Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5815, three earthquakes

The sword is unparalleled, self-proliferation: "I seem to have more feasts with you!"

Don't you say that there are those people who have just killed him?

Otherwise, it will not be so fighting!

After hearing the wolf, it was slight to stay, muttered: "Commitment?"

It should be that the life of their Tianwugi has a vow, in the infinite world, everything is supreme with the Tianwugi.

The two are only this kind of emotion.

"I will comply with the promise, I will save you once when I need it!" The greedy is not because of greed, but it is a little admire.

He will never be so desirable.

Unless the other party threatens his life.

Key this kind of thing, he won't encounter, and it is also said that it is also said.

Unlike the wolf like this, you have to fight for you to die.


The sound of the wolf spread throughout the mountain.

Kui Wolf was thoroughly made, and the limbs stepped on the peak.

In the face of swords, there is no pair, it is not afraid, directly rushing.

Sixty-eight million power.

That is not a joke.

Even the Lord of the universe of the five knocked, I am afraid it will also.

Who is living.

Bright sword!

Although the sword is unparalleled, although there is not much confidence, you still have to try it.

"Double sword slippery!" So far, the strongest two swords.

Show together.

Shadow shadow, passing through the body of Kui Wolf.

However, there is no matter what the other party is rooted.

Didn't weaken.

Not an opponent at all.

"Then I can only go!" The sword shook his head without double.

His war was hooked out, but it was found that the other party is a uninterested beast, and there is not much meaningful.

Purely a waste time.


Re-increasing the sword of the sword, and the blue breath on his body boil again, directly reached the dark blue state.

But can't hide?

Escape this skill, he is in the temple, studying.

From the first time, Bai Jun Wang gave it, to the later god army.

Every time he is caught.

He is open behind him.

The strongest secret law is always used to save life.

I found that the sword was unparalleled, and the greedy couldn't stand at this time. He didn't show up at this time.

"Want to go?" The soft armored soft armor on the greedy and the body shape is directly turned into the first form.

Shen Li also came to 550,000.

He wants to stop the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but he didn't look at him.

"One thought of the universe!"


The elliptical universe is slow.

It covers half of the mountains directly.

The wings behind the sword are not bonded to each other with a universe.

"Three earthquake universe!" The wings were shocked, and his body disappeared.

The wolf is a paw, don't say that the sword is a unparalleled figure, even the sword is unparalleled.

"How can this be?"

He looked up his day and felt the power changed.

Completely stunned.

That is the prototype of the universe.

The most famous in the ancient wood continent is the goddess of the flame gods.

Although it is a special life, there is no original universe.

It is a universe that he has established him universe.

Within the universe of the flame god, he can explode the top of the top of the eighth.

It's just that the universe, I can't take it.

Just like the Lord of the ordinary universe.

But this is also enough for special life. There is no universe to the high robbery, the quantity of single poppons, you want to drag more for a long time.

It is possible to accommodate your own universe.

The universe of swords is unparalleled now, saying that it is prototype, but the source is strong, and it is much more powerful than the source of the wolf.

Even the scattered robusts who watched this battle were boiling.

Seeing the universe of the sword unparalleled, I thought of the universe shelves built by the flame.

However, the universe of the flame gods is unable to accommodate.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is actually able to do the universe.

Although it is just a prototype, this is also awkward.

The universe of building a prototype is nothing wrong with the sword.

The power of watching, also believes that the sword is unparalleled.

However, it is possible to harvest the universe, which is some outrageous.

Many people have begun to stare on the sword.

Consolidate the universe?

How did you do it?

This is a big problem.

If there is a method, it is enough to change today's pattern.



"After the end of the Holy Association, be sure to pull this child and ask about the way to hit the universe!"

Strong robots, no universe, have got a lot of interest in the universe.

But those who have the Lord of the Hexack Universe require this method.

If you can do the housing of the universe, go to the mission of time and space, you can also bring a grade with your own universe.

The six robbery can go to the secret of seven-robbery.

Get treasures, and improvement.

Even the combination of Jianxian is so moved, he is still a little in touch with the sword, just this kind of interest, it is too much to be compared with the universe.

Even if you are a pro, you have to ask.

Infinity world.

The sword has no double breathing, and the three-day three-earthquasity is displayed directly from the mountains.

Thoroughly arrived in the endless world.

At this point, he didn't know that he had a big vibration after an universe, or he did not expose this time.

This is also the lucky luck.

In the case of not escaping, the sword is unparalleled to kill each other.

Once used, he can display five times the force of the beast god, and the power can increase to 650,000.

Plus 700,000 power in the ancient temple jade pot.

Stranglery, can be too simple.

After receiving a universe, I just came out, he just met the Li family of the emperor.

Wu Li is also there.

Wooden elders were serious because of injuries, and they had taken place to take the place of assessment.

"The sword is unparalleled, you actually escape!" Li's house is a bit surprised.

He knows about the secret law of Tianwugi, because his ordered is the famous Wolf.

The Kui Wolf is in accordance with the generation, but also call him.

Unfortunately this is not filial, even the mother doesn't recognize it.

The sword is unparalleled to know that the other party and the Kui Wolf have this layer of relationship. I am afraid I will break the mouth.

"The younger generation at the speed, some insights, the average person can't catch up!" The sword was unparalleled.

To listen to, it is a small tree in the speed.

It's hard to listen to it.

Li Jia's master, it is amazed: "There is no passionate and modest, the speed is also a big war, this time you can combably anti-two four-stricken universe, will be famous, the name is great, many Can you still look at it! "

This is true.

However, the sword is unparalleled.

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