Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5821 is falling

Not only must fight against alliances, but also struggles with local strong people in the infinity world.

Those deceased, special life, and even some remains, prohibited.

Have a great danger.

That is in such a world, they have to go in the forehead, just need to fight.

Weak, once in danger, will give up.

With the emperor, it is to make a number of people.

If you have a good luck, you can receive a task.

For example, Jin Chen, received a five-star task.

This time, it is falling, it will not be lost.

Although the sword is unparalleled, he does not agree, but in the face of reality, he has to accept it.

Even himself, but also accept the rules of this winning fitting by default.

No one wants to be tired.

I want to be chic.

"Well, you are best to kill the ancient derelic beast of the three-headed hiking, or a hundred and three-hitting hi-hierarchy, the materials needed to convert Dan must be full, Don't let go of the hair! "The sword is unparalleled in facts, they don't know the Danfang, but for the sake of insurance, let them collect the materials.

When you refine yourself, use it, you can't use it, it's nothing to kill those deceased.

Li Wei said more, just nodded.

The rest of the people took a sigh of relief and then jumped into the water chamber one by one.

The earthquake is also a sense of knowledge, no more, honestly follow Li Wei.

Five people set up together.

The sword is unparalleled and closed, close your eyes.

This source star.

Floating within your own universe, is very comfortable.

"I changed!"

He holds a box with his hands, and the origin is constantly stimulated!

"Ah !!!" The power of the strong starry sky, instantly covered the whole body.

Strength has also increased several times.


The power of ancient times is the power of the stars.

Change the trigger, just assist.

If you use everything, you will show ancient times.

Then there is no difference with the age change, the strength of the increase is limited.

The key to the ancient times in the stars.

What is the key to the conversion?

The sword is unparalleled, and after turning back, it began to turn over some of the secret laws on the original change.

It seems to be leisure, but there is a small difficulty.

Ten days, too short.

He must be as soon as possible.

This place may be discovered at any time.

At the same time as he closed, the depths of the ancient river had a bloody battle.

Li Wei took people, killing the east bank from the West Bank of the ancient river.

I even killed it on the shore.

This kind of killing will soon cause the desert beast that several four-hitting hierarchy.

Originally, according to their intend, it is a wasteland that quickly killed hundreds of three-hobby level.

This is actually very simple to them.

I am just afraid to provoke the deceased of those ancient quartz levels.

The deceased of those three-knocked hierarchy of the river, in fact, there is not much war.

There is only more than 300,000 power.

Wooden can kill with Wu Li.

Put the earthquake these deceased beasts are wrong.

But that is a single play.

They are facing two heads.

It is dozens of siege.

Although Li Wei is powerful, it can also be done in dozens of deceased, accounting for inexpensive.

One day, they just killed more than a dozen heads.

And it also provoked the deceased of several four-tumed level.

Just when they are ready to let go.

The top of the head has a thunderstorm cloud.

"It is the dragon, according to the original plan, distinguish!" I met the dragon, they have long expected it, but I didn't expect to be so fast.

Five people fled separately.

The Dragon's field has just come, the book has not arrived, and they have not fled.

But as long as in this area, you can escape the trace of the dragon.

"The death of the people, you will die!" The dragon is coming, and it is the fastest Li Wei to escape.

Huge dragon tail, directly sweeping into Li Wei.

It is good enough to be fast enough in Li Wei, steady.

Dragon tail hit on the stone wall of the river, shocked the mountain.

Many unlucky deceases, instantly annihilate.

"You can't escape!" The dragon is increasing.

The five robbery, killing three puffs, is simply a big man playing a child.

There is no secret, simple and rude, one blow.

Just follow the original sword unparalleled to use the sword, killing the Lord of the three hobby universe.

Feel the fall of your peers.

Li Wei is like a dead ash, the rabbit is dead!

Just don't have time to give him sad, can only take the opportunity to go out of the field.

Others are not closed at this time, and they have made full efforts and rush out of the field.

The shock directly burned 30% of the power, and desperately escaped it, but his own war has also dropped the lowest.

Just rushing out of the field, I met a four-torn wasteland.

The face was completely leaked, angered: "This seat is falling, don't die in these beast!"


Hold the shock, and the power is all burned.

The whole is a round of sun.

Outbreak out of endless power.

The deceased of the four-hitting hijacloma quickly retreats, and it is true that "I haven't worked hard, what are you eager!"

The earthquake is also falling.

Just didn't think he would choose self-explosion before he was dead.

His death is also awarded some time to others.

Wooden took the opportunity to go on the shore, and the figure disappeared in the jungle of the mountain range.

Sword is unparalleled, too ideal.

It may also be a little simple to think.

One day, they are five.

Two died.

Wooden is on the shore.

Wu Li is in chaos, I don't know where it is.

Only Li Wei, dragging the seriously injured body, returning to the rock pile.

"Hey!" Just surfaced, Li Wei spit a heart blood.

The whole person is lying directly on the ground.

Jin Chen was shocked and quickly stood up.

The Lord of the Universe of Li Jia, is a hurry to check the injury of their own ancestors.

The sword is unparalleled, and continues to explore the Dan side of the conversion Dan.

It is Wu Li, I haven't come back, let him sink, and make it busy to the other party, but I can't contact it.

It is good to feel that the causality that can feel the other party should have not died.

I know that he did not let Wu Li went.

Now things are getting worse.

The Holy Association is more dangerous than what he imagined.

In fact, they don't have to be so tired.

If the emperor is in this ancient river, as long as there is no such thing as a tumbling level, they can almost walk.

The emperor will give up them in the middle.

"Hey!" The sword is unparalleled, open his eyes, look at Li Wei's injury, and the hand condenses a strong life, thinking about giving up.

He can't save people.

If the power of life is discovered by the strong who is watching the outside world, it is finished.

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