Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 582 Battery

"Are you sure?"

On the void, the sword is unparalleled with hands, the swords are rushing, and the faint sound is rising during this day.

When I heard this, the emperor of Jingchi was almost gloomy.

He did not put the sword without double in the eyes, but with the sword unparalleled, the strength showed it, even he had to pay attention to it.

"The sword monarch, the Queen admitted that it was really that the emperor is."

"Although you are just a cloudy, the power is more than those of the palains of your human camp."

"In this case, for your respect, the emperor will go all out to make your hand with you."

The ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It is condensed a layer of purple crystal armor, and his hands also spread with purple crystal, as if the scales are general, it looks quite.

The Emperor of Jingli raised his right hand, holding a grip, a explosive force burst, and the breath on the body has skyrocketed.

"Whenever the demon emperor is going to shoot."

Many strong people in the human camp look at this everything.

The Monsters of the Same Arts Emiben, the demon emperor, the hegemony of the monster ethnic group, even throughout the thousands of people, it is absolutely a strong super-powerful person, his true strength, how much?

And the sword is unparalleled, can you really fight with this crystal?

Unconsciously, these human benons are also excited, and they are full of expectations.

"Despite the shot, I hope you don't let me down." The sword is unparalleled but a smile.

Breakthroughs to nine, his spiritual, flesh, and the source of this source have been improved.

He is now absolutely qualified to be a battle with this crystal.

Even the winning and negative is full of unknown.


In the empty, there was an air explosion, and then everyone saw that the shape of the crystal impermathered in the void has disappeared.

They can only see, a purple streamer, shuttle via with incredible speed.

Next, a strong hard-carrying person, a horrible oppression, from the sword, no double, so that the sword is unparalleled, you can't help but shrink.


A roar, the void is crazy.

I saw that the palm of the purple crystalline scales suddenly broke the void appeared in front of the sword, and then it was a claw.

This is all the claws of a fierce beast, and then the purple claws are a tear of the sword.

This tear is as if it is torn open.

~~~ The air is bursting by this claw.

The sword is unparalleled in the void, feeling the horror of this claw, but the corner of the mouth is slightly smile, followed by the heart of his hands and swords, but swept.

This sword is perfect.

In an instant, the whole world is getting dark, just like a dark star.

And this sword became the only shining in the dark star river, and it looked beautiful.

With this perfect, it hides the murder.

, seventh style!

This form is called 'Star River'.

After the sword has no duplex, it is that the sword sword that is in front of him is gradually being drilled out by him anatomy.

The fifth style, the sixth is all mastered by him.

As for this seventh style, he also comprehended that it is difficult to show it before the breakthrough, but now a breakthrough, it is easy to show it.

The void is in the center of the gods, which seems to tear open the claws of the world, and the sword is unparalleled, but the front of the murderous sword is in contact.

When the two came, did not imagine the dramatic roar among the things, some were just a crazy collision of energy, and at the same time ... Boom! boom! boom!

The three heavy waves were connected, but it was flooded to the surroundings. At that, the debris was crushed into a powder.

This time, those monsters become smart, the old retreat is far away, which is not given by these three horrible bass.

The core of the battlefield, the emperor of Jingchi is cold, and the eyes are surprised, but they follow! The purple stream is burst, but it appears on the other side of the sword.

"Is the speed?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the body is immediately turned into a residue.


I saw that the sword was unparalleled with the emperor of the emperor. Every time I flicted, I will carry the sky offensive, and the people who watch the war around are dazzled.

In the void, it will also come from time to time.

A good fight, perfect presence in front of everyone.

On the battlefield, the sword was unparalleled with the emperor crazy crazy, they compared to the speed, and even fight against the power, even compared to various response capabilities.

It can be fought, but the two sides have always spent a flag.

The heat of the two battles, no matter who it is, there is no hidden advantage.

Many strong people around the battlefield, have already gained it.

Even if it is the people of those temples, they also glanced at their eyes, and they look at the gods.

"Too too strong!"

"I am also a palace, but I feel this battle, with my strength, there is no room for any intervene."

"It is a demon demon emperor, one of the three major demon emperors, his strength is too horrible."

"The crystal demon emperor will be, but what is the sword monarch?"

"This sword monarch, a cloudy, can you fight against the emperor with the crystal?"

"In the face of the emperor of the crystal armor, it is not falling down, this sword monarch ... monster, complete monster!"

A lame, a piece of incredible.

Like the sword, there is no double, the hometown of the Ice Peak, who has been watching this battle, when he saw the sword without double and herde, but the battle of such a long time did not fall into the wind. He also reveals an unprecedented shock in his eyes.

"How can it be?"

"This, this is impossible!"

The Horizon of the Ice Peak is not able to believe in all this.

At the beginning, the demon rape fell secretly swords and unparalleled, just a demon king shot, and they were forced to have a sword without a double wolf.

And now, after a few days?

The sword is unparalleled to kill the emperor with the crystal armor, and it does not fall?

This progress is too horrible, is it too horrible?

"He did break through, from the context of the Holy Games to achieve the cloud, even if he directly jumped to nine , the war is not strong!" The Hall of the Ice Peak is dead, the sword is unparalleled, the mind is also I can't help but think of the word 'monster'.

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