power is not weak.

Nothing, there is a power of approaching 300,000.

If he is not his own source, you can't feel the power of the embarrassment.

"They don't help me!" The sword was unparalleled.

This place is not 10,000.

If it is besieged him, it is not good.

But when he just thought.

Those are like a madness, and they rushed toward him.

God is almost the same, about 300,000.

But the material is special!

Every piece of material can resist 400,000 attacks.

This is the sword without pairs.

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