Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5824 Convert Dancheng

He still has a little time.

"The last chance!"

On the backhand, all materials have been thrown into the source, step by step, and it is very smooth, and it has come to the last key.

This time, he can't fail.

After a long time, the final decision was made.

The blue origin has swayed for a while and begins to condense into the Dan.

Success or not, it looks.


A demon attacked, swords were unparalleled.


Numbers of Tan Medicine float in our style, he grabbed.


Consciousness returns to the present, and stands directly.

"Call!" Has grown out.

He finally succeeded this time.

Although only four Dan medicine, as long as there is a Dan party, there is a Dan medicine that refines the success, he can refine again.

This place is exactly four people.

Originally, I was going to give Wu Li, but I couldn't find someone for a while, I can only give others, wait for Wu Li, he refines the other party.

This is a little thing.

"One person, eat it!" The sword is unparalleled to give everyone.

Jin Chen holds some hot don medicine, hesitated: "After the conversion, is it really unable to change back to the people?"

Li Wei did not hesitate, he was the decisive.

He didn't expect the sword who would give them one person, and they will eat it without hesitation.

Dan medicine is abdomen, there is no bigger for a while, the source of the body will begin to change.

The power of the origin is not weakened, but the upper limit is reduced.

But the power is constantly stronger.

Li Wei has also grown sharp tentacles.

The tentacles behind the back, see that it is the corner of the dragon.

In the material of refining the medicinal medicine, there is a dragon.

There are also people.

Li Wei's yang is more important, so it has made a dragon.

"My power, has increased more than 20,000!" Li Wei, did not expect it to enhance so much, and the injury is okay.

It is an accident.

After he conversion, he looked at the two families and nodded, and they can be converted.

The sword is unparalleled to refine himself, it is more satisfied. For Jin Chen's problem, he didn't think about it.

It is quite trouble to reverse the Dan side of the people again.

Moreover, it is necessary to refining to convert the medicinal herbs of the people.

Toned, or replied: "Wait until it goes out, there will be a way, I really can't reverse the Dan side, give you refining to become the transition of the people, but at that time, you have to give me. Find materials! "

Reversible Danfang, the light is a test, the materials needed, I am afraid it takes a lot of universe.

Fortunately, Jinchen is an emperor, but it is an emperor, but also needs to kill a lot of people.

Kill the beast is okay, both of them are opposite.

There is no power to kill.

But the slaughter is weak, there will be power.

He didn't care because of causality.

Anyway, I am sick, I am not afraid of one more.

It is now caused by no such thing now.

When you die, it is also because the business of Chen Jia himself is not small, so it will destroy her family.

Not only did not get the constraints, but they also got the shelter of moral golden light.


Still good, and it is a very long way.

Make evil!

Will only get a short benefit, not long!

Unless it is half-way shades.

Of course, there is no difference in swords, no matter which one is, it is for interest.

No one cares about the ants.

That is the essence.

Jin Chen did not understand the original committee, I felt that I can also turn into a nun, I haven't hesitated.

Also began to convert.

Final four people, all transformations are successful.

Li Wei became a dragon.

Jin Chen became a mermaid.

In addition, the back of the two Li family became a pair of nights.

The sword is unparalleled, and the body has been transferred to a masked black armor.

Like the big summer of the temple.

The appearance looks like a person, but what is done, the breath with the body, that is, it is not touching with the people.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled and changed, and it is like a person.

Several people are somewhat curious, but they didn't dare to ask.

"Okay, now we depart, leave this place!"

The sword is unparalleled to jump into the water chamber, and others will follow.

He played his head, after the Li Yuemun.

Li Jia's two universe owners are to protect Jin Chen.

They have a rock pile, so they shut down on the bottom of the river.

With the last Li Wei, I asked: "There is no double friends, there can be planned, where is our next foot?"

I don't know where to go, the sword is unparalleled.

He is looking for Wu Li's route based on causality.

It's just not good to talk to these people.

"I haven't thought about it, but the river 's deceased, it should also be divided into power. Since we are converted into a demon, it will go to those fascinating power, maybe it will be unexpected!"

The sword is unparalleled or some expectations.

He is not like these people, just thinking about life.

There are so many holy trees, and he is a little bit distance from the universe. The chess pieces on the watchtale board can be swallowed.

The rest of him did not swallow the strength.

Can only look for the present treasure.

This place is a good place.

The origin of the beast is very fragile, and there is no need for too much home treasure, I am afraid there is a lot in the river.

He can take the opportunity to search for some.

After Li Wei heard, he sighed and felt his old.

The young generation of the young generation, I thought of the chairman in the desperate, but he just want to save.

The strength is so pull.

The pattern is also slightly smaller.

After the group left the stones, it was almost a day.

Finally left the water grass river.

At this time they got a huge river ditch.

This deep ditch is like the mountains in the ground.

The sword didn't think I didn't think it was, and I took it in.

This road also encountered a lot of deceased.

However, those desertes, when they see them, they are far away.

The desert beasts of the trousing are not dare to close.

This is related to the atmosphere on him.

In their team, Li Wei's realm is the highest.

The Lord of the Sikikovo Universe.

But now he uses the beast native source, the appearance looks also to be robbed.

And the origin of the beast god soldiers, although not reached the peak.

But it has also reached the peak of four robbery.

When the desert beast saw him, he thought he was a descendant of the beast, and it was the peak of the four hobbies.

It is far from hiding.

Beasts descendants, where is the noble existence.

The sword is unparalleled with only twice the force of the beast, which can always maintain this state.

Plus the beast native source.

He is now indeed a veterinary descendant.

However, these deceased beasts don't dare to approach him, but also a problem.

I can't let him find an entry point.

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