Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5831 makes you walk

The eyes of the candlelon are more shining.

I really want to do it, he can seriously hurt the opponent three strokes.

The poisonous lady can't see the cheap, snort, can only leave.

But she can't swallow this breath, just before leaving, suddenly turned back to the venom.

In the direction of the, it is the location where Jin Chen is located.

One emperor, it can withstand this poison.

As long as it is contaminated, there is no hope for life.

The sword is unbeaten this time.

It is agreed to be angry.

This time he was really anger. The wings behind him were shocked. When I came to Jin Chen, I raised the arms of the candlelon.

The eye of the candle dragon shots a variety of light, and the venom is thoroughly pasted.

"Old Memou, if you let you leave this Dongfu today, I will be self-awan!" The sword didn't have a double angry, clenched his fists, and his feet were blocked.

The poisonous lady is okay, and the front is unparalleled to the anti-sword. There is no advantage.

I can only hide.

The sword is unparalleled at the speed. I haven't encountered my opponents. The poisonous lady just flashed to hide. He preused to go to the opponent's trend, and he kicked it on the opponent's face.

Let the other party rushed out of the cave in a horizontal posture.

Facial landing, it has been drawn out of 100 miles.

The sword is unparalleled to the hole, but also hands.

It was stopped by Baibao, and he kept persuaded: "Hu La, Million, this mother has an legs with the mulberry king, can't kill your hands!"

Li Wei and others reacted at this time, and also quickly persuaded.

I just stood now, or not to provoke.

The sword is unparalleled, I really want to follow the past, and then fight the other party.

He couldn't play someone else, but he still played a snake.

It is just that the other's snakes will come to the wine.

After standing in the hole, after a few words, it was only an angry.

The poisonous lady also took the opportunity to walk.

After returning to the cave, he is also coming in.

"Hu La, you are hidden, so powerful, it is absolutely row in the second, more than that of the old lady!"

The sword is unparalleled to re-solid it to 550,000. When this strength can only be second, some do not understand: "The power of the whale shark is more than 60,000?"

The whale shark care method is ranked first in the guardian of Wilong Mountain.

The rumors of the other party and Tumao king are the strong people in the era, although it is just a protection, but the status is super, usually rarely.

Strength is more powerful.

It is already able to match the enemy.

Bawletstream, explained: "The normal power of the whale shark care method, there are 63,000, although I have never seen his body, but according to many people's speculation, the whole force of the whale shark will be able to reach 700,000! "

"700,000!" The sword was not bilateral jitter.

Not only him, Li Wei, who is standing next to, is all facing each other.

Seventy-million power is already the power of the hard work.

Even if the Lord of the four-hearted universe is difficult to explode in their own universe.

A deceased, there is such a powerful power, there is absolutely secret!

I also recorded this person.

"Hu Lao brother, blame brother, this time you guilty, you can be careful, there is a king behind him, which is the dragon in Wolong Mountain, but he is not in Weilong now. Mountain, I heard that I went to the east shore, I would not come back for a while, but you have to pay attention! "

The sword nodded, thank you for the other party, but also seen that the tyrants are obvious, and there is no need to say.

"Originally, I am preparing for a long time, come back to visit, who wants that the mother suddenly got to Hu La, then I also take this opportunity, tell you something!" Hellou ran, continue to say : "This Weilong Mountain, there are three magic kings, in addition to Sangkk, the remaining two today, you have also seen it, the protection method has nine, except for the whale shark to protect the law, most of the rest of the law will follow the three magazines, This may not be clear! "

The sword is unparalleled, and the other party is pulling him into the hill!

In addition to the Mulk King, there is a magic king and the king of the king, and I don't know how to sit down at that law king? "

"Dissatisfying your brother, I am now in the Manta King!" I said: "I am here, I want your brother to join the bat king's hand, you can rest assured, the treasures you need, as long as we do, we all Help you find, the share of the payment can also fall so that you can make the treasure you need faster! "

The sword is unparalleled, and the benefits of this small hill are added.

In Wilong Mountain, if it is a collection of treasures, the big head is going to pay.

Can only leave a small portion.

If it is put into the blade of the bat, you can pay less.

Everyone can also hold groups.

There will be a battle place.

Even after entering the Weilong Mountain, there is a variety of hills.

If you want to mix well, you will have to stand early.

He is a sinful wife, but it is equal to the sin.

There are only two options left.

The strength of the thousand kings is actually in his view, it is the most powerful, the batouts are somewhat weak.

It may be almost the same as which whale shark.

If you choose to choose powerful.

But he doesn't know each other.

But the bat preceded the olive branch first, and there is also a typo, this referee.

It is the most suitable of his hill.

It's just a moment, he agreed directly.

Hegemony rushed to the words: "Hu Lao brother is really a happy person."

He likes the sword. There is no parallel tone, and there is no drag with water.

The more simple things are, the better, the better, you will happen.

Anyway, watching the sword is getting more and more pleasing.

The sword is unparalleled, and I chatted with the other side, and I farewell to leave.

Everything is busy, it is finally loose.

However, the Warlong Mountain is quite very much.

The deceased is not like a family.

In the face of powerful power, the fear of the fear.

The alone in the mountain range is even if I encounter Wilong Mountain's deceased beast, how can I shoot still.

Almost every day there will be a battle.

He is unable to stay.

Not only is Wu Li, but also have to take someone to grab the ground.

A little rectified, everyone is the first time to rest assured a day.

Each restored some kind of essence.

The sword has no double disc for a lower current person.

Just look at Li Wei.

The rest of the people have no hope.

And he has to let Li Wei to protect Jin Chen, and you may not be able to do it.

After the three days, he farten again.

Within the power of Weilong Mountain, there are two strange four-minded special life, not only compete with the strong people in Weilong Mountain, but also killed many power of Welong Mountain.

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