Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5804 Chapter 16 countries and the Secrets

Powerful can have eight thousand power.

Weak can also explode six hundred thousand power.

It is his limit of power.

Ok, his surface is just an emperor, and no one will scrap him.

Once shot, you must not prepare, attack the key.

On the deck of the boat.

The teams are gathered together.

Watch the scene in the chaotic stream.

A thunder gaven, the world is like what is pregnant!

This is the wonder of all things.

There is no difference between this sword.

The rest, it is awe.

"Distance to the ancient mouse, there are three days of journey, I have some to prepare in practice, I don't talk to you!" After the Jiuhu finished, after the punch, he left.

The sword is unparallled by the opponent's back, and there is no doubt place.

"Wu Li brother, the strength of this person is not simple!" Waphen's old eyes slightly.

He can see that the power called Kiuhu has an extremely strong power.

Once the explosion is open, I am afraid I can rise to 400,000.

This is the peak of the Lord of the Sanbian Universe.

It is a strong stronger.

Wu Li said: "The strength of the nine tiger brothers is really good, I have teamed up with him outside the domain to intermpt a secret city, the Tianjiao is still the owner of the four-hearted universe!"

"No wonder!" Wooden nodded.

The sword is unparalleled, and it can be said to be exported.

And watching the expression of Wood and is not surprised.

These two are probably not dry.

Of course, they all become their own people, so they have no concealment.

"There is no parallelism, this time we enter the endless world, the strong to those secrets must be cautious, these people are very crazy, basically all the enemies of the 16th National Countries, they don't take a better cultivation environment, they have been right The green grass is sixteen and the tiger! "Huichen is old to alert.

The sword is unparalleled, just nodded.

The opponent's face is too thick, and he has nothing to say.

Most of those in the secrets in the secrets are driven out from the 16th National People.

So I will escape.

As for the counterattack 16 countries, it is somewhat impossible.

The heritage of the 16th National Countries is too strong.

The power of the universe, maybe both parties are still flat.

But a strong robbery must be more powerful in the Sixteen countries.

In the midst of the secrets, they did not experience too much era, and the bottom could not be compared to the 16th National Countries.

For example, seven-star doors.

There are dozens of seven stars in the 16th National Countries.

But the seven-star sectors in the secrets, no more than ten.

This is the heritage.

Moreover, there is no overbearing force in the secret.

These are unable to be comparable.

The sword is unparalleled to these people, there is no mercy, but it will not be able to hostile.

This is to provoke yourself.

He can see the superior sense from the elders of Wuman and Wu Li.

It is disdainful to strong people in the secret.

Three days.

Several people stand on the deck, and the length of time saw some arms floated.

All parties forces have gathered.

It is about to arrive in ancient mouse.

The sword has also felt a long ancient breath.

That is the atmosphere that Shi State does not appear.


The boat of the boat is over, and the chaotic gas flow is broken.

Arrived is not a yellow breath, and it is replaced by green.

It is a huge green world in front of them.

The sky is blue and is green.

Extremely fresh.

If you don't know people, I thought it was a music soil.

Fact is not.

This is also very close to the ancient mouse.

It is a buffer belt facing the chaotic stream.

It seems that there is a plain-free grass, and suddenly there is a huge pink beast.

The body of this huge behemoth is extremely large, up to thousands of miles, and the body is constantly shuttle, and finally raised his head, it is a bloody mouth.

Countless sharp teeth keep rotating.

Looking up at the battle boat in the sky, rushed into the bottom again.

On the grass, only some deep pits were left, and the calm was restored.

Sword is not surprised.

These deceased, big probability, is from the chaotic flow, they are in this place, and they are the bottom cards of the ancient mouse.

No matter how powerful, touch the ancient mouse is dead!

I don't know, I gathered tens of thousands of boats in the sky, covering the sky.

For a time, the black fog is rolling.

Unlike Wan Xianlai, it is like a power of the devil.

If some people say that the ancient mutage is the magic power, the sword is unparalleled.

Silhouettes have been seen in countless space.

A silhouette of a secret claw.

The eye of the beast is turned, and the sword is unparalleled.

That is a huge tree, across several worlds.

It is comparable to the size of a country.

And the ancient mouse is located above.

Rumor, this branch is that Wanliu takes off.

On this branch, whether it is cultivating the power, or the power of robbery, it has a great role.

On the boat, many people still came to the ancient mouse.

Both have a short shock!

The sword is unparalleled, just wants to turn to the elderly of the wood, I will find the princess of Jin Chen, who is standing next to him, but looks the opposite position.

The brow is still crumpled, watching her eyes, the sword is unparalleled to see the battle boat on the big stone country flag, the joy of the jail of the boat.

In an uncomfortable location, there are such emotions.

Shijiu! "

And on the side of Shijiu, I still stand with a girl in a fire armor.

Looking at wearing and eyebrow, it should be a people of the flame.

This really doesn't know.

However, he can see that Jin Chen is very concerned about it.

"Don't look, I still breathed!" The sword was unimpeded.

Jin Chen said: "Sometimes, I will think, if you are really concentric, maybe I will really forget him!"

"Then you still think about him!" The sword didn't double it.

Wooden elder and Wu Li have some embarrassment.

But the two did not speak.

Wu Li is a unparalleled, this time two people must run.

Wooden elderly can not know, I thought that the two were just a fight between husband and wife.

"Hey, don't forget, I owe me a person!" Jin Chen reminded.

The sword didn't have a double point, replied: "I have not forgotten, if you want to use the person, let me kill the descendants of the flame god, or discuss!"

At the beginning of my daughter, Yunzhi National Lord helped him gave the letter of Jianxian, nature is a great.

Just this, I want him to give Jin Chen.

If the other party, there is a special need, he does not mind.

After all, it is difficult to meet again.

There are a lot of people who owe it, and they will be earlier.

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