After this time he went out, I am afraid that it will cause the party to chase and it is normal.

"Well, let's go, there have been many teams to enter the endless world, we are the slowest batch!"

There is no double point of the sword, keep up with the speed of the other party, and strive to go to the assembly point.

Anyway, they are not the slowest.

There is also a strong man in Tianwugi waiting for them!

After the assembly point, the sword is unparalleled, and the strong people of Tianwugi have already started.

That is to say, the people of the Tiangle, took the initiative to give up the Kui Wolf and the greed.

It is also estimated that the greedy wolf will pass the news back to the family.

The strongest battle in the four hops has been abolished, there is no need to wait.

Although the greedy is still there.

It can be used in secret law, and it will be restored for a while.

Can only give up.

These abandoned power will be determined to fail and is transferred.

Set the camp.

Just a small town that is temporarily built around an ancient transfer array.

How much is it?

The sword is unparalleled with Li Jia, who has entered an institution, and the emperor has been waiting.

Wooden is old and also returned to the peak state.

"Since people are already aligned, let's go!" The emperor has seen the ancient panor of the Arctic Iceland.

This time, she is waiting for valuable.

Even if there is still backward other teams, it can be launched.

The sword is not a double, just breathed a breath, followed the emperor to take the emperor, real entered the periphery of the infinity world.

Just this time, some emperor personally took the town.

Don't need him to go to the big flag.

Their luck is also better, and it is transmitted to ancient river.

Although there are many waste beasts in the Hanoi, it is not an ancient ruins here.

Not much obstacles.

Even if you encounter a waste of 500,000, the emperor can kill.

Almost equal to the air.

The Emperor took out an ancient ship, and everyone took the ancient boat, and the emperor personally took the town and unimpeded.

One row of 100 days, has arrived in the depths of the periphery.

This speed, I am afraid it can be ranked first.

After a while, they can reach the inner world of the world.

That is, the most central location.

The sword is also in these days, and the loss of life will recover.

It's hard to breathe.

Unbornful sitting on the deck drinking tea.

The four-knocked power is surveillance.

The Lord of the three hobbies will also patrol on ancient ships.

Only emands are the easiest.

Four emperors, almost all, in addition to the sword, there is no double, all in the cabin.

At this moment, there is no mood for any cultivation.

They are not only the road, but also waiting for the news.

The assessment of the Holy Association is not just as simple as the endless world.

They also have to accept many tasks.

After completing the task, you will get some special treasures, you can only use the Holy girl to use.

Once the four candidates are selected.

Then the special treasure of other teams, it is useless.

At this time, the candidates of the four major sacred women will do not stay in the room to buy these special treasures.

It is also made up for those teams that are not selected.

This is also a big receipt.

But after so long, the ancient mouse has not given them a task.

I don't know if they are poor, no points, or other reasons.

However, it is like this, they also have a lead.

There is a prostitute, marked with a treasure house, and you can get a lot of treasures.

Therefore, the emperor has been in a hurry, but only the road.

Earlier enters the Arctic ice origin, where is the place where it is fighting.


The Emperor Station is in the boat.

After the long patron of Mu Chen, he went to the emperor to report the situation on both sides of the ancient river, and retreated.

"Warriors fair niece, or you easily ah!" Wood Chen came to the table, too blunt, direct to sit down, pour tea to drink their own.

Sword Warriors shook his head, spoke and said: "! How easy time last war left a lot of hidden dangers, and now has just returned to the pinnacle."

"Also, when it comes to the last, I have to thank you, not for you, I might have fallen!" Wood Duanqichabei Chen elders, with the sword unparalleled drink a cup of tea instead.

Just two chat a few words, ancient ship began to shake again.

Wood Chen elders complexion instantly pulled down.

"He bloody dragon, how suddenly came back!" Wood after Chen elders feel that kind of atmosphere, complexion changes.

Sword Warriors surprised: "dragon river as well as dragon??"

But he do not know anything.

Chen is also a wooden dragon elders in the cross-strait visits Furukawa, was discovered.

But according to his projections, the bird should be the dragon dragon egg production went ashore.

How suddenly come back?

Chen can make wood the elders, so surprised!

Sword heart inferred from unparalleled sense of atmosphere, at least five robbery territory-level fighting force.

God nor under six hundred thousand.

This combat power for the female emperor, what should not it!

And he looked so calm female emperor still standing at the bow, it should not be a problem.

Sword Warriors stood up, looked down at the lake badly, they do want to see how other end of the dragon's strength.

When at this time, WU is out of the cabin and saw the sword Warriors are still looked down the river, quickly acoustic: "Be careful, your majesty of ancient deity is not on board, the other end dragon is a big trouble!"

"What?" Sword unparalleled look incredible look to the back of the female emperor.

Then they look to the WU, first shocked, then eyelet has some strange color.

The emperor's book is not in ancient ship.

That is also said that the emperor standing in the ship is just dividing.

But he didn't know from his head.

He didn't know, Wu Li actually known.

This is very strange.

But now I don't think this is, I still protect myself first.

"Li's master, you first stabilize the ancient ship, the rest of the people enter the cabin!" Wap Chen did not care about the emperor, and he began to tell everyone.

Li Jia's master, at this time, it also understood it, and the heart is dark, but still take it.

Now everyone is on a boat, the emperor did not say, the present is left, nor does it say in advance.

It is really some saying that it will not be in the past.

And look like, the Lord of the four knocked universe, and only left one.

The rest follow the emperor.

The sword is unparalleled with Wu Li directly enter the cabin, not outside the tube.

The collapse, the high child is on.

He will not be stupid again.

After entering the cabin, the sword is unparalleled.

From the other party, I learned the goal of the emperor.

"Stealing Dragon Eggs!"

"Special task?" The sword was unparalleled.

Wu Li is nodded.

"Who's task?"

"Nine Tigers!"

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