Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5820 Convert Dan

The time required, I am afraid that a few days is a few days, and it will not be unexpected.

For a hundred years, the sword is unparalleled.

It is not a time in the outside world.

In this place, how many deceased have been encountered in a hundred years.

The micropal cave of this place is not absolutely safe.

In case encountering a wasteland attack, they have to escape with the fans who have not had a fly.

And the dragon is still staring at them!

They may find them at any time.

In the past, he felt that he can fight for a fight.

But here, but infinity world.

Whether it is the Lord of the Universe, or these deceased beasts.

It is not simple.

And the card, not only one of himself.

Others are there.

Wasteland is also available.

Can't judge the strength of the opponent in terms of normal state.

Just like the Kui Wolf, I thought that I had 600,000 in the top day.

As a result, finally, the cost of losing reason, broke out of the 68 million power, which is only a four-knocked universe.

The Lord of the universe of the five knocked space is not to say.

Even if the top of the top five hobby universe, the power of the guarantee has six hundred thousand, and it will be more than 700,000 casually.

That is the dragon.

Although there is no original universe, the blood is extremely powerful, it is probably the descendants who stayed in a head.

Even the emperor is taboo to take the other party.

As far as they are stinky, they are really awkward, I am afraid that I don't know how to die.

The place where the ancient ship is destroyed is too close.

And the breath of these people's strong people, is very conspicuous in the ancient river.

The river is full of deceased, even if they are hidden, they will be discovered.

The sword is unparalleled to have a sea, but others can't!

It is not asked to take the initiative to take the initiative.

This is his idea.

"Super Secrets of the Change Road!" The sword was not counted.

Others don't care, at least to keep Wu Li, it is Jin Chen.

He promised to pass Yunzhi State, to protect her.

This time is another chance.

Although Wu Li's importance is higher, the other party also has a small secret. He can feel the vitality of Wu Li, since after entering the infinite world, it is more and more strong.

The power of the stock does not belong to him.

This is the secret of others, and he can't ask more, can only prevent it.

"Yin Yang conversion Dan!" After he was silent, he said a name.

That is a secret law of the varying tract, exists in the legend of Moro.

It was heard from the inheritance of the first true king.

His variation is also because of the ethogification of the three kings.

Just he made a little improvement and became ancient times.

Now he wants to reverse the transition, conversion of yin and yang, become a Dan party.

As long as refining yin and yang is converting Dan, it will allow others to cover up the breath of their own people.

It can be mixed over the river.

Just he takes some time.

Originally the legendary secret law in the change of the road, he has to learn to need some time.

More must reverse the secret law and become a Danfang.

It is still necessary to refine into a medicinal medicine.

It takes a period of time.

Ten days the fastest.

If the female emperor is returned after ten days, it is natural.

Just when he didn't rain.

If the emperor still has no news.

Then refining to convert Dan, everyone turns into a demon.

This will be able to save.

The sword is unparalleled to say this.

He doesn't care about whether these people object, or have any opinions.

Anyway, he is not ready to refine these people.

"Convert Dan?" Li Yue wrinkled, and be careful: "There is no double friend, this is converted, can you turn it back?"

Change into a demon.

This makes many people can't accept it.

The sword is not concealed, directly replied: "The possibility is very small, but it will be converted into a demon family. Your original universe will not change, saying that God will increase."

"How much is you grasped!" Li Yard bite his teeth, so there is some decision.

Compared with your own life, it doesn't matter.

Anyway strength will not change.

"No 30%!" The sword didn't doublely extended three fingers, and then said: "I still need a lot of wasteland materials, it must be the best in the ancient deceased, the four knobs!"

The Dan side has not yet speaking, he has arranged the task of the material first.

After hear the shock, it was surprised: "Only 30%?"

"Hey, this is still enough to see the wasteland material. If the material is too bad, the hope of 30% is not, I need time to prepare the Dan, you only have a 10 days, there is not enough material, that you are It's hard to talk about it! "Said the sword said there is no double threat.

Don't blame him.

It is really a limited ability.

There is also a big pit in Wushen.

If you tell him earlier, the emperor has a move, he can also prepare in advance.

Wu Li also had problems, and the emperor ran and did not tell him.

Leave them now, they can only save.

"Materials, I will find a way!" Li Wei finally compromised, there is still two families behind him, which is the hope of the family.

Turning a little behind the two, there is still a young future generation, Li Hao's words turned, then said: "The things of materials, I am not enough, I need other people together!"

"This is nature, except for the princess of Jin Chen, the rest, you pick it up!" The sword is unparalleled is very generous, one waving, the power will give Li Wei.

Li Wei swept the rest of the person, and finally said: "Wu Li, Wushen, the earthquake also has the Taoist friends of Qingyunmen, you will take a picture with me!"

The rest of the four people, in addition to the sword unparalleled and Jinchen, the Lord of Li Jia's two three-hearted universe.

I heard the ancestors did not bring them two, two Li family, a man and a woman couldn't help but go on the previous step, but the words can't be said.

In the past two people were protected too well.

There is no danger in Vietnami, and the emperor will go to the outside world, and there are also families of scattered strong protection.

It is now facing absolute pressures, but there is no confidence.

The two people are less than 400,000. In the ancient river, the ability to save is too weak.

If you go out, I am afraid for three days.

Li Wei turned his head and looked at the two. There was a little gentle in the eyes: "Don't worry, you have no double friend care law here, everything listens to the unparalleled friends!"

This sentence is very horizontal.

In the sword where there is no double view, the two universe left the universe, it is not as good as the shrimp crab in the bottom of the river, and it is also a cumbersome.

I thought I was looking for a material, so that people were less.

This way, he also takes these people, delays the time together, waiting for the emperor.

The world is a huge funeter.

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