Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5807 Crane Vine

The nine tigers on the side have nothing to say, he is a hand, now there is no time to wait for it, roar, rush straight.

Silver giant, hand-held ancient wooden razadia, erupting the breath of the earthquake.

Two half-step four-knocked universe, stopping a special life of a four-pocked country, nor is it too much effort.

Special life, is not as good as the same order of the universe, but is much more powerful than the same level.

The two semi-steps of the universe of the universe are equivalent to the two four-knocked scattered, and the two people teamed up with the special life of the four-robbery.

Can hit it, you can escape.

There is no sword unparalleled with Jin Chen.

There is no scruple.


The nine tigers are full, and a boxing is a special life roaring millions. He turned his head and said: "Let's go!"

It has already been a time, there is no need to fight again.

Wooden chief nodded and turned and turned directly.

That special life has self-consciousness, naturally not letting the prey escape, immediately broke out the speed.

Wooden Changmai is a clear laugh. One-handed ground, the giant wood, instantly, make a sharp sword, and raise his hand, directly rushing to the special life.

Silver giant face, slammed the blade.

"It's still a difficulty!" Wushen wrinkled some brows, the speed was slightly weakened, and there was a huge purple vine, and then wrapped in the whole body.

When the Nine Tiger saw, his eyes lit up.

Next moment, Wuman elders suddenly stopped their shape, opening reminded: "You go to Wu Lihui first, I will drag it!"

"Good!" Niuhu did not hesitate, and quickly broke out again, and immediately disappeared in the sky, leaving the old man.

Wooden elder grin smile, facing the silver giant of crazy rushing, just a hand standing on the other party's impact.

The purple vine on the body is the palm of his palm and instantly spreads to the silver giant.

The vines are constantly expanding, and the silver giants are also wrapped directly.

Unfortunately, the vines wrapped in the wood, that is, the armor.

Wrap the silver giant, that is a fatal magic weapon.

"Let you look at this animal, what is the treasure of the universe!" Wooden elder hands stretched, and then fierce, the silver giant was directly deformed.

Wooden elders have a fist, the power of the body is integrated with the god of vines, so that his power has skyrocketed, from 40,000, it has risen to 450,000, and it has been flat with this four-hobby.

It is powerful than the strong strongest of many four-sighted robbery.

"Ah !!!!" The horrible red breath is constantly outbreak, and the woodchen long is anger. After the power is completely stable, it is shunted to the silver giant, and a punch makes the silver giant's body depressed, and the power is constant. Decline.

A punch can hurt this special life.

If you really fight, I am afraid that this special life is far from the old opponent.

At this time, on the audience, because the starting point has not been reached, the assessment is not officially started, so many strong people look at all tasteless.

But I saw that the long and elderly elderly, and I have a spirit.

"It turned out to be a vine, this Vietnamese Woodchen, the strength has arrived at the top of the true quarter!"

"If you don't lose it, you are born in Vietnami, I can get this shovel vine, I can also explode this battle!"

Many people have leaked the envy of the envy of the vines on the humane.

Especially in the secret in the secret, their resources are rare.

At this time, I saw a strong man who was born in Vietnam, actually had a shower vine, and it was very embarrassed.

"Hey, now is his, it can be not necessarily, there is a super power of my huge sea near my huge sea!" A strong man in a secret city, yin and yang strange.

A lot of dissatisfaction is caused by a lot of sixteen countries.

But dissatisfaction is dissatisfied, the truth is true.

The Woodchen Long Older in the battle shot, and the silver giant season defeated.

The power fell to about 40,000.

I really want to continue to play, it is likely to be killed by Wuthen.

This special life is not stupid, it is not cheap, and can only take the initiative.

If there is a task is in the body, the Wum Chen is still not willing to put the opponent.

"The beast is a beast!" Waphen Long smiled and received a shower vine. When he had to turn around, he found that the number of breath came toward him.

Wooden face is very shocked.

There is a breath and is the Lord of the universe of the four hops.

There are also two universe of the three robbery.

The power is about 350,000.

The Lord of the universe of the four-knocked universe is a 500,000 power.

It is never an opponent.


Wooden first hooded, then the fastest speed, rushed to the place.

But he just moved, three breaths have come.

The breath gathering, the three burly figures stand in the air, the one person headed, the rest of the two people are almost like, and there is this thick blue hair, dancing.

"Hey, it seems to be a strong force of Vietnami, he has a shower vine!" The first wolf header is a four-hearted.

However, it is very interested in the shower vines on the wood.

Because this is the treasure, there is almost all the Lord of the four hops in the secret in the secret.

If he can get it, this time the Holy Association is not white.

The treasures of the Holy Association need to be robbed.

Even if I entered the core of the infinite world, I met the treasures of the treasure very small, I want to grab, it is the Lord of the five knocked universe.

That has the things of these four struggles.

Still grab the treasures on the rest of the strong, more reliable.

The holy will kill, it is disorder.

The forces behind it cannot be left at all.

So these three strong people, they dare to catch up with the old people.

"Catch him!"


Three breaths tear the sky, soon catch up with the old man.

Feel the breath approaching, there is no way in the long life of the wood, can only stop.

At the same time, it is still giving the sword unparalleled.

Calculate your own combat power, as well as the war of my companions.

Can you cope with it.

This time, they are really unlucky.

First encounter a special life of a four-robbery, and now I have encountered the strong in the secret.

If it is the strong man of the 16th National Countries, then it is good to say that it is not looking up, and it will not shoot at this time.

It can be biased to encounter strong people in the secret.

And look at each other's look, the bottom is also a sink.

"The Tianshi!" After the long old Wooden, he saw the other person's identity, he was informing this news in the first time.

Wu Li, who has already escaped from this place, leads the sword, unparalleled, etc., has arrived in a valley, and still waiting for the old age.

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