Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5817 Escape! ! !

I heard this name, the sword is unparalleled, why Wu Li will know that the emperor left the thing.

Their first brigade is too big.

First, Jin Chen received a special task.

Then it is a nine tiger.

The qualification token sent out of the king family is really blood.

"Several stars tasks, actually let the books of your Majesty, and bring a few four-stricken power!" The sword is unparalleled.

Wu Li shook his head.

He really doesn't know this.

However, the emperor has to bring so many people, I am afraid that the least is also a special task of four stars.

Before the Jiuhu left, he told this thing, and the other will not say.

When this is critical, Wu Li did not dare to ask too much.

"It seems that this time is steady, it is four!"

Wu Li smiled slightly, nodded.

The emperor can enter the top four, they have two most happy.

This will be close to Wanliu Shenmu.

"Wait first!"

Everyone in the cabin, she still didn't know what happened, but the ancient river was rolled up.

The dragon egg is stolen, no wonder the dragon is so angry.

This is just the beginning.

They can only send hope in the emperor.

Original sword is unparalleled, the dragon is only 60,000 power.

At present, it is that he looks at this dragon.

Just finished, it can be so powerful.

I am afraid the peak period, I have already had a half-step war.

Even the emperor went to stealing the dragon eggs, it was obviously a few people who had not much confidence.


The ancient ship was once again shaken.

It seems to have something, at the bottom of the ancient ship.

The entire ancient ship is almost turned.

If the Lishi's Looking of the ancient ship, it is embarrassing.

He can't support it.

That dragon burned the blood and destroy the ancient ship.

I hit a few times, the ancient ship was scattered.

Without the relying on ancient ship, he must escape, let alone other people.

The emperor is not returned, he can only tell Wu Li, can't stop how long it is, ready to escape.

"Your Majesty, you have to hurry!" Waphen Long bite his teeth and prepared to make the final decision.

The sword is unparalleled against the wall, and it is a bit weird in the heart of the old man.

The ancient boat can't stand, then you can escape.

No need to tangle!

The Lord of the three-hearted universe in the cabin is originally cannon, the only role is to touch the work, take the instrument.

Even if it is falling, there is no need to be so tangled!

The Lord of these universe is only a member of the royal family.

More is still the ancestors of those families.

Once fallen, not only it is finished, the family will end.

Originally, it is a rich insurance, it is no wonder others.

"There is no double friends, wait until we have two together, but have a photo!" Wu Li is not a sword.

He is the clearest thing.

I know how long you can't get, and the emperor will come back half a half.

The old nest of the dragon, in fact, not far from here.

It will be able to catch back at the speed of the emperor.

As for why not come back to save them.

I am afraid it is because the task is inherent, I can't come back.

Or, this dragon is that the emperor is deliberately let go, in order to complete the task, sacrifice these people, to guide the dragon.

So the old face of the elderly is so difficult.

However, for the Vietnamese, you can go up.

At this point, they can only sacrifice them.

"Escape!" The sword did not have a double-color, and he felt the ancient ship started.

First, the voice gave Wu Li, then one-handed claws, will directly pull the princess Jin Chen.

When he pulled over, it was also a difference between the other party.

The sword is unparalleled, not in the management of others, directly destroyed the cabin, and then sweeping a circle, rushing toward the front of the waves.

Wu Li also followed him behind him.

"Wait for the old man!" Waphen Long Zhopian sword has no unparalleled strength, it may be strong than the owner of Li Jia, so the first time, I plan to follow the sword without double.

Other people, but there is no direction.

I didn't know where to escape.

Li Jia's owner saw that there is no hope, and a strong person in the family, also rushed towards the sword.

At this point, they can only welcome the huge waves and escape the front.

The sword is unparalleled in the big waves.

The sky has been condensed, there is no way.

Can only start from the river.

But the dragon is also the bottom of the river.

After the ancient boat burst the scatter, many universers were not escaping, and they were treated by the thunderstorm in the thunderstorm in the dragon.

More than 20 of the universe, it died in most.

Especially the other two emperors, they die directly.

No one go saved.

The key is also saved.

The sword is unparalleled and escaping, and it has sneaked into the bottom of the ancient river with Jin Chen.

Because the reaction was in time, the attack did not suffer from the dragon.

After him, Wu Li and the long of Mi Chen were still fast than Li's house.

It's not a fool, clear it, who dares to go to hard resistance at this time, just don't live.

The emperor is still fighting.

Even if there are several four-hearted universe, there is also a possibility of fighting.

It can only be unhappy, Li's family, is completely insufficient.

The sword is unparalleled to see which Li family's life is very strong, and the power is not low. It is really desirable to maintain ancient ship.

But the other party is a master, not a person fighting.

If he is falling, Li Jia will abolish.

The so-called top ten families in Vietnamate, in fact, the heritage is very weak.

Like Li Jia, although the Lord of the Saturface to the Universe, the old ancestors have already fallen, and there are only two five puffs in the family.

He is the strongest battle of his family, how to dare to work hard.

There are also other families of the family, but also falling, their families will be defeated, and they are not able to maintain a family.

The sword is unparalleled, and this is not complained.

Just feel that the doctor is a matter of this time, some are over.

To complete special tasks, no problem.

Don't tell them that you have nothing to do.

For confidentiality, for security.

It can be understood.

But what is going on with the dragon?

Tiger is close to Mountain?

I can't bear the child, I don't have a wolf?

This is the real pit yourself.

Princess Jin Chen is still on ancient ship.

At this time, I follow the sword and unparalleled, and I still have a face, I don't know what happened.

I can only follow the sword unparalleled fleeing.

"Family?" The sword has shaken his head, but also a so-called glory!

The glory of the family hooks with strength, you don't work, in the strongest family, the ant ants, may be abandoned at any time.

It is better to fight alone, there is no hanging.

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