Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5822 personally shot

Just now the strong, there is not much to see them.

They are staring at Shi Country.

In the end of the infinity world, because there is nothing dangerous, he will be paying attention.

But now all teams have entered the periphery of the infinity world, and even entered the periphery.

The battle of the five knocked level has taken hundreds of times.

There are not many people who care about an emperor.


Not many people pay attention to the sword and unparalleled, and no one is concerned about the other people of Vietnam.

For example, the emperor!

"This Vietnamese emperor is really embarrassed, even his daughter gave up with the psychic brother!" Many strong people have always watched the Vietnamese girl.

Because it is a hot candidate.

There is a lot of attention.

The sword is not a little small under the brilliance of the emperor.

The current girl is really dazzling.

Is a special secret.

That is the special task received by Jiuhu.

The special task of the universe level is extremely dangerous.

Even if the strength of the emperor is extremely powerful, be careful.

What's more, this time she faces the five stars' tasks.

Once completed, this time the top four is basically stable.

Only the top four arrived.

There is hope that I hope to compete for the last saint.

For this location, the emperor Feng Chen, I don't know how many erases have been prepared.

In the eyes of the same generation, there are seven-killed universe of the universe. She is only the Lord of the five hobby universe.

This kind of fall in the eyes of a self-especially strong human eye is unbearable.

This time, it is necessary to become a saint, but also under the eyes of countless people, I will impact six robbery.

At that time, she will show the whole ancient wood mainland.

The location of Vietnami is also brought to a new height.

This is not only her wish, but it is still expectation of the ancestors in the royal family.

How many years, the Breakstations did not have a hexacious universe.

This time I have to grasp.

It seems that the emperor is indeed a great grasp.

In the secret, she first stole the dragon egg, and she used the dragon egg to lead a special life.

That is this time any core.

Each special task can almost implicate a lot of power.

Her mission is not to kill the special life, but to help the other party avenge.

Help the other party to unify the secret.

This difficulty is big.

It is not as simple as killing one or two five hobbies.

Instead, in this ambassador, fight for a long time.

It is likely to waste time, but the task is completed, she will have to send a picture and become a treasure of the sanctuary.

These are worth her to fight.

But she didn't think about it, and those who were abandoned were how miserable.

Li Wei fell into a sleep.

Although there is a special treasure, it can also take a while to recover.

When he came back, it brought the material of tens of waste beast.

These materials are met to meet the chances of the sword without two-liver.

Although the Dan party is not perfect, it can be practiced first.

He didn't think about it once.

Can't be too anxious.

Otherwise, don't worry.

"You are not idle, help me pick out the demon in those materials!" The sword is unparalleled to direct the only two universers.

He is really a little busy.

Jin Chen can only find you and, can't help it.

Time passes in the past few days.

He failed several times.

The only successful one, the role of Dan medicine is also thinking about him.

It is a medicinal medicine that converts the deceased becomes a humanity.

Can only push down.

But the current material is somewhat not enough.

Looking at the owners of the two universers, let them go, just send death.

This time he had to go.

"You are waiting here, I will set up a knot. Once I touched me, I will receive the news, I will come back in the first time, don't go out, if it is Wu Li, let him come in, Waiting for me in the underwater! "The sword has not been completed, and it is involved in the pool.

At the bottom of the water chamber, I entered the rock pile, and after turning a circle, I came to the depths of the river.

For the sake of insurance.

He didn't leave too far.

Only hunting some deceases around the surroundings.

That dragon should be far away.

But he can't be too big.

That dragon's speed is very fast, even if it is far away, I can find him quickly.

It is just that his power is different from others.

It can be completely introverted.

In this way, I can't find him.

Find the goal quickly, because of the experience of refining Dan medicine, he also knows that the waste of the deceased is suitable.

"Just take you to open your knife!" The sword did not have a double contraction, and he made a blue airflow, and he went to a long-term wiented deceased in a long water grass.

This deceased will be as high as forty thousand, and it is already a breakthrough to become a four-minded.

Wisdom is not different from ordinary people.

But in the face of swords, there is no double, and there is no idea of ​​danger.

The sword is unparalleled so quietly after the other side.


At a moment, his breath instantly skyrocketed to 500,000, one hand, knife, a knife directly smashed this weird deceased beast, the origination and the power instantaneous moment.

I don't know anyone who is going to die.

It is also good end.

The sword is unparalleled, and the remains of the beast are collected, and the figure is again contending to make the airflow, and look for the next goal.

It is enough to collect ten heads according to his intention.

There is a ten-legged believer, he can refine the Dan.

As long as there is a conversion Dan, he leaves this place with Jin Chen.

I don't know where Wu Li goes.

However, as long as the other party is not dead, he can find each other.

According to the guidance of causations, the other side is not too far away.

As for the missing wood, he can feel that the other party should be on the river bank, but the atmosphere is constantly weakened, and sometimes there is no, the probability is in a certain remains.

Can you see your own creation.

He didn't plan to save each other.

This time, the pit is so miserable, the Wooden is dead, and it is also alive.

Just dedicated to the country.

Among the valleys in the river bank, Wushen really caught a relic.

Trading into this place, suddenly can't go.

And I have an isolated my own power, he couldn't go out at all.

Where, he is called every day, call the ground.

Can only go hard and continue.

Originally, he thought of touched his luck. There was not danger in the valley. He can pass this robbery safely, as long as the emperor returned.

However, his luck is too bad. If you haven't going far, you caught an ancient ruins, or a relic of a zone. Although there is only a broken array, you can rely on the strength, you can only break it. The more it is getting deeper.

Don't continue to go, you are not willing, you want to gamble.

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