Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5823 can be sad

It's just that his luck is too bad, and it will be ahead of the direction. I am in a swallowing crack, and even the body is not left, I am falling.

The Yueku Yue Wang, who disappeared since then.

The team of Vietnami also returns a job again.

At the same time, the inner world of peripherals and the inner teams are constantly decreasing.

The Lord of the Sikikou Universe is falling a lot.

The ancient mouse this distribution task, exceptions.

Many people are doing missing else.

The fallen people are naturally a lot.

It is only the Lord of the universe of the five hobbies, and has not fallen.

There are very few peripherals that can threaten the danger of the Warrior of the Wuman Universe.

As for the deceased of the hexack hierarchy, the peripherals are afraid, and the peripheral may have a few, but if you want to meet, it is much lower than the chance of becoming a six-hearted.

At the core, there may be a lot of hexack and beasts.

Where can I be near the end, no one will go to see it, I will only go to the end.

Their opportunity is in the periphery and inner.

At the core zone, the Lord of the five knocked universe is not careless.

What dares to stay.

One is struggling forward.

There are also many trapped in a place.

Just like the sword is unparalleled, it is difficult to retreat.

The bottom of the river.

A flustered water grass, countless swizzle hovering, but the strength is very low, the power is less than 10,000.

Even if it is so weak, you can survive in the river as long as it is a wasteland.

Among these snakes, there is a gas stream, constant circulation.

"It's not going to be fooled!" The sword was unparalleled and sighed and decided to give up.

The top of the snake, there is a deceased of a four-hiring level, and the power is about 500,000.

He originally wanted to attract the whole one to enter his own set, and attract each other with those snakes.

As a result, the deceased is not concerned.

At the front attack, he has the ability to kill the deceased, but it will waste long.

When I was found by the dragon, I didn't escape.

Today he has collected a dozen material materials.

Almost is also enough.

Prepare to return to the rock, refinered to convert Dan, then take Jin Chen to leave this river, the farther, better.

That dragon, I am afraid how long I can't use it, I will focus on chaos.

He himself fled what questions, but wanted to bring Jin Chen, then it is more troublesome.

And he is still going to find Wu Li.

Without Wu Li, he can't open the Wanliu.

I know that he would not let Wu Li go.

It's very passive now.

By the deceased of the top of the head, the sword has no double shape, the shuttle space is just a few breathing, and she returns to the rock heap.

After entering the stone sewing of the seven turn, it enters the bell hole along the hole.


Drake the sound of the water, the midth of the two Li Jiayu's main movement.

It was found that the sword was unparalleled, and it was relieved.

When he came back, Li Wei, who had a disappearance of the knee, opened his scorpion.

"It seems that you have a good recovery!" The sword didn't say a double opening.

Li Wei smiled, see the Holy Association, who won't prepare some to restore the treasure, this time, he is almost spent all treasures.

The result is still not possible to return to the peak.

"No double friends, what are you ready?"

Li Wei's tone is very flat, I don't dare to make it again.

He is now difficult to protect, but also look at the two families.

I don't dare to have a sinful sword. Now it is completely the releared sword. There is a unparalleled refining to convert the Dan, and you can also spend it in this place, waiting for the emperor's news.

The sword is unparalleled, and a flat place is smashed.

This time the material can also be tried twice.

If you can succeed in the third time, everyone can get a conversion Dan.

When it makes him do not need.

There are four people in this place, plus Wu Li.

It is necessary to refine five.

According to the order of him to guarantee, the first is Wu Li, the second is Jin Chen.

Subsequent, see who is pleasing to the eye.

Li Wei's eyes have vicissitudes, thinking about a few days ago, but now is such a wolf.

Those familiar faces are fallen by one.

Compared to their Lijia, it is even more miserable.

The four major gold have just been three.

All fallen.

Strive to fight, the final destination is falling.

Only more powerful existence can be self-policy.

I want to blame him not strong enough!

Now his biggest vision, not fighting, but keeping the family's hope.

"That's trouble, there is no double friend. If you go out, I will take the time to come to the door to visit!" Li Wei put the gesture to the lowest.

The expectation of the sword is unparalleled to refine!

Jin Chen's strength is low, and it is not clear what the outside world has happened. She can guess the road, those who leave, may come back.

There is also the main one of the two three-hearted universe of Li.

They are proud of the sky, and they can have no family to stop rain in front of the real house.

Just with the fall soup.

Ridiculous, poor!


The sword is unparalleled, and they start to refine the Dan.

At this level, alchemy needs a Dan furnace.

Just throw the material to throw the material, there is nothing more powerful than this source.

The first test.

He needs to adjust the blessings of the yin and yang.

Just integrate with the water fire.

It is only between the humanity and the deceased, and the difference is not a water fire.

He tried many times for death and life.

The combination of the family and the desert beast is not difficult to him.

It is just that the details are more difficult to grasp, and it is necessary to push down.

If not because the external pressure is too large.

He can also study tens of thousands of times.

Skilled, it can be successful.

You can now have a chance to give him this opportunity now!

Can only be done in the fastest way.


The first failed, he is not surprised!

Expected things.

A key step of refining converted Dan, he at least three times.

First failed, acceptable.

But the second failed is not allowed.

He didn't believe it, three choices of luck will fail twice.

The second time is really successful.

Continue to refine.

Or until the last step.

Nine selection one.

According to his experience, it is possible to exclude six paths with the smallest probability.

Also three choices.

However, this time the three choice one is only one result.

Because it is also possible that he excluded nine paths.

This is the hardest thing.

He only had a test chance.

"Can't fail!"

Unfortunately, some things often can't be willing.

Still failed.

Half of the loss of the material.

Even the third success, it is not enough for them.

It is now no other way.

Only the scalp can continue.

If you can't, go to the outside world, kill some wasteland.

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