Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5839 Stone State is coming

And all powerful, far-not ordinary deceased comparison, the weakest can be comparable to Wilong Mountain's protection law.

Starting is a 500,000 power.

The key is the main one of the two five-hearted universe.

They are all peaks.

It is not a Magic Bat. This semi-hang can be compared.

There are still some mad Sang ink, and there are so many people, and the eye holes began to shrink.

It is no longer a revenge, that is what it can be alive.

Hegemony is also desperate.

If it is the bucket between the beast, there is also possible possible.

But encounter an ethnic monk, only dead war.

Li Wei was also shocked.

Then I suddenly thought of my own family.

But now this ghost looks like, people are unreliable, and there is a face to face.

When the shocked sword is unparalleled, the brow stretches.

Because he felt the breath of Jin Chen, it was on this ancient ship.

It seems to be alive.

that's enough.

Returning to Li Wei and baben, whispered: "Don't worry, there is a chance!"

This sentence is to the tyrant.

It is also to Li Wei.

This situation is now.

The people's monks have come, and the first to deal with the Magic Bud King and Sangk.

It doesn't matter to them.

And this place is isolated.

The team of the family can find this place accurately, I am afraid it has a special task.


After the ancient ship has stopped, the big flag is floating.

Everyone also saw the banner.

"Shi Country!"

The sword is unbounded.

Why didn't he think of it, just encounter the team of Shi Country.

The road is narrow.

The criminal nine is a small thing, but he has had some stone strong in Stone Country.

Maybe it is on this board.

If he is showing, the other party will not only give face, I am afraid it will also be martedly.

However, Jin Chen has reached the big ship of Shi State, and I don't know how the situation is.

The hull stopped.

The hundred breath on the deck rose.

The two major five-killed universe of Stone Country, a man and a woman standing in the forefront.

Jin Chen is in front of them.

Shijiu is also kneeling.

"The old ancestors, Jin Chen also no way, only to convert to the belusing of the beast, please ask the old ancestors!" Shijiu kneel on the ground and pleading.

The female robbery of Shi Country is frown, cold channel: "Shijiu, don't forget, she has a husband, you keep her, I lost my stone, since she All give up the people of the people, then there is no different from the desert! "

Another five-knocked force next to it, at this time, come out to play a round field.

Shi Jiu is a grace of stone show.

Still give your face.

"Take the lottery, we are still the task, the grievances between this juniper, why bother, or quickly explore the situation here, report to the ancient mouse, our task is also completed!"

Netline snorted, not taking care of Shijiu, lightly said: "Stone three, I will give you a face, but don't forget, in the infinite world, everything goes to me!"

This is extremely overbearing.

There are some dissatisfaction in the bottom of Shi.

This net lotus demon woman is just Shi Guo's Gu Qing.

If it is not stone country, don't say that the Holy will compete for the candidate of the Shengwu, I am afraid I have already died.

She is a nostalgic child of Shi Country.

Nowadays, it is dare to press the Shi Guzong family.

Naturally, it is a bit dissatisfaction.

But in order to make a big, I can only endure.

Saving a hand, Shi Shijiu hurriedly took Jin Chen, and did not say anything.

Shi State team, this task came, very simple!

It is the case of exploring this place.

Because after the sword is unparalleled, it is isolated everything.

The ancient mouse feels some unsatisfactory, so that the nearest stone team from this place will come to see.

When the main exploration of the two five-five-stricken universe of Shi Country, it was shocked.

As for the Magic Bank, they are not placed in the eyes at all.

After the exploration, you can kill it.

But their exploration, but it is stunned.

"Is the power of life!" The net lotus face was shocked.

Shi San is big.

The power of life, is a brocade.

But for the scent, it is to send a charcoal in the snow.

Shi Country can have a lot of seven-scale robbery.

If it is able to win the power of this place, then this time the Holy Association, even if it is not chosen to be a sacred woman, it is not born.

"Kill these butr!"

Shi San and Net Lotus shot together.

"Shi Tian, ​​you bring someone to deal with the deceased of those four-knocked, these two are handed over!" Net Lian directly told everyone, and his respects.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is back to Li Wei with the tyrants.

"After it, they found the power of life!"

He didn't think that the other party would not be so sensitive, the result is still discovered.

Then there must be no longer staying, you will definitely put all the deceased of this place.

"The sword is unparalleled, it is better to take the initiative?" Li Wei began to be afraid.

Belt is a little, I can't understand Li Wei!

The sword has shaken his head and swayed to Li Wei.

"This place hides a big secret, they won't let us, have you forgotten the strong people of Tianwu?"

At the beginning they just came in, the biggest opponent, even at the same time.

Now go to exposure, will only die faster.

Do not expose the identity, at least they are still the party, can with the power of the Magic Bud King and the Whale Shark.

Exposes, both sides must chase them.

Anyway, the strong people of those who have never chased them.

Just coming to some of the four-roboted universe.

These people can still block.

Li Wei also understood it, it could only rely on himself.

"Overie, are you ask the king to help?" The sword walked at the time of the river.

The special life of the six knobs.

If it is able to pull the bit too.

So this battle, it's lively.

These small fish is like a small fish.

Bawlette is swallowed, and it is said: "It has been transferred to the past, just no reply!"

"You have passed the past, say that there is a life of life, and there is a five-knocked monk of the people, let him come over, otherwise the treasure is being robbed by the people monk!"

As long as there is enough benefits, which river is not sitting at all.

With his strength, it is difficult to fall in the infinity world.

The special life of the six knobs.

There is nothing difference with the Lord of the Six-Bombard's Universe.

Just didn't have your own way.

The Lord of the five knocked universe is the same, who can bring your universe here?

This is the advantage.

The family cannot threaten the tower.

He is coming, even if you can't put this place, you can also repel the team's team.

As for Jinchen, the big probability is with Shijiu.

Following the team of stone country, always stronger than he followed him.

Follow him, the big probability is still wandering.

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