Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5772 5767 Chapter? Limited Battle (2)


The sword is not doubles, keeps calming: "Seniors, God's swords, you should be refined!"

He is very big.

The upper limit of the sky is not enough for him.

If he can't even surpass the seven robbery, it is better to die now.

The seven-robbery will only be reluctant to keep itself.

The threat of killing is not that simple.

It was originally thought that seven robbers may be enough.

But from the beginning to the present, after aware of the origin of the life, he felt that the other's asked is not that simple.

Strength is naturally not simple.

If you have a simple macrobby, a half-step, a half-step.

I am not afraid that I am still the Lord of the Universe, he will not worry.

With his strength, you don't need to go to the seven-robbery.

But the other party's origin is too big.

Come from the stars.

That is a place that everyone is coming and can't enter.

It is not easy to come out, it is ok.

He is in ancient times, and there is no record of starry sky.

Perhaps his strength is not enough, see information about the stars.

Alternatively, the strong people of the nine-day time and space cannot enter the stars.

Starry sky says him, there is still some distant.

At the moment, it is also a robbery.

After listening to his words, the star is picked up, and the face is somewhat surprised, but it is not too surprised.

"God's swords, can not meet, not with the old casting method, but is related to the owner of the sword!"

The sword is unparalleled in the clouds, but I want to ask, but I am interrupted by the other party.

"You still defeat, then the embarrassment, if you can defeat, the back will increase in turn, the second sense has two 500,000 power, the third round is four, you can go to the fifth round, come back Talking about the goddess billet! "Shenxing said, scattered a huge head.

Inside the floor.

Langxing, the slope is on the chair, the eyes are slightly smashed, and the front is floating a crystal ball. The picture above is exactly the sword.

"This little child, the ambition is really not small, the gods of the sword, I really dare to think!" The alcine star turned his head.

I recall the things about the gods of the gods in my thoughts.

The complexity of refining is not as you build a complete universe.

The most critical is that the price is too big.

The treasures needed can be too much.

In his opinion, the sword is unparalleled with an emperor, and it is worth affordable.

I can't let him have a material again!

Outstanding material.

He is not a sword, a parallel father, not reasoning.

If the sword is unparalleled to the fifth round, he will consider it.

Otherwise, it is good to help the swords are unparalleled.

In the endless years, he is optimistic about it.

The sword is unparalleled with the top three.

If it is in the emperor, the sword is unparalleled may be he seeing the biggest.

However, in the owner of the universe, it is different.

At the beginning, he also gained a five-knocked universe.

Talent can say that it is a crown of the whole ancient times.

In practice a jun, breaking through the Lord of the Universe.

In just ten era, it became the Lord of the Five Cobkes.

But later!

The sixth robbery has not been over.

The top five robbery is too smooth.

Plus the original universe is extremely powerful, the power is sufficient, and every time you can harden the robbery.

At the fifth robbery, the Tianjiao still felt that it was able to resist it, but he was smashing a slash.

Sometimes, too much against the sky is not good.

Robbery, yet.

It is the most horrible to grow in the bottom of the heart.

Turn away to crystal ball.

Sword and other swords unparalleled outbreak.

Black interior.

The sword is unparalleled.

The invisible sword is cast by the power of the Starry Sky, and it is unbearable.

"Fifth round!" The sword didn't have a lot of airs.

The first round is a device.

Each round is doubled.

The Emperor's five rounds of sixteen

Each 500,000 will.

Equivalent, the sixteen five puffs are strong.

His current card is now a lot.

But it is just a emperor!

Under normal state, forty-thousand powerful emperors, come to now, maybe one.

No way, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.


The power of the beast is able to let him go to 500,000 times.

He is now not specially developed.

If it is capable of combining the strength of the Starry.

That is, the origin is integrated with the body, and this test is nothing.

I know that he first closed it for a while.

Now there is no change to change, and even if it is raised to the peak state, it is also comparable to fifty five million times of Shen Li practitioners.

The second wheel can pass, but there may be no more opportunities thereafter.

The first round of normal, the second round is needed to increase the peak state.

In the third round, he may probably get the bottom card.

He still has a universe.

There is also a starlight.

The two of these two have not been taken, and there is not much purpose to deal with the embarrassment.

When the universe is ok, you can increase his own source, just can't be suppressed, because dealing is not a practitioner, but a jealous.

When the bottom is calculated, it has begun to move.

The sword is unparalleled, and it can't manage so much.

Large, use it again.

The longer six hundred thousand power arrived.

He didn't believe it.

Every time, he is broken at the maximum pressure.

This time, I hope he can break through.

The sword has no double directly withdraws the invisible sword.

The red hand has gone up.

Simple power collides, a sudden sound shakes this secret room.

That is different from the donkey.

It should be a refining star alone.

The appearance is also very strange.

The fluid is smooth, there is no slit, and the whole body is more likely to be more likely.

White with purple skin, unparalleled smooth.

The sword is unparalleled in the face, and the body is almost unstable.

His punch, did not let the strength of the weakened, but the other party's boxing after his abdomen, let his body collapsed quickly.

After all, it is still a practitioner.

I know the pain.

Ok, everything is the same as he thinks.

Five thousand power, just just.

He is just trying to test it.

Next, it is when it is force.

The sword is unparalleled, and the palm of the palm is deeply said: "Seniors, I have to use 500,000 power now!"


The sword is unparalleled, and the airlamps on the body become red, and the power is even more than growing.

43 million!


Forty9 million!

Seeing this scene, there is a surprised color in the eyes of the refining star.

At the same time, he also saw the beast for the sword.

I hope to wear.

The whole body of the beast.

A pair of scarlet wings, a black inner armor wrapped.

The left side of the armor is a red left arm.

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