Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5773, 5768? Limit Battle (3)

The scarlet candle dragon's claws are extremely conspicuous.

Finally, a heart that is still jumping!

The heart of the beast.

When the star is looking, it looks at it.

But I don't know, I have fallen into a huge eye.

That is the eye of the second core of the beast.

"The treasure of the congenital universe!"

The refining star is extremely surprised.

He didn't expect the sword where there was still a treasure of the congenital universe.

And look like, this innate cosmic treasure, swords are unsatisfactory.

After watching it carefully, he discovered that this innate universe is the treasure of the seven-robbery.

I really want to completely urge all power, and the sword is unparalleled to be the Lord of the universe of the six knobs.

Otherwise, it is impossible to control the ultimate.

"Interest!" The refining star is more and more fantastic.

Originally thought that the sword is unparalleled to show some kind of ban, in order to improve the power.

Unexpectedly because of the treasure of the congenital universe.

This is the realistic personal strength.

The average person may think is the help of the congenital universe.

It can be seen in the Master of the Shenxing, the treasure of the congenital universe, and the treasure of the seven-robbery, even if it is used to the robbery, it is impossible to play its internal power.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is the truly power of the sword unparalleled in the sword.

"It seems that the first two rounds are steady!" The alcine star nodded, and he said.

According to his intention, the sword is unparalleled before, he will give a sword without double refining a heavens.

If it is able to reach the third round, he will not refine the heavenly billet for the sword.

The fourth round will be a billet for the sword without double refining.

Fifth round!

He hasn't thought about it.

If you have passed, the sword is unparalleled and repeatedly insisted on God.

He will consider.

But material, he won't come out.

Alternatively, let the sword have a certain price.

In short, God is too big, not so easy.

Generally, it is a strong force of the eight knocked, finding him to refine the gods of the gods, and then the strong people of the eight robbers, and then gestate the treasure of the universe of the eight knobs.

Some of the universe of the eight robbers have become silent, and they want to give birth to the universe of those eight knobs.

This cost is even bigger.

Generally, it is also the owner of the universe to find him to refine, and there is very little.

After all, the bulk of the eight knocked, rarely fights, and it is useless to universe.

No matter what to say, God's went to the treasure, it is also the super power of the eight pockets.

The sword is unparalleled with a double emperor, looking for him to refine, how to see some children.

The alcine star has played the ball in his hand and continued to watch.

The sword is unparalleled, the body is slightly moving, the double box is gripped, and the forehead blue gluten is rigid.

The power on the body arrived at the peak.

500,000 times!


The sword is unbeaten, and the strength is completely stable at 50,000.

The red air flame is wrapped in whole body, and his eyes become red.

That is the embarrassment, there is no consciousness, no matter whether the strength of the sword is unparalleled, rush again.

This time, the sword is unparalleled in place, but two fingers in the depths. When you rush, the double finger is sharp, and there is a horror force, which is the condense of Shen Li.

This horrible gas pillar, directly on the , put it from the sword unparalleled vision, disappearing in the dark.

"Well?" The sword suddenly turned back.

There is no breath on the embarrassment, and the sword can only be observed with the naked eye.

However, the Jinfeng brought by the power, he still feels all.

When I turned back, I saw that and instant.

The body is streamed, and I want to use round my heads and impact swords.

The sword is unparalleled, still does not hide, and directly puts the powerful impact hands directly.

Holding his hands, a knee kicks directly on the belly, he can take a lot of bag behind the sake of the naked eye.

That is caused by his knees.


If you don't give any adjustments, the sword is a strong elbow, then directly grabbed the arms, one throws up, and the mouth is condensed from the abdomen, then sprayed out, just in the middle.

In an instant of the force, the sword has no doubles, and the speed exceeds the space and has touched the time.

His speed surpassed his outbreak, when he was just hit, he had arrived around.

The sword is not rising in the mouth, and then it is directly behind the back, and it is locked from behind.

His own body is a black hole.

That is the universe black hole.

The black breath source is constantly spread, wrapped up, and then swallowed.

Under just a series of offensions, the power of the embarrassment has fallen.

This time, there is not much obstacles.

The shackles are not movable at all.

The power is continuously weakening.

Soon fell 50,000 times.

Looking at all the alcine, shake the head.

I have no hope.

Falling 50,000 power.

There is only $ 450,000 left.

And the sword is unparalleled and there is 500,000 power.

Don't look at 50,000 power, but it can be in the power, but it is the difference.

Five hundred thousand power is the threshold of the five puffs, but it is a four-minded Tianzhe.

The gap is almost infinite.

The sword is unparalleled, it's almost enough, your hands are good, let go.

Just got a free , nor does it care about itself, turning around the sword is unparalleled, is a punch.


A boxing of swords did not have a double face, and a metal collision was issued.

The sword is unparalleled with hands, so it is so hard to touch the other party.

This punch, for him, just like a wind, there is no feeling.

If it is the 500,000 power of the peak period, he may be retired.

It can only be left now, and it is not possible to threaten him at all.

Even can't cause harm to him.

He turned his neck, the chin rushed, and he was deeply in his hand.

This hit is enough to solve the other party.

Sure enough, after he slammed it.

Two embarrassment in the central area of ​​the secret room.

The same appearance is exactly the same, the same is true.

It is all the power of the alcine star.

This sword is unparalleled, I dare not relax.

When the battle, there is too much place to pay attention to.

At this time, the two stuples did not hurry, but always observed the sword.

Then there were two embarrassments. When I was very fast, I was soaring in an instant. After the two , the superimposed up and killed the sword.

The sword has no double brow, he can feel that the appearance of the two has a big change.

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