Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5805 Ancient Tu Holy Land

Jin Chen heard his speculation, took a deep breath and decided to return to the cabin.

She has long been able to communicate with the swords, but she found that the sword is unparalleled.

Looking at Jin Chen Ling's back, the sword is unparalleled.

Wooden Changmi, I laughed, took his shoulders: "There is no more concern, Jin Chen's gimmick, it will be better from Xiao Jiao."

"I don't mean this!" The sword shook his head without double.

He did not understand Jin Chen's practice.

On the contrary, he still thinks about it.

After the Holy Association is over, the entire Vietnamese will be implicated.

If the emperor can become a saint, it is still good.

If you can't make a saint, I am afraid that it will be difficult to go.

There is a little embarrassing for this sword.

Unlike Wu Li, even family can reduce, even give up.

Unfortunately, he is never standing with the purpose of the ancient times.

What he has to do is to become the universe with a very fast speed.

Then look for others in nine tenths.

Hui Qing's location is already aware.

But you can't go up.

Fan Tianfeng is ready to return to the god of the temple in advance, but also can't rely.

I can only find someone else.

There is also a good relationship with him, and I don't know where the other party is.

There is also true Wuyang, Tong Tian Buddha and Dongsheng Finish.

As for several other digits, if you can encounter, you can help.

These people can all brought from the temple.

At the beginning, the true spirit is to send him a person.

One is to look at the sword.

The second is because the sword is unparalleled and the .

Since it is playing, then it will avoid the front.

What is thoughtful, the last one will leave the top ten inheritors.

Among these people, some people may have a selfishness.

Even if there is no double with the sword.

But since it is brought to the ancient times, it is necessary to bring them completely.

There is also Hui Qing!

Even in the ruins of the ancient month, the other party will be rescued.

Nine robbery!

It is the biggest bottom of him now.

With the teachings of Vis, as long as they will practice their great relief to the realm.

He basically invincible.

What is the rule of ancient month?

That is just a place where you are sitting.

According to Visse, Tianwu is also his disciple.

The sword will lose to a dead.

Go back.

Kill the students.

Take everything that belongs to the original universe.

The old man of the sheep, he will also report!

The sword is unparalleled in the ship, and the eyes are like a giant.

The ancient mouse is getting closer.


Countless battle boat suddenly stopped.

Among the sky in front, there has been a truncation.

That is the array of ancient mouse.


In the giant screen, a shadow was revealed and the figure was shown.

A seven-bit robbery.

It is also the head of the contemporary ancient mouse.

It is also clever.

The sword is unparalleled and also knows each other.

This seven-robbery, it seems that the people of the ancient mouse, actually under the door of Babi.

I don't know, Babi will not come.

Maybe you can't see the opportunity of this place!

"You said friends, please also collect the magic weapon, follow me to enter the ancient wood!"

! ! !

The war boat disappeared in the sky.

Countless people 's intensive standing in the void.

There is also a number of seven puffists.

They are all scattered, naturally unable to see the Holy Association, just come to watch.

"Haha, you will be in person with you in person, I really let me have light!" The number of seven hobbies embarked forward, and the palm of the ancient mouse was two sentences.

All start, enter the ancient wooden holy place.

On both sides of the necropsy, the scene is the same.

But the atmosphere has changed the earth-shaking change.

The swords of the entering are unparalleled, and they feel the power of a constant life, just in the branches.

This branch comes from Wanliu.

Naturally contains great life.

If it can be taken, the value will be quite.

Unfortunately, you can't get it.

If you can take it, Shenmu Wang will not have been weak.

The sword is unparalleled to which ancient god king is still interested.

The King of the King of Eight Body.

Although the rumor is not strong.

In the peak period, it is definitely more than the main stronger of the current eight-hearted universe.

After all, it is one of the oldest existence.

I don't know, this opportunity is seen this opportunity.

Follow the ancient martial arts to enter a circular venue.

The seats around are enough to accommodate hundreds of millions of people.

When they enter this place, they are also separated by order.

It is a candidate for the Holy Association in the central air land.

Ten people.

Among them, 70% of them are from the urgent power.

Only 30% of the strong people of the 16th National Countries.

The ancient muto failed to be unbiased between the two sides.

This also illustrates that in the strong battle, today's sixteen countries are far better than the strong in the secret.

Otherwise, it will not be so much.

The two sides also sponsored, the strong people of the 16th National Countries stood in one party, and the strong people in the secret station were standing in one party.

"What is this?" Sword is unparalleled!

I feel some rush.

At least to entertain them!

Turning the head to the surrounding seat, it does start to entertain those strong people who watch.

As for them, it is silly standing in the central air, waiting for it.

Treasury, as well as contemporary saints, two people and seated.

"Gentlemen, will open today St., begins with this moment on, the rules when you enter an infinite world, would know!" Then I looked up, it gives off numerous tokens.

Falling in the hands of the Holy Association.

The sword has received a copy.

This token has a large use, and people can't lose it.

Everyone is careful, and the next arrangement is waiting.

The ancient mouse contemporary sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred

High status, almost the stone show with Shi State.

Once the robbery is successful, it is a leader of their respective forces.

She is slightly owed, looking at the people below, the sound is cold: "The ancient Tang Sheng, start now!"

There is not much word, and the necropsies surrounded begins to vibrate.

The sword is unparalleled in the same place. It only feels that the mind is full of strength, and the body is not consciously caught in the dark.

Everyone in the field disappears, and a piece of block appeared in the blank venue.

It shows everyone's figure.

For a time, many people stared at the people who care.

The top right of the ornamentation station has a row of a row.

Everything sitting in it is a big person.

The palm of the ancient mouse also entered this place.

Nowadays, more than ten seven-bit robbery are gathered here, but they are all scattered.

The Lord of the universe of the Qi Qi, one has not come.

There is not much.

All are cultivation, which is like the need to scatter, there is nothing to practice, will be so idle.

The Lord of the universe of the six-knocked universe is a lot.

Among them, there are also swords unparalleled familiar ports.

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