Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 581 makes you three swords!

"I broke through the nine-year-old, and the strength was more incredible than before, but I couldn't be determined." The sword was unparalleled. He only felt that he was very strong, and the strength is very strong. There are too many too many before it.

But in which step is strong, he cannot be determined.

Therefore, he is most needed, it is a powerful opponent to fight with him, so that he judge his strength.

Those ordinary human temples or monsters, he is not interested.

And the crystal imperial emperor before his eyes is just qualified as his opponent. The sword is unparalleled naturally not to waste this opportunity.

"Sword Monarch." Jingchi demon emperor opened, "You just said, to fight with the Emperor, the emperor won, you will give me the compass?"

"Yes." The sword nodded.

"Haha !!!"

Jing Xia laughed, laughing, but also with a silk anger, "Hey, now human beings, it is getting more and more arrogant, there is a cloudy area in the district, I want to fight with this emperor. Very good Since you want to fight with the Emperor, the emperor is all you! "

"Sword monarch, you shot, don't say this emperor bully you, this emperor is standing here, let you three swords!"

Jing Jiamon, carrying his hands, standing in the void, overlooking the sword is unparalleled, there is a high-end posture, in the bottom of the heart, the crystal kimono has not put the sword unparalleled in the eyes.

It is also true.

The patriarch of the monk, even the people of the Human camp, even the power of the hierarchy of the Hall of the Ice Peak, he didn't put it in your heart, and he cared only to be only the sword of the Yunxiang level.

"Let me three swords?" The sword was unparalleled, and the completion became an old.

"In this case, then you have to be careful."

The sword is unparalleled with goodwill, and the sword behind him appears in his hand.

With a sharp force, this heart sword is excited to slight shock.

The sword, Wei Neng is amazing, before the end of breakthrough, the sword is unparalleled, but now, now, with the sword unparalleled breakthrough to nine, this heart of the sword is already It can be completely played.

The sword is unparalleled, and a faint killing is awkward. His scorpion has become sharp.

"Wenjia Emperor, one of the three emperors of the monsters!"

"Just use you, check my current strength, have a lot of money."

The sword was unmarkable, and then slowly waving the long sword in his hand.

The long sword waved the moment, there was a high feet behind him, and the ultimate golden sword soul is fierce.

This golden sword soul is emitted to have no swords. With the sword unparalleled action, the golden sword soul vain is also slowly waving the golden sword in his hand.

Subsequently, a sword was chopped.

Very casual sword, sword unparalleled or even no swordsmanship.

But after this sword, it is awkward ~~ The void seems to be completely opened, and a huge sword is directly appeared.

Huge swords, carriers destroy the power of the earth, and immediately became the focus of all heavens and earth.

Many strong people in the human camp, including the countless monsters in the monster group, looking at this sword at this moment.

They can feel the power contained in this sword. This stock can not be the martial arts that the Yunjing hierarchy can be achieved, even even those general temples, attacking power can not reach this. level.

Standing in the sword unparalleled brown emperor, at the beginning, didn't put the sword without double in the eyes, but the sword was unparalleled, the sword was coming, felt the power of the huge sword. The emperor's brow is not a wrinkle.

Just when this Sword Ying is about to be on the Emperor of Jingchi, the right hand of Jingjia is shining.


A loud sound, all things have been treated.

Two terrible power crazy crazy.

"What?" The emperor of Jingchi has changed, and it is uncontrolled directly to rear.

The foot is full of retreat, and even retreats to the monster group behind him, the sword is unparalleled, and the huge sword is also broken into the monster group.

Time, the remaining wave of horror is burst.

I saw the sky shadow crazy swept, formed a bright sword light, each of these swords and lights carrying a very terrible power, just like being ruined around, sweeping around, the surrounding monsters immediately .


A terrible sword is as if cutting wheat, from the head of the monster or brushing.

The sword light passed, even the seven-order, the eight-order monster did not struggle, but also those nine-order monsters, can barely resist these explosive swords, but they can be on the front. Most of them also hit.

After a while, those who broke out the swords and light power were dissipated, but they had a bleak and tragic scene in the monster group.

Jing Jiamon is still angry, and the sword is not double, but he has shocked him, but he did not hurt him, but at this moment, his eyes were around, and the face was gloomy.

In his surroundings, the corpse is in the wild, and many monsters are lying there, look at it, there is a hundred days.

These hundreds of monsters, there is no shortage of seven-order, eight-order monsters, but they are ruthlessly killed under the remaining wave of Jian Ying.

Just just Yu Bo, just some emotional swords, but in an instant, killing hundreds of weakers have reached the four-order (Yunyun) monster.

What horrible sword is this?

And this sword is that the sword is nothing to be in the eyes of this crystal emperor, and just the sword, the sword is only freely waved, he has no sword, it is obvious. He did not do its best.


The whole world has become silent, and the chop is silent.

Among the human camps, countless human strong people saw the miserable, all over the body of the monster, all shocked.

"This, this is ..."

"Is this the sword unparalleled?"

"If you have a sword, just Yu Bo swept away, you will directly destroy the number of people in the world, what is the strength?"

"Did you see it? Even the Emperor of the Demon is in his sword, it is forced to take out the full hundred feet!"

"The horrible sword, that sword, simple power, has exceeded the most of my monks, and this sword is only very casual."

Shock! sluggish!

Everyone was scared by the strength of the sword unparalleled.

Previously, the sword was unparalleled to say that he would fight against the Emperor of the Demon, they all felt that the sword was unparalleled, but now ...

Just a sword, and still a sword, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, but it has made them almost impossible.

"Jingjia demon emperor, you just said, do you want me three swords?"

"Are you sure?"

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