When a few people chatted, the female emperor Feng Chen came to the main hall of the battles, and everyone was banned and turned to the gods.

Feng Chen's emperor glanced at everyone, the top right, gently pressed the pressing, stainful: "You don't have to be restored, this king has just got the assessment standard for the Holy Convention, you can take it to watch, there is a good I am preparing for the heart, and after half an hour, I will discuss the tactics of this holy club. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the digital beam flies in the hands of each strong.

A volume reel is wrapped in the beam.

After the spread, the top is not only text, but also this Taoist.

The sword is not a double frown.

Ancient wooden holy society!

Ask the world "infinity world"

One of the world of Wanliu southwest.

The interior is wide, the ratio is much larger than the stone country.

Assessment standard: The first four teams arrived at the end, it is victory!

"Is this simple?" The sword didn't have a double louder.

When you come out, many people listen to the eyes.

When Mi Chen is old, I came out: "Unparalleled, everything can't look at the surface, this infinity world, you may have not heard that the waste of seven-robbery is there, and since the ancient mutage will set this rule, I am afraid There is a lot of dangers in the way, not big! "

"But where is this meaning?" This sentence is a sword unparalleled.

Not noted.

Wu Li is looking out and adds to: "The dangers in the way are just a little, more or the chair, and according to the character of the ancient mouse, this rule is not all displayed to us, and there is also other Rule, after we arrive, will inform, otherwise you will know in advance, maybe someone will prepare in advance! "

This is to make the sword unparalleled some recognition.

Cross the entire infinity world.

Important is the process.

It is certainly not as simple as it.

The sword is unparalleled to start a little.

The Lord of the Emperor and the Universe.

Although the road is the same, it is different.

So there will be the quota of the emperor.

This sword is unparalleled early.

Otherwise, let the Emperor will go, just send death.

Three big arms are in parallel, soon there is a country.

The Emperor is also at this time, began to explain the ancient muto.

Everyone listened carefully.

"Before entering infinite world, we will divide five teams. After entering, we must assemble in seven startings in the fastest speed, otherwise you will lose to other forces at the starting point. In order to cooperate, you will divide the team!"

The voice of the emperor has just fallen, and everyone began to relative.

The sword is unparalleled, the team has been formed.

He is headed by the long age of the wood, Wu Li, Jiuhu, sword, no double, Jin Chen.

Two emperors.

The three hidden people of the universe of three steps.

In addition to the nine tigers, the rest of the people are familiar with the swords.

Which nine tiger is Wu Li, a half-step four-stricken strong, and the strength is not weak.

The rest of them solve themselves.

The Emperor of the Emperor is naturally the Lord with the four rumors of the two kings.

The rest is divided into five teams.

Wooden elderly lead one.

Li Jia family led a.

A young king in the King of Vietnam leads a lead.

Qingyunmen leads a one.

The last team is a team of small families.

Thick tactics, just the division of work.

Real tactics, I am afraid that they will be aware of them after entering the endless world.

They don't know much about infinite world.

But the emperor is sure to know more.

The sword is unparalleled from other people.

Starting point and end!

According to the sword unparalleled, we will be sent to the surrounding end of the infinity world, and you need to go to the meeting and starting with you.

Then it is the end.

The end of the end, means that the end of the infinite world is reached.

Where is Wanliu Shenmu, it is already close.

Only the first four teams are qualified to go to the periphery of Wanliu Shenmu.

In other words, the sword is unparalleled with Wu Li, must help the emperor to win the top four.

Wu Li also looked at the sword and watched it.

It can be made a laugh at his heart.

Not a voice of Wu Li, but a very long-lasting voice in Wu Li body.

That is Wu Li, has the same opportunity to become the main point of the universe.

When the sound sounded, Wu Li's face was constant. The bottom is open: "Teacher, ending the world, is it far away from Wanliu?"

"Not far away, even if you are the goddess of Vietnam, you can't be the top four. I can also take you to Wanliu!" The mysterious voice raised in Wu Li heart.

Wu Li frowned and then said: "The sword is unparalleled?"

"Nature is killing chicken taking eggs!"


The battle boat floated, and a month, I got a hundred and old grass.

Top again, it is boundless chaos.

That is the world that has not been opened.

And the ancient mouse is here.

Before the era of distant days.

The entire ancient wood continent is a chaotic.

It is Shen Mu Wang leaders, and opened up an ancient mouse.

Finally evolved the Chunzi Sixth.

And the major secrets.

At this point, the team of the 16th National, and the teams of major secrets have come.

There is a temperate moment of Wanxian.

Shi Country's team is the most large.

Come to the Lord of the Universe.

There are three people in the five-knocked universe.

There is also a daughter country.

Although Yunzhi State has become a seven-robbery, his daughter's country will not have it to come to the Holy Association.

Also have the mains of the two five-hearted universe.

In major era, the daughter country has taken a few times.

This time also has great confidence.

The sword is unparalleled because of her daughter country, so there are few more people who have a strong person of the daughter.

According to him, this daughter country dispatched a double star.

Two half-steps of the universe of the six-step universe.

The strength is only better than Fengchen weak.

It is the popularity of this holy club.

The 16th National Countries, the eternal country has been destroyed.

There is only a fifteen national.

Yue Guochi can't join the top ten.

It can also be not meant, the Lord of the unbearable universe of all parties is much stronger than the emperor.

In contrast, the strength of Feng Chen's emperor can be placed in the top five in the Sixteen countries.

In this holy conference, the top ten of the horses of the five hobbies can be ranked first.

How much can be specifically, this needs to be verified in the battle.

The sword is also estimated to be its own position.

He doesn't care about the position of the sanctuary, but he must help the girl to win the top four.

This is the bottom line.

With his current power, it is indeed possible to get around the war.

It is necessary to have some of the universe of some half-step, then there is not much grasping.

The strongest base card, the starry sky, he can master the two swords of life and death.

It has been comparable to the Lord of the five knocked universe.

However, there is a strong strength in the universe of the five knobs.

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