Since ancient times the most ruthless.

In the eyes of the emperor, the family forces will be clean.

This will be stable.

However, the woodchen is only a idle prince, and it is still the long life of the seven-star Zong.

The surface is hard, and it is a little over the bottom.

"Li Wei brother, the matter is here, not decision-making, I didn't expect the dragon to suddenly attacked the ancient ship, and did not inform you before leaving it, and also hidden!" Mu Chen Changli's explanation of it.

But how can Li Jia's master is so forth, cold tougain: "So many people are dead, you have a lightly fluttering?"

At this time, the Lord of the Sanbian Universe of Qingyunmen is not standing in the wooden.

There is no double in the sword, and Jin Chen has been moved.

Wu Li is far from hiding, not to take care of Wood.

For a time, the wood has been isolated by everyone.

Although there is no way to shoot directly.

But they can't always hide here, wait until you go out to continue to escape, you have to have a way.

Some threats also need someone to resist.

Wooden mouth is hard, I am sighed: "All, now I haven't entered the inner, we can't fight!"

"Wooden, we are not difficult for you. Since you mean, then you will take us now to find it, and let go, then catch up, you look!" Li Wei stood hands, it seems to say words Open, actually is a martyrdom.

Go to the emperor?

Where to find it?

Woodchen is clearly not known.

"What is our joy, what is our initial heart?" Wooden began to pull the topic, then said: "We are for the glory of Vietnam, and the time of this action is extremely key. We have to do this, it is support, once Become a saint, the benefits of you, I am afraid I don't have to say more! "

After listening to the earth, I can't help but laugh: "Thanks to what you said, the benefits are your king, this, I don't say anything, but let us go back, this What explains? "

"Machine, always sacrifices someone else! You are not alive, since still alive, then you have to go down!" Wooden wants to be vague, but the words are trivial, the more it is, the more it is.

Tell the eye angle of the shock, and you will say: "Why don't you die?"

Seeing that everyone is noisy, the princess Jin Chen stands out.

"You can listen to me!" Jin Chen has Poland, staring at everyone.

The sword is unparalleled to stop, can't stop.

She is so bounced, it will only be hostile.

It is better not to say.

This matter is the problem of Wuman.

It is better to let the Wumhen are on a person.

As long as the emperor return, everything is not a problem.

Do you dare to ask the emperor?

Now Jin Chen stands out, stirred, everyone's eyes are staring at her.

"You don't say that I have forgotten you!" I looked at the sword to the sword and did not take care of Jin Chen.

The sword has no sighs, and the water is east.

If he is not a knowledge of Jin Chen, I am afraid I will doubt this fool. Is it necessary to calculate him.

The shock is pointed to the sword, and the opening said: "When you just flee, only you run the fastest, and all the way to this chaos, this matter you should know in advance?"

In this case, Li Wei also saw it.

When Woodchen is at this time, it is dead, not talking.

"I don't even know the things of uncle, sneak attack, and I don't say ..." Jin Chen's words have not been finished, and they are interrupted.

Will you drink: "You a little girl, there is no qualification for you here, don't give me a meeting today, I don't think about it!"

I dare not shoot on the wood, he still didn't dare to shoot the sword?

Today, if they don't do something, don't you really become a can.

After the start of the king family.

"It's enough!" The sword is unbounded to watch the fire to burn to himself, and can only stand out of the overall situation.

He breathed a breath, a dark power broke out, this area is small, the power is short-lived, and everyone will shock a number of times.

Red Shenli surrounds the sword unparalleled body, the eyebrow beast is also the eye.

"You have to explain, you can ask you to ask, now noisy, what results?" His voice is extremely strong, and the crowd of people is dull.

I have heard the earthquake, I have heard the strength of the sword, but I haven't seen my eyes. Now I am strong than Li Wei, I want to say that I want to say it.

Seeing that the earthquake is not talking, the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes look at Li Wei, the scorpion flashes, and the kills rise.

Li Wei stood in place, felt the threats from swords without double, he could feel that more nonsense, swords are unparalleled will definitely.

At the moment, it is still the right life. I originally think about this matter, to pursue the king's things, now it seems that the emperor is not there, the sword is not double an emperor, and they can shock them.

"Well, since it is fine, then I listen to me!" The sword didn't double the power of the beast, and she found the stone and sat down. "Now we are the most important thing is to mix with Your Majesty, this There are countless deceased in the ancient river, and there are many hierarchical levels, and it is not possible to pass! "

Woodchen watching the sword is unparalleled, Li Wei is flattened. At this time, I also mentioned the throat, said: "There is a pair of unparallelism, and it is a big thing with Your Majesty!"

"Do you know if you still don't say it?" The sword was not given to the other face, just abandoned him, coupled with the trail of His Majesty on the ancient ship, even he was cheated.

This matter, he can't find the other party!

Li Wei and the earthquake have found that the sword is unparalleled and the woodchen seems to be some. I don't know if it is in the garlic. It is true.

If it is true, then the truth, it may be aware of the wood.

"I have tried it, there is no way to contact the mother!" Jin Chen is anxious.

I heard the words, everyone took a deep breath.

Even your daughter, you can't contact it.

How can I find it?

The sword is unparalleled is that the emperor is definitely in completing the special task, and it is not in connection with it.

They can only wait here.

Waiting for the emperor to complete special tasks, will definitely come back to find them.

Just this time, I don't know how long it takes.

He has completed the mission of the emperor, only used a fragrant time.

If you are more troublesome, your simple killing may not use a fragrant.

And still five stars tasks.

Even if the task of the nine tigers is the four stars of the universe, I am afraid it takes a long time.

Plus the emperor deliberately introduced the dragon.

The mission is definitely not simple.

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