Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 579 Directly

PS: Bart, seek subscription, reward, recommendation, etc.!



The Middle-aged Dynasty shouted a sentence.

I immediately heard shouts at the other end of the castle. When I turned into a stream of flow, I quickly appeared in front of this gray robbery middle age.

This is a young man with a heavy bloody knife and a brighter.

"Master respect." Young man respectfully.

"You go to a trip, take the little guy over." The sound of the gray robbed.

"Yes." The young man should have a joy.

Soon, this young man is gone, and at the same time, there is still a big thing in the body.

These huge things, Herone is a huge bone dragon!


Human territories, Holy Land, Foundation of the Foundation House.

The sword at this moment is unparalleled, and the state is unprecedented.

When the bottleneck in his body broke through, his body, from the skin, muscles, to the internal blood, bones, organs, and even every cell, and every cell.

This transformation is the mass change.

Just as if it is broken into a butterfly.

After him, the huge golden sword soul is also crazy, it has only twenty-four feasons, but this moment has risen to thirty-three feasters.

After skyrocketing to this, this golden sword soul is similar to the ultimate, and it can no longer improve the slightest.

"This feeling is too wonderful."

The sword is unparalleled, with a smile, feel the transformation of his body.

After a long time, this is transformed, and it is completely completed.

It is almost an end, and the horrible atmosphere on him slowly calm down, and the thirty-three feet high gold sword soul vain is also slow to inert.

Heaven and earth recovered calm.

On the fifth floor of the Foundation Palace, the truncation referred to the sword where the disc is sitting in the sword, and the eyes open, and the moment of his open, it has formed a substantive drama. Out.

"Directly nine, arrive!"

"Finally, breakthrough!"

The sword is unfolded with a mad, with an unprecedented excitement.

He is too long for his stay in the Holy Kidness (asking for Dingzi).

As early as in the Nanyang continent, he has reached the sacredness. Later, he went out in the mainland of China, and in this demon continent, the strength is constantly improving, it can be comparable to the top monarch, but the realm has been just just Sacred.

The real realm, the gap with strength is too big, don't say other people, even if the sword is unparalleled, I feel weird.

Today, he finally broke through.

Breaking through the Holy Stream, he met the hierarchy of Yunyun, and he condensed the origin of Jiudao's origin. A breakthrough of the origin of the origin is a cloud, naturally the Jiuyi strong.

And his cultivation of the day, step by step.

The straight-grain of this cloud should be straightforward, and it is equally uniform.

The sword is unparalleled, so soon, I will figure out the extraordinary place of direct Jiuyi.

"Perfect, it is perfect!" The sword is unparalleled.

He was noticeable, which is straightforward, and it is different from the few realm before him.

It can be said that this level of straightness is to combine all the differences between the top several major realms, and then show the greatest extent!

The martial arts, the second seven major, Ling Lihua Sea, the congenital goldenan, yin and yang empty, extraordinary into the Sheng!

And his cultivation of the big days is the gods of the gods, and they have a wonderful sea, and they have no golden Dan.

Among them, God's nine heaven, he gave him a more horizontal crosstalk than ordinary warseans.

The prunity of the Huihai, which gives him a lot of spiritual power than ordinary military.

Building a unsuccessful Jin Dan, making his spiritual power, far more than the same order.

If you have a yin, you have a killing of your own.

As for the question, it is a super flesh.

At each stage, there are power than ordinary worshors to be strong.

Now this is straight to the nine, which is to focus on one of these unique and strong ability, and perfectly show.

His martial arts roots, spirituality, and spiritual power, the flesh is perfect.

As for that point ...

I saw that the sword was unparalleled. Even if they appeared next to him, they can find that the sword is unparalleled. When he breaks through the straight nine, this kill has changed, no longer belongs, but Equivalent to another.

Two books, each other, do not interfere, can be together, can be completely separated, doing your own things, the most important thing is that these two big names have been connected, no matter which of it encounters danger, another This respect can be re-condensed.

It also becomes perfect.

Even even his sword soul, it also reached the most perfect point.


"When you are not ideal!"

"After the straightness of the nine, although there is no ability to give me a different ability, you can only do this now, but more than those unique ability."

The sword is unparalleled with hands, the surprise in the heart is not depressed.

At this time, the truncation refers to the sound of a bit of domineering, "small doll, I ... Hong Shen, remember my name, waiting for you to come to the world, you can come to me. "

This domineering sound said, but it gradually became weak, but finally it was completely dissipated.

"Hong Shen?" The sword has no double dark and remembers this name. At the same time, don't forget the sound: "Thank you for your predecessors today, if you really have the opportunity to see the seniors, the younger generation will be repayed."

However, there is no sound from that, but there is no sound.

The sword is unparalleled to spit, calmed down the mood of myself, but then it is slow to stand up.

"The fifth floor of this place in the heart of the Palace, for me, is a great creation, my gain is too big." The sword is unparalleled.

He first got the inheritance of the secret surgery, and then the flesh improved the flesh under the role of extradition gods, and he broke through the nine!

This is indeed a great creation.

If there is no such a creation, he wants to break through, and I don't know what to wait until what year.

"I have been harvest so much, I was also contest, I should leave." The sword is unparalleled to the fifth floor of this manner, and there is no too much nostalgia, directly outside the landlord.

After walking out of the Vintage Palace, the sword is unparalleled, but the number of people came up.

"What happened, how so many people give me a message?" The sword was unparalleled, "I am just staying for more than a day or two, I don't have to find me for the fifth floor of this place."

The sword is unparalleled and frown, and it is a way to find it.


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