Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5825 Holly Ditch

You can't get around you!

The guidance of causality is a bit blurry.

Wu Li's probability is in this deep ditch.

I don't know, how did the other party escape?

Now I can only go in and said.

In the huge river, the deceased is countless.

There are also many treasures.

Some treasures, those desertes can't see, but there is no double for swords, but there is a small use.

He all the way, did not pick up the treasure of this source.

All things contained are extremely rich.

It is also a good treasure to put it in the outside world.

Li Wei saw his approach, but it was a bit surprised.

The strength is clearly more than the peak of the shoulders, but there are some garbage he can't see.

For the strong people who practice the power, those treasures that enhance their origins are more special, but they are not pairs of swords, even if the three puffs can't see!

The sword is unparalleled, and the people of others are not concerned, and they will stop and stop, and they have got a lot of money.

It is enough to condense a black hole.

If you can pick it up, why not!

He is now full of universe, getting closer and closer.

Once the universe is satisfactory, it will condense the true universe.

Before the universe, he has to break through the mourning.

Feel your own robbery.

This is a lot of external forces and your own understanding.

It is something that you can't come.

It is necessary for him to feel in the crisis.

At the moment, there is really a crisis.

A battle occurred in the periphery of the mountain range, in a narrow gap.

The two sides take the heads are the struggles, and there are hundreds of three kilobays.

In a narrow gap, the ground movement of both sides.

The sword is unparalleled with people is watching nearby.

"Let's go, these deceased seem to compete for a treasure!"

Li Wei is extremely spicy, and it has seen a weak halo below the gap.

And there is a unique force accompanying.

It should be a great treasure.

The others can't see it.

When I heard Li Wei, the sword was unparalleled just a little attention to the treasure below the gap.

It seems to be a treasure that increases the power.

For deceased, it is indeed worth fighting.

But there is no double for the sword, that is, garbage.

He cares is not treasure, but this battle.

Two parties strong.

There is no body, all of which are human form, and it seems that there is no extent of the death.

It is obviously somewhat different for those who are alone.

The strong struggle of these parties is from two forces.

If he will go to a foot.

It can take the opportunity to mix a wasteland forces, so that he is more convenient for him to find Wu Li.

Now he has to consider it, how to use this battle, get the trust of each other.

The first is the origin of the identity.

This ancient river is extremely broad, and it is across the entire periphery.

The source is directly in the core.

The forces must also be complex.

Concealing identity is not a problem, you can make a falsehood.

They are the origin of the origin, how can the other person suspect that they will not treat them as a family?

After thinking about a long time, the sword is unparalleled.

I turned to Li Wei and others, and she said: "Are you ready?"

Li Wei has been licking, just have to open a suddenly thinking, and quickly pulling Jin Chen and others back.

"You are crazy!"

He also thought that the sword was unparalleled, and it was exhausted to grab the treasure with those waste beasts.

This doesn't blame him.

But the sword is unparalleled.

"Ha !!" The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the body has soared to 550,000.

A flashes, directly to the gap of the mountain range.

Sudden explosion, not only put Li Wei and others were shocked.

Even those who are still fighting, they are stunned.

In the face of the sudden mystery, they stopped.

The sword is unparalleled to bathe and bathe, that is the power of the beast.

The purest beast god.

This breath, cover all deceased.

He also took advantage of this opportunity and glanced at these deceased.

Because there is no use of this respect, a personal model dog sample, but the appearance is a thousand, but there is a human shape.

The two parties took the lead in the strongest peak, and the power was more than 500,000.

It's almost the same as the original greedy.

But the wolf is not a wasteland.

They are all self-proclaimed beast descendants.

The sword is unparalleled.

Outbreak of fifty-five million power, directly talking about two people.

At the same time, he also found that the two struggles of the strongest peaks hang a brand.

The shape of the brand is different.

It is a distinction between two forces.

One of the four-hearted people of the fish, saw that the sudden appearance of the sword was unparalleled, frowned, he could see that the sword is very unparalleled, and the strength is strong than him. It is extremely difficult.

"Rong I interrupted the Yaxing, this treasure is very important to me, I don't want to come, I will give it to this treasure!" The sword is unparalleled toward the leader of the two sides. .

This makes the strength of the two sides, and it is stunned.

However, for this sudden, they all have a call.

The two parties are the wasteland forces in the mountain range.

Although it is an hostile relationship, the at least knows the roots.

Suddenly I saw the four struggle of the born, it is inevitable.

And together, name the name of the name to compete for.

This is too much.

I have been playing so long, I can't always let people!

Even if you feel that the sword is unparalleled, it is likely to be a descendant of the beast.

The key, the sword is unparalleled, has shown a little, not a local power.

This is even more worried.

So many people, never let the outsiders grab!

The sword is not a double eye to turn, and it is clear that this is clear.

This is the case.

Let the two sides stand on a line and do the identity impression of his field strong, it is enough.

The next is to disintegrate these people from internal.

"Do you have a problem with your brain, you say let's let us be?" The four strongest of the fish head, the sound of snoring, and it is extremely unhappy.

He doesn't matter in front of the mystery, where is it, no matter how hard the background.

This place is their site.

Want to treasure, it is so easy.

After the sword is unparalleled, it is not angry, and the bottom is in the end.

"Haha, I am talking about it!" He took 10,000 mixed yuan stone from the mustard from the mustard. "This is the treasure you have got some of the people before, and hearing is from I am willing to change the treasure of the treasure! "

Mixed stones!

There is still millions of mixed yuan stones on him, this thing is that these deceased or special life is needed.

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