The disciple is dead, he is still laughing.

"You are God? Ancient existence?" The sword did not even ask.

God's concept, he never understood.

In the vulgar period, there is God, it can be true to that level and find that God is not very dense.

It can also be killed.

At this time, I heard that others claimed to be God.

He is really not understanding.

Vissen, there are two sings of the mouth, saying: "Are you talking about the top of the upstream time and space?"

The existence of ancient times.

In fact, a sword is unparalleled.

For the three real peaks, there is no complete name.

What is called.

"Yes, that is the three super power, their strength should be the same as the original day!" The sword has no double excitement.

To be true, the strength of Nas is not good.

Can teach people in the Tianshi.

"You want to be wrong, the three you said is also a robbery, the same girl is the same, these people have not jumped out of the bound, countless God, and I am the true God of the long-term long river!" Wiz said, eyes Some sharpness.

The sword is unparalleled and can't help but go back.

At a flash breath, he thought of the scorpion seen from the starry sky.

Too strong.

It is unable to breathe.

God's concept, he is now understood.

Visse said that only herself is God, the rest is still a mourning.

The big probability of the original day is also a nine knocked.

On top of Nine, there is a stronger existence.

Just didn't stay in the long river of time and space.

"Since you are the only god, why will it be in this small tower?" The sword was unparalleled.

The other party is so strong, why is it still trapped in the small tower.

Moreover, it is also necessary to do a tool.

This is some saying that it doesn't.

"Nine robbery, not as simple as you think, I am in this place, I can't tell you!" Visa's answer allowed the sword to have a teacher.

I asked in the opening: "Is it a man who is called Xuan Yi?"

Vissed just shook his head and did not answer.

Sword is unparalleled.

Lost each other is God.

I don't know.

But look, you should have no relationship with Xuanzi.

But how can the resonance from the watching chessboard?

In accordance with Visse, the watchtory board is not a time and space, belonging to the treasure in the stars.

The nine robbery is also treasure in the stars, both are not a level, from one of the same places.

So there will be some resonance and eventually open the nine robbery tower.

This explanation, the sword is not very satisfied.

He is not interested in Vis.

Accurately, it is Tiis's tone too much.

The strong road, he is going.

But I didn't forget my own initial heart.

Walking in time and space, looking for a teacher, you have to look for your own way.

Instead of God's guidance.

Visseed swords unparalleled silence, and he said that there was a matter of nine robbery.

"The sword is unparalleled, from now, you are my disciple, but you can't expose my identity, I will not manage your life, but I will teach you the most powerful secrets of this time and space, your return to my return It is the strongest in this time and space! "Weis said his own purpose.

The sword was not surprised after hearing it!

Become this time and space.

This cannot be said that the other's mouth is big, but he has just witnessed the power of each other.

"To be honest, I am not interested!" The sword shook his head without double.

He now created a starry record, waiting until the universe of the universe, and can also create more powerful super ancient times.

Not lack of strong secrets at all.

The other party's identity is always skeptical.

I don't want to go to people again.

It is still necessary to mix it.

The first person is the first person, which is so easy.

If the other party is just a true spirit, he may be as moving because he cannot bind him.

But the other party is a god that he doesn't look at it.

How to go to cooperate.

Not sure!

Vissed seems to be seen through the sword. There is a unparalleled, and the scenaries are gently hitting the ground, and the scene around the scene has changed.

"The sword is unparalleled, how much do you know about time and space?"

"How much is it about the starry sky?"

Vissered, raising his hand and evoked a arc.

That is the sword unparalleled life line.

At the same time, it is also a sword.

"You come from the vanity, go through a lot of material, and later you entered a small universe, let me see what you experienced?"

Even the true spirits of the god of the temple could not peek at the visteen, but it was an unusual simple.

The sword is unparalleled, it was scared.

Looking up, I saw myself from weak to a powerful life.

Wiis looked at the sword of the Shenli's universe. I nodded and said: "No wonder your strength will be so powerful, a little meaning, your practice road seems to be changed by some people, he touched this time and space Touching something, but unfortunately I can't find him, or he is going to be punished! "

"Change time?" The sword was unparalleled.

Then I thought of myself.

The future of yourself has failed.

He originally thought that he was successfully succumbed now, and he did not expect someone to change his timeline.

And that person is not at this time.

"Will not be a teacher!" His heart has an answer, but some can't believe it.

There are Visses.

He dared to say a punishment.

That illustrates, it is a realm with Xuanzhi.


Vissed smiled and stared at the sword. There was a unparalleled saying: "You don't have to be surprised, time and space is circulating from the starry sky, there is nothing impossible, your timeline is now in my hand, no one can change it!"

"Who is it changed? Why don't there be this time?" The sword has no double seizes the opportunity, and I want to ask what the secret is in the end.

"He is nothing, in the current time and space, he does not exist at all, maybe as he said, will meet you in the future!"

Future meet!

When, it is the future.

The sword is unparalleled.

Have a sorrow in my heart.

Now his goal is to kill the life, the future goal is to find a teacher.

Then after?

In the future, maybe it is very lonely!

Losing the meaning of practice.

I'm depreesed!

When Vis came forward, patted the sword where the sword was unparalleled. He said: "You don't have to be sad, the future is very long, the world you see is actually outlined, don't have to go nostalgia! "

"No, it is the world with blood, you have these high gods, don't understand at all!" The sword shook his head.

From the vanus to the present, he feels too much.

Even if the heart is satisfactory, it will keep a tribute to the world.


Do not understand.

Because God is not from weak.

When the other party opens, the sword is unparalleled.

Nine robbery!

"It seems that I have to add one more!"

Powerful is not the purpose.

The purpose is to pursue a powerful process, that is the meaning of existing!

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