Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5802 Holy Assault


High angle sound!

This day, the strong people in the Vietnamese are gather together.

Holy Association!


The emperor personally brought the team, the entire Vietnamese includes all parties, divided into two factions.

A letter is a power of the royal family.

Naturally, the emperor.

For example, the sword is unparalleled with Wu Li, and there is one of Wu Li.

There are also some strong people of Vietnami.

Another place is the people of Qixing Zongmen.

Wooden is old.

Seven stars, in fact, the attached to the eight-star Zongmen.

Although it is an ancient mouse party.

But the Holy Association will help the country's strong, but it competes for a good place.

If it is usually, I am afraid there will be anything.

But this time the Holy Association, the female emperor will be willing to place.

It is the super existence in the same order.

The emperor is four.

Two bits of the royal family.

Nature is a sword unparalleled couple.

In addition, two, from Qingyunmen.

The main, twenty-four in the universe.

The Lord of the 50% of the universe, only the emperor is one person, and it is also a person who needs full assistance.

The Lord of the Four Cobkes, there are four.

Two of the royal family, one of Qing Yunzong, the second family "Li" family of Vietnami also personally marched the horse.

The Lord of the remaining universe is all the peaks of the three puffs.

The strong people from the major families and the two majors.

Today is the day they departure.

The sword is unparalleled, and the nine robbery is left today.

In addition to the palace, with a cold voice sounded, all the strong people have already prepared the boat.

"Set off!"

The strong people who participated in the Holy Association were taken alone a boat.

On both sides of the battles, there are two larger battles.

All the ride is all family members and the Tianjiao in the emperor.

When the Holy Association is opened, the strong people who participate in the Holy Association often have nothing to watch.

Just like this, there is 10,000 people watching the Holy Association.

However, the strong people who participate in the Holy Association are only dozens of power.

After boarding the boat, the sword is unparalleled with the long, and Wu Li sits before it is a case.

Three people chat.

And Jinchen Princess, less quiet, sitting on a side.

The sword is unparalleled to know what she is thinking.

Nothing is thinking about Shijiu.

This time, it is a chance to meet.

The sword is unparalleled to this interest.

Today, leave Vietnam.

He may not come back.

At that time, he will run the road with Wu Li.

Before Wu Li walked, the core member of the family had been arranged.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is just to go to the future.

At the same time, it is also afraid of things in the nine robbery.

After worshiping the teacher, he successfully entered the second time of the nine robbery.

Start challenging the second part of Visse.

Unfortunately, it is not an opponent at all, the gap is too much, and can only stay in the first floor.

It is not special in the nine robbery.

It is mainly to cultivate the secret law of Visse, and it is very smooth.

Only in the nine robbery can be practiced that Visters teach his secret law.

And it has to be a trip to practice.

"It's very big!"

The sword is unparalleled to visit the Attraction of Vissen, and the heart is strong.

It is more difficult to practice.

It's just getting started, he can't do it now.

This is an extremely long span.

According to Vis, he needs to go to the universe.

It's so strong enough to wait for him.

As long as you get started, you will have the second floor of the nine robbery as long as you get started.

Through practice, although it is very hard, it is strong enough to make the sword unparalleled.

Once started, his war will soar quickly.

Just can't help him now.

It takes time to hammer.

On the way to the ancient mouse, the sword is unparalleled and has not been cultivated.

He is now in all respects, has reached the limit of the emperor.

The stars have already lit up all black holes.

As a universe that aggregates into entities.

He also asked Visses about the things about the universe of the source.

According to the other party, Hundreds of black holes are already a complete.

Become a master of the universe, there is no pressure at all.

Just want to get into the threshold of the robbery, or have to pay great efforts.

Being a robbery to control the universe.

The sword is unparalleled now is the charm of the robbery.

The Holy Association will not come.

His time is not much.


Wu Li's eyes change, the sound road: "The sword is unparalleled, do you have a heart?"

He stunned, and then he looked to Wu Liqing, he understood it, just the voice.

"Nothing, the Holy Association is about to start, can you have any trouble!" The sword was unparalleled.


Too much.

Just don't think about this now.

He can't think about it.

It is necessary to face reality.

This time the Holy Association will have a lot of five knocked universe, and the strength is more than the sword.

Still preparing for it.

Wu Li's plan details, but not inform him that these need to consult.

Just this place is not talking about it.

Two people can only press and not talk, and smile with the wooden elders and old faces, there is something about the holy club.

The purpose of this holy will report is clear.

It is for the saint candidate.

What they have to do is that the assistant is a candidate for a saint.

As long as it is a candidate, there is no matter what they have.

At that time, it was also a sword unparalleled and Wu Li Shi.

The sacred girl of ancient mouse, it is necessary to resonate with Wanliu Shenmu.

This point no one helped the emperor.

Sixteen countries, as well as some of the soils of the ancient wood continent, the Lord of the Wulong, at least hundreds.

Without a position of the sacred position, only less than 100 people.

In this 100-person, the Lord of the Five Cobkes, only a few people.

And the location of the candidate is only four.

Four candidates.

To compete for the position of the saints.

This is the final battle.

It is nothing to do with the sword.

But through this chance, secretly sneak into the Wanliu, the relationship is big.

Not only let this holy will be smashed, but will also be sinned.

These are all small things.

I really entered, after coming, the thing to face is terrible.

There are no siege siege, not only to snatch the treasure.

I will take care of how they entered Wanliu.

This is the most important.

Wu Li said, there is life of life to enter.

At that time, he did not believe that it seems that it does not trust.

There is definitely a unique way.

At this point, he is unclear, but Wu Li knows.

Just he is not good.

He can also see that Wu Li is not so simple.

For this time, his war has fly, and Wu Li is afraid that half-step four hobbies are not his opponent.

Not afraid that the other party will do something.

I am afraid that the other party uses him, and finally I entered the Wanliu.

This is what he wants to worry.

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