Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5832, the brother of Benbo Ba

This kind of thing can endure.

The Magic Bat King, when the arrangement of tyrants and swords have been settled, they will go to kill each other.

They also take people.

The sword is unparalleled to let Jin Chen stay in Wilong Mountain, and it is brought by side.

It's just that he hasn't recdited the beast.

It seems some monotonous.

It is a lot in the hands of tying.

The deceased of the four-knocked level is more than ten times.

And the power is around 450,000.

It is an elite in the four hobbies.

"Set off!"

The sword is unparalleled with Bahou, with hundreds of deceased power, directly killing the abroad.

After they left, on the mountain peaks in Wilong Mountain, a blue skin grinned the desert beast and walked out of the cave.

"Hu Yu!" His eyes were extremely sharp.

He is the first protector of Weilong Mountain, the whale shark.

Although it is a four-hearted, it dares to call the king.

It is conceivable that strength is imagined.

It is possible to hand with the French king and don't fall.

Especially with the westity of the Magic Bat, it is more able to stand on the wind.

It's just that he doesn't have a hill and has been practiced alone.

Now it is interested in the sword.

He stood outside the Dongfu, but he walked one in the Dongfu, which is the king of the king.

"Whale shark, this Hu Yu, I can see it, our plan can let him join!"

Magic bat king's five knocked strong, although the war is quite equal to the whale shark, no matter how it is also a five-robbery, but it is very polite to the whale shark, and the two seem to be planning.

The whale shark is not turned, the scorpion is deep, Shen Si is very long, saying: "Let's wait, the practice that is not anxious, the practice is very weak, even find out our secret, there is nothing, he An ethnic monk, can it be broken? "

"Haha, I am more and think!" The magic bat is smile, not on the opening.

It is said that the sword that has been departed is, and their luck is also better. In the canyon of a mountain range, the two strange four-minded special life killed the Weilong Mountain.

And it is also just blocked by them to the way.

"Hey, two do not know the dead gathers, dare to come to Welong Mountain, give me all the best!" Bawang rushed one strike, there is a number of four struggles.

I don't give each other's opportunities, I can talk less, say that the other party doesn't necessarily service you, but you can hit the other party as long as enough.

Or let the other party to drive.

The other party is just two ordinary quadrowers, do not need him to shoot with swords.

The sword is unparalleled, but it feels that these two deceased are somewhat not simple.

"Overie, be careful, I think things are somewhat not to the head!" The sword was unparalleled around, and I felt something too silent.

The two deceased beasts, it is also very calm, and the enemy faces is not panic.

The tyrants also responded at this time, although there was no sense of ambush, but it was able to see the embarrassment of this place.

Too quiet.

And the two four-pocked special life, not panic, but on his face leaked a proud expression.

"It's coming back!" The sword was unbolded, and he quickly reminded.

Unfortunately, it is late.

The six four-stricken deceased, just near the two special life sky fell a giant network.

Look back and look back.

I don't know when, there is a special life of nine four-knocked, the special life of the lead, the silver, the structure is perfect, is a unique special life.

God is extremely horrible.

The rest of the special life also has about 500,000.

They are calculated this time.

The sword is unparalleled, and even if you are busy with Li Wei, let him protect himself.

"It's you!" Hellio rushed to him, and did not manage those who were trapped by the giant network, but looked at the silver special life taken.

Silver special life, the eyeliner is black, leaking out the mouth of the mouth when opening the mouth.

"Fish head, I said, will come back, how can I do it!"

Hegemony flooded his fist and jumped in the corner.

He is indeed aware of the other party.

And it's still old.

The brothers who used to be.

Life and death.

such a pity!

Because there is a matter of things, the two have embarked on a different way.

Sword Warriors also see the relationship between the two is not general, there is no shot.

However, he can see that the other person is not good.

"Since it comes back, then it is good!" Hellio rushed.

Silver special life, waved, pointed to his own hand: "How, my hand, strength!"

"Yes, it is very powerful!"

Bawlets I know that the meaning of the other party is to prove that my walk is right, and it is very good.

"Haha, good brothers, really haven't seen it for a long time!" The silver special life is alone.

Bawang is not moving, the voice suddenly turned, the opening said: "The master is dead, the teacher is not there, you shouldn't come back!"

"It seems that you still don't welcome me!" The silver special life stopped.

The sword is unparalleled is some.

This is also involved in the grievances of the two generations, letting him didn't think.

Hegemony rushing sword without a double bitter smile, said: "Hu Lao brother laughed, this is my brother, Pang Yun!"

The sword is unparalleled just nod, no opening.

Since it is someone else's grievance, he is still not inserted.

Pang Yun hooks the fingers, greeted one, remove a box from the hand, open the cover, ordered: "I haven't matter to come back this time, I heard that there is a treasure in the Welong Mountain, trouble It's simple to plant this, it's that simple, the teacher will not refuse! "

"Is it dead grass?" The sword is unparalleled or the first time I heard this treasure.

I didn't care.

But the tying is swaying, and the voice is low. "Dish, you don't think about me now, I will not do anything else!"

Pang Yun stunned, then couldn't help but smile.

"You will not feel that you are the protection of the Welong Mountain, just forget what you are?"

He pointed at the tyrants, smiled and smiled and sank it, then he lowered: "Don't forget, you kill the master, you are betrayed by the teacher, you are not clean forever!"

Everyone heard the exciting news is a glimpse.

The sword has never thought of, looking at the honesty of the honesty, there is still something that derangement.

People are unspeakable.

Also suitable for wasteland.

But he felt that things were not so simple, and there was no next conclusion.

Just waiting for the development of things.

The deception is destroyed, and this hat is not good.

Once you have passed out, I am afraid that Weilong Mountain will take the tyrants.

Water bearer world, although chaos.

However, the respect teacher has taken over, it is more strict than the people.

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