Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5830 Sudden Angry

Eight prototypes, ranking second.

It has a strong strength, and there will be fifty 50,000 power when human form.

And she is good at poisoning and means.

On the Wilong Mountain, even if the King treats this care, it is a guest.

Like the tyrant, I saw this poisonous lady, how far, hiding more.

It is a human name, the shadow of the tree.

Listen to the name is terrible, seeing that I have some panic.

Although the banquet has been seen, then there are so many people present, and there is nothing to fear.

Now meet privately, it will inevitably be a little nervous.

But still hard my skin, please enter the other party into the cave.

The body is a thousand eyes, and the body is poisonous.

After the cultivation of the human shape, it is also a black snake scream soft armor, the wonderful figure wrapped, and although the appearance is not as good as Jin Chen, but it is not a cool, but a shaft of the emperor. The cold is cold.

"How the younger brother is here, if you are not used to, you can tell your sister!" The poisonous lady walked into the Dongfu, and I got it, and I started to care about the sword.

However, her eyes are Jin Chen, who stared at the corner of the cave, and the eyes were evil.

This kind of look, let Jin Chen stand up, can only look down on it.

The sword is unparalleled, but the intention of the other party is thinking, and sudden care is indeed inexplicable.

What is this joke with him?

He is with this poisonous lady, but there is no intersection, so concerned, there must be something.

When you want to go to Jin Chen to get some tea, then ask the lady to sit down, just say: "The king stays good, the big brother is also taken care of me, and the lady is concerned!"

Jin Chen swayed the fish, slowly floating, and carefully put it down, just wanted to leave, but the poisonous lady grabbed his hand.

This sudden hands, let Jinshen scare a jump, wants to take out the hand, but find that the root body can't move.

There is no double-finish in the sword, reached out on the back of the two people, say: "Mrs." said that there is something to say! "

His voice just fell, his hand broke out a dark red beast, and he binds directly to Jin Chen.

The poisonous lady is a pity: "Such a beautiful jade hand, unfortunately!"

After finishing, I looked up and stared at Jin Chen's face.

The sword is nothing to understand, and the other party seems to be not for him!

I thought it was because my appearance attracted the other party, I didn't expect it because Jin Chen.

Can Jin Chen is just an emperor.

What can the other party look?


The sword has no double gallow, I didn't expect the other party and this hobby.

If you are by others, he can do the master, but Jin Chen is not going to do.

Otherwise it will be guilty.

The poisonous lady completely showed the intention, and said directly: "Hu Yu brothers, you are good, it is better to give your sister, the treasures you need, I have a lot!"


I still guess it.

And the other party is going to redeem the treasure.

An emperor.

In this world of weak meat, even the ant ants are not.

With his current identity, there is no reason not to agree.

He didn't choose.

The breath is flashing in the light.

Jin Chen is already scared next to it.

The poisonous lady sitting on the side is, the more you look, the more you say: "This little girl is still a good skin!"

"Haha!" The sword didn't have a double-ended tea cup, and there was a lot of laughter.

Jin Chen is panicked.

Not only Jin Chen, but also Li Wei is also the same.

They look at the current swords and unparalleled, forgot who they are, completely become a wasteland.

The sword is unparalleled with a tea cup, laughing and smiling, and the face is cold.


The tea cup in the hand is also kneaded.

The breath of the body suddenly broke out, the candlelong wings behind him opened directly, and the Shen Li arrived at 550,000.

"Mrs. poison, I don't think it is good to bully. I just went to Welong Mountain, I came to grab it down!" The sword is unparalleled and more angry, I can't wait to work.

Mrs. poison didn't expect the sword where there was so anger, isn't it a emperor?

If you have a trick, there are countless people who have gave him a love.

Why do you persist?

The sword is unparalleled, and the moment of the cave is caught in an instant.

It is rushing directly from the Dabaver from this place.

After seeing the poisonous lady, just got a suddenly.

Then I squeeze a smile, and I'm so beautiful: "Hey, I said that the old Yue House is so lively. It turned out to be the second sister here!"

It seems that it is very natural standing in the sword.

"Big fish, today's things, you'd better don't interlee them, don't take you soup!" The poisonous lady screamed, and there was a lot of black fine lines when they were up, spread half face.

The snake letter in the mouth spit out, and it is horrible.

The sword is not used to each other, and the wings of the candle dragon are first parcel, then suddenly swayed.

After the Wis will start again, he completely embeds into a candlelon.

A dragon, shocking the world.

This is the real beast.

Slowly lift the candle arms, swords are unparalleled: "Old Mun, you have to fight today, I will accompany the end, if you don't dare to give me a far away!"

On the gazeboard, gradually rose in his native star.

Among the unknown spans to the whole body.

The power of the beast is again improved.

Three times the force of the beast god became four times.

The power is six hundred thousand.

The poisonous lady was also scared.

She didn't expect the sword to be so powerful.

If it is leaking on the body, the strongest power broke out, I am afraid it will be more than 60,000.

Mrs. poison knows that his pound is two, even if it takes out the snake body, I feel that it is not a sword unparalleled opponent.

As for the poison, her naked eye can see the special dark red armor on the sword.

I really don't have the wind.

It's so walking, where is her face?

After the tying, I also looked at it, I was busy playing the round field: "Hu Lao brother, you eliminate the gas, everyone is the own person, why should it be so embarrassed!"

Said that this said, in fact, his opponent is also coming.

Ming knows that the sword is unparalleled is that he recruited, and he still finds it.

If you find , you can find it, it is not today.

The sword is unparalleled, just come to provoke, and it is too much to say.

Even if Tamu is coming, the poisonous lady is the unpredictable.

What's more, there are more than six hundreds of the power of swords, there are more than 600,000, and more than the poisonous lady.

Strength is the truth.

"The brother does not have to say, I looked at the old monster, I came to find it, I have to grab my , isn't it to play Hu Moist's face!" The sword is not a double breath once again shock, facial .

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