Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 580 Sword Musou Reply

There are a lot of people who have sent him, there is a green fire, there is a good relationship with him, and the Taoist God is also the Lord of the Moon.

There is even the news from the Muan Ling Temple, and the news of the Muan Ling Temple is the most.

After browsing these news, the sword is unparalleled.

"Three major demon emperors, the demon emperor, rate the monster army came, the purpose is to in the hands of the compass?" The sword is unparalleled.

He knew that the value of Luo is extraordinary, but he didn't expect it to be precious to this extent, even the threshold of the three demon emperors, the emperor of this compass, even for the Luo Pan, did not hesitate to fight against the entire human group .

"That Brilli, there are many strong people in the entire human camp, are there waiting for my reply? Hey, I am really big enough." The sword was unbeded, laughing, then laughing, then Directly went straight to North Camp.

Beiying, the human camp is holding the monster group, and it is still the sword.

At this time, the distance between the horizon, and a shower slowly appeared.

A small black robe, the sword with the long sword is unparalleled, and his pace is very slow, but you can cross out, but it is easy to brush the distance of dozens of feet. It is clear that it is still in the sky. There is a sight of everyone.

"come yet?"

Many strong people in the human camp, all have four princes.

At this point, many people look like a look, especially those temples, and their eyes have exposed a surprise.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the feeling of them is compared to the previous, it is completely different, it seems that it has changed a person.

"That little child ..." The Hall of the Ice Peak looked at the sword and was a heavy faint killing.

The sword stared by everyone, with a confident smile on his face, the figure is moving, but it has already appeared on the side of the Muan Ling Temple.

"The Lord of the Xuanling Temple." The sword is unparalleled, with a harmony.

The Muan Ling Temple looked at the sword and was unparalleled. "Breakthrough?"

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

He broke through, the spiritual breath of the body naturally changed, and the Muan Ling Temple naturally saw it.

"Is there any change in the holy place, is it caused by you?" Asked the Muan Ling Temple.

"Yes." The sword nodded again.

"Not bad."

The Lord of the Xuanling Temple admired a sentence, then said: "The situation here has been tailored to you, how to deal with yourself, this is to remind you, that compass, value is really large If you are willing, you can replace this Luo to this crystal demon, but if you don't want, no one can force you. "

"The younger generation understand, thank Xuanling Temple." The sword was unparalleled.

After you finish this, the sword is unparalleled. This time I watched the throne in the throne.

"Jingjia Demon Emperor."

The sword is unparalleled to the front of this crystal.

As one of the three big demon emperors of the monster group, this crystal impermathener except for the two horns on both sides of the forehead, other places are exactly the same as humans.

"You are the sword monarch?" Jingchi demon emperor put on the plants, with a sharp eyes, the sword, the sword, the voice is thick, "The Jinzun goddess is from the royal que, now Can you in your hand? "

"In my hand." The sword is not a hyper point, and when a waving will take the compass.

The big earth yellow compass, rust, and looks in a glance, there is no smrate.

It can be seen this compass, whether it is the Emperor's Emperor, or the Ice Peak of the Human Camp, but it has revealed the color of the fanaticism.

This compass, it is indeed a treasure, but it is a vital trust, only with this compass, they have the opportunity to get the octic order.

"Give the compass to me, this emperor will not move you with a mill, you can also be safe in the human territory." Jingchi madman.

"If I don't give it?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't give it? Then you will die, your human territory will also pick up the soul, this emperor wants you to do this stupid decision." Jingchi kmone low.

Those strong people in the human camp are almost asking.

They naturally hope that the swords are unparalleled to retreat, and the compass will be handed over to the crystal emperor, so it can avoid a war.

"Jingfei Emperor, this Luo can give you, but I have a condition." The sword is unparalleled.

"What is the condition, even if it is mentioned, the emperor will not refuse," said the Emperor of Jing.

In order to get everything, as long as you get a compass, promise is nothing more than one or two conditions.

Jing Jiamon originally thought that the sword was unparalleled to ask him a treasure, the things within the demon Dan, but the sword is unparalleled, but it is long: "Let me fight, win me, this compass, nature is yours."

As soon as this, the whole world was quiet.

The people present in the field include those who want to guard the door, listening to the sword, and all stunned.

The people of the human camp, those who have thousands of gods will be completely stunned.

Jing Xia demon emperor is also a horror.

Even the Muan Lord is the master, and the prince is very surprised.

They also thought that what kind of conditions were put forward by the sword, the result ... It is necessary to fight against the Emperor of Jingli?

One of the three demon emperors of the demon emperor, the monster group, strong strength, but far on the king of the monsters, like the 33 palace of the human camp, but also the Muan Ling Temple can follow The Emperor's Demon is compensated, with some special means, it is also possible to avoid the emperor of Jingli.

In addition to the Lord of the Muan Ling, other people of the temples, facing the Emperor's emperor fear.

Like the Hall of the Ice Peak, the strength in the Memphorer is enough to take the top three, but he is very clear that he is not the opponent of the Demon Emperor.

Even the people of many palays are frightened, and now the sword is unparalleled, but it is necessary to fight with this brown emperor.

"He, is he crazy?"

"Hey, the emperor of the Amoy, he wants to come!"

"It's just that it is self."

Those who have been shocked by the people.

They also saw that the sword is unparalleled. It has achieved a lot of clouds from the holy border, and the strength should be improved before, but what is it?

He is more powerful, and it is also more comparable to these normal horizontal people.

Yu Yunjing, can be comparable to the palace, it is already a monster, the sword is unparalleled to fight against the sky, and the people of these temples are amazing.

That is not realistic.

It is not strange that this temple will think so, under normal circumstances, a cloudy contest wants to weigh the top of the ,, but this is normal, can practice big days The sword of the creation is unparalleled, this is reversal!

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