Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 583 of the strongest killing

On the void, the sword is unparalleled with the emperor, the emperor is already crazy, and the two battles have produced a large piece of energy storm.

The ground below has long been pitted, and it is terrible, as if the scenery is destroyed.


Two people in the battle is finally separated.

The sword is unparalleled, and the three-three feet of golden swordsman in his body have been more intense.

"Western Demon Emperor, is a person who is one of the three big demon emperors of the monsters, the strength should be more than this?" The sword said with a shore of excitement.

The crystal impermathes all over the corns scales, which is unfolded in the sword.

"It can be smashed with this emperor for so long, you don't fall, you are very good, but you will come here."

"Next, the Emperor will show killing, can you live in this killing, just look at your creation."

The crystal emperor is cold, with a trace of inspiring, obviously has absolute confidence to his own killing.

"Killing your trick?" The sword was unblocked.

Among the human camps, those who have a little understanding of the emperor of Jingchi, listening to the emperor of Jingjia, not only moved.

"The killing of the emperor of Jingjia!"

"Is that trick!"

"Seven Magic Kill!"

These temples think of the killing of the Demon Emperor, and there is a little cold and chestnut.

Even the Muan Ling Temple, the eyes are also secretly rising, "This brilliance is the seven magic killed, and the power is not in general, and I don't know if this little guy can't block."

At this time, the bronish emperor has already made it.

I saw a sigh of relief, then ...


A beast is in vain from the emperor of the brown armor, and this beast is shocked, sweeping the four sides.

The sword is unparalleled and the crystal demon is recently, and the first time is affected by this beast.

"Sound attack!"

The sword is not double-finished, but there is no fear.

This sound attack directly shocked to him, and rushed into his body, so that he was tumbling in his body.

But it is only just qi and blood.

After the sword is unparalleled, the flesh has changed the most perfect state. The skin, bones, bones, and those organs are extremely tough, and this sound attack cannot hurt him.

Sick wave attack, just just start.

At the moment, the emperor of the sound attack spread, the Emperor of the broth has been moved, and his figure is like lightning, and there is a void in front of the sword.

Then, the hands extended, and turned into two pawls, and fierce and fierce swords.

"Second kill!" The crystal demon emperor also issued a low voice.

The sound attack from the sword is not completely fixed. The second offensive of this crystal armor is already coming, and the sword is not double-finished, but the figure is fierce.

"Third kill!" The emperor of Jingchi is cold. In the moment of sword without double, he turned and turned, from him, suddenly a long tail, the tail was spread all over the pastus scales It is like a war knife, chasing it at an amazing speed, and the sword has no double head.

"So fast!" The sword was unparalleled.

This tail is blunting, the speed is fast, so that he is shocked, but it is good to have a slow return, and the heart of the sword is stabbed.


Metal impact sound, the tail of the Demon Emperor was hit by it.

"Fourth kill!"

The crystal of the crystal of the Emperor's imperial thing was suddenly surging again, but it covered his whole body, and the time formed a hill consisting entirely of purple crystals, and this hill It is a fierce directly to he hit him.

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately squats, and the dangerous risk of this' purple crystal hill is passed, and there is some wolf.

"Fifth kill!"

"Sixth kill!"

It is also a two-fierce attack, and the sword is unparalleled. Although it is trying to resist it, it is a wolf.

"Seventh kill!"

The cold voice recalls again in the world.

The sword is unparalleled just to stand storm, it has not been prepared, a huge fist, like a thunder, suddenly falling in the sword.

I saw that the brimple of the millenine had been completely completeized to have a fierce-free monster, which was bombarded by him.

Too sudden, it is too unexpected.

The sword is unparalleled, and only swordsmanship, only the heart of the sword is willing.


This huge purple fist slammed on the sword, the terrible power suddenly broke out, and the heart of the sword was swayed down, and he went to the sword unparalleled chest, the violent power passed the sword. Also passed to the sword unparalleled body.

When the shape of the sword is like a meteorite, the ground falls in the ground, and finally squatted to the ground below, so that the ground immediately appeared a giant pit with several meters deep, a large amount of gravel Fly out.

In the void, the shadow is illusion, the shape of the millena is once again, and at this moment, he is in a cold, but it is indifferent, overlooking the pothole, this battlefield, at this moment, Beat.

In the battlefield, the strong people around the battlefield, some of them looked at the pit, and some were full of fear of the crypto.

"Seven Magic Kill, this is the strongest seven magic of the emperor of Jingli!" The Hall of the Ice Peak is darkly froc.

The strongest kill of the Demon Emperor is actually consisting of seven different attack methods.

And these seven attack methods, if only one is just one, don't have anything, don't say it is a killing, even the ordinary martial arts is not enough, after all, it is a simple offensive.

However, if these seven attack methods are gathered together, it is terrible.

Seven attacks, one heavy, all of them are all sudden attacks, let people prevent the defense, the powerful throws.

Don't say that the sword is unparalleled, there is no understanding of this seven magic killed, even if they know some of the temples of Ni Ni, they know that the best killing of the Demon Emperor, but they still can't stop.

This seven attacks, seemingly simple, just a special horizontal close killing method, but it can be truly made by Jingli Emperor, but horrible!

"That sword monarch, is it alive?"

The strong people of the human camp stared at the inside of the pothole. They just saw that the attack of Jingjia demon emperor did not really smash in the sword, but the middle is just a long sword. , Under this attack, the sword is not dead, and at least the minimum is also serious.

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