Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5808 Tianwugu

Didn't think, but I received a more tricky message.

"What to do!" Wu Liji wrinkled.

After the sword is unparalleled, they also shook their heads.

It's not when it is.

Over the start of the starting point, nowadays, either deal with clean, not exposed strength, or give up the old man.

After thinking about it, the long old wood will be good for him, so I have given up, I can't say it.

However, their encounters are not true exploration.

Instead, the World of Assessment World.

Countless eyes are staring.

"Emperor must be saved, what are you still hesitating?" Jin Chen, the princess Jin Chen, is anxious.

The sword is unparalleled, an emperor is even.

How do you hesitate to hesitate?

Wu Li heard, : "The princess is not so simple, the other party is a wolf king of the Tianwi Wolf, the Lord of the four-hearted universe, the power is as high as 500,000, all of us add together, and each other Still not one, there are two three thousand universe of the universe of the universe, and their leader, not only can help Mikan brother, but will also make the wooden brothers distracted! "

"The three sides said, Jinchen can't be chaotic!" The sword was unparalleled and comforted.

One of the nine tigers, he naturally doesn't matter.

It is best not to go.

The princess Jin Chen is no matter what these, directly took out the message token, and started to give the emperor.

Several people saw it, and quickly stopped.

"In the princess, we don't want to save, there is no need to trouble. Her Majesty!" Wu Li saw it, only loose mouth.

He knows that the strength of the sword is not weak, and the power is at least 40,000.

There is also a nine tiger, and his strength is more than 400,000.

Plus himself, you can be a battle.

Just they all, the princess Jin Chen is?

Three people's ideas are the same.

The sword has broken the deadlock, saying: "It's better, I am with the Nine Tiger's seniors, although my skills don't work, but this piece, I have confidence!"

"That can only be like this!" Wu Li was ready to take himself with a nine tiger, but he didn't expect the sword where the sword was stopped.

The sword is unparalleled, the big bag is big, mainly afraid to delay.

When I got a few people, I could not show anything.

It is better to take a nine tiger.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is lightly said: "The Seniors, the Seniors, let's go!"


Both people directly rushed to the sky, moved towards the direction just came.

Just a few breathing, I feel the huge movement from the front sky.

The whole sky is torn, in the dark crack, the fierce wind blows a color.

"Wooden is old, we are here!"

! !

The sword is unparalleled with Jiuhu almost at the same time, and the Lord of the universe of the two three hobbies directly.

"Is them?" Jiuhu saw these three strong people, and the eyes change.

Several strong people in the secret of the celestial wolf, also recognized Jiuhu.

To put it up, Jiuhu is also a secret, just not in ancient wood mainland.

He also knows the strong in the secret of the Tianwi Wolf.

"Great wolf, I didn't expect you to see the Holy Association!" Jiuhu slammed, directly slammed a three-knocked universe, and then he went to the long and old of the wood, which to resist which Powerful.

The greedy wolf is the Lord of the four-knocked universe, and the power is 500,000.

"Nine Tiger, you will actually be put on Vietnam, I really didn't think it!" The greedy cold voice replied.

Wumek is old and seeing the two sides, saying: "This Taoist, the big camp that has not arrived today, it is not as good as we have to retreat, it is not going!"

At this time, it will not fight.

Otherwise, it is them.

"Haha, I didn't see the nine tigers, if you say this, I may give you a face, but now, it is impossible!" The greedy wolf turned to the two men's order: "You two tow Live the boy of the sword, leave it to me! "

Although the sword is unblocked, but the others can only see that his power is weak and the Lord of the universe of the universe, so the greedy wolf as a universe, and I don't know that he is an emperor.

Wooden is old, reminded: "There is no pair of sages, if you can't stop first, these livestock will not threaten me!"

"That happens to talk nonsense!" The greedy wolf reached out, directly attacked.

The Nine Tiger and the Wuman Chang have anger to anger, greeted it.

In fact, the words of just the long life of the wood are also a feasible.

He is a great war of knowing the sword.

But the nine tigers are unclear.

Just knowing that the sword is unparalleled may be the strongest emperor of ancient wood, comparable to the owner of the universe.

I have been preparing to go to the rescue of the sword.

When playing with the wolf, the eyes are constantly staring at the sword unparalleled safety.

That is the master of the two thirty-five thousand universe.

The sword is unparalleled in the void, and slowly raises his hand and holds the rooted sword behind.

At this moment, the void is shaking.

The war group next to it slowly.

Even if it is the old man, I know that the strength of the sword is very powerful, but this moment can't help but marvel.

The nine tigers and greedies are even more than a while, forgetting still fighting.

It is really the moment of swords and swords and swords, and the vibration is too big.

Among the holy land of the ancient mouse, a few strong people who watched the sword were very calm.

Langxing is somewhat unclear. He didn't expect the sword where the sword would be used so quickly.

That is better than the goddess sword.

Kill two of the wolf people around the thirty-five thousand contexts, still use the thousands of lords?

In the first sword unparalleled, the weakest is the of 500,000.

It is the Lord of the four-knocked universe, and the sword is unparalleled.

The Lord of the universe of the two three pilves, the use of the rumored sword is indeed a small material.

The sword is unparalleled, but it doesn't matter.

Ten thousand robbery, no blood.

It is also an opportunity at this time.

The two hundred thousand powerful powerful people, gave him the rumored sword, and it was also asked to see each other.

In the trembling void, the two wolves are the first, I don't know how the face is.

"Hey, the little boy!"

One of them, there is a red haired wolf, suddenly shot, a pair of claws, and tall the sword unparalleled face.

The sword is also at this moment, directly pulling out the sword, and when you are.

The entire void is calm.

That kind of wolf with red hair, I can't feel the power of the sword, and the eyes lost the color.

"Is it falling?" The greedy wolf is vast.

The strength of swords is more powerful than he imagined.

A sword killed a strong force of thirty-five million power.

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