Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5840 Keeping Can Belt

The emperor can't come out one day, they have to be trickless.

And after he found Wu Li, he will not stop here, and will continue to go forward.

At that time, it was more dangerous.

Jin Chen is different from Li Wei.

The strength is different.

Li Wei died, his eyes won't blink, but Jin Chen is dead. How did he explain the emperor, how to explain in which Yunzhi country is.

Although the big probability will not be involved in the country.

But Yunzhi State is the Lord of the seven-robbery universe, and there may be communication in the future.

You can't sin, you can't live up.

Now, Jin Chen is just with her Xiaolan Jun, and the two will live without the shameless life.

The sword is unparalleled.

There is no scruple.

He opened a lobe and spiral heaven.

The power directly increased to 650,000.

The four hops of Shi Country stunned.

"Hey, you will also want to catch me again!" The sword is unparalleled deeply, and it is slightly raised.

Directly broke the power of the world, and the main shock of dozens of four-knocked universe.

Especially the stone sky taken, it can't help but vomit blood, and it is not hurt.

Li Wei didn't know if it turned into a wasteland, and it was especially embarrassed.

The power of typing is not recovered, and only two big killing of them can only look at them.

"Hu La, not I said, how much strength you hide?" Benoba is dumbfounded.

Seeing the usual wretched Li Wei, you can kill the Quartet, and some tickles itchy, rush forward, you will arrest a heavy injured stone country, it is a output.

The Magic Bat King saw that they had not yet played, the sword was unparalleled, and the face was happy.

"Whale shark, then don't use it, maybe we have a chance!"

Three hits two!

The advantage is in the desert.

The whale shark, can also be counted as a five-knocked force.

They all stayed behind, and they have just consumed the power, and now they have returned it back.

Running a circle, it is understood.

No one has a backhand.

No one can quickly restore the peak.

Only himself, nor is it.

But I thought of the fallen squid east, as well as a mat back.

"Ha!" The whale shark king broke out at the same time, rushed over, and met the strongest net lotus.

The remaining stone three, naturally handed over Monk.

The two sides have become a group.

A strip of vibration is built, it is enough to stir the three robbery.

The sword is not idle.

The team of Stone Country has a hundred strobbies, except for some robbery to protect the emperor, all dispatched, siege unparalleled and others.

Shi Tian burned the power, anger, "together, kill the big fish!"

There is no double strike by the sword.

That fatfish, actually dared to come up with the stone.

Taking advantage of his power weakened, come up with a knife.

Also specialize.

Can you have cooked!

The sword has no double power up to 60,000, and no one is opponent.

He is also an ultimate for five times the power of the beast.

The candlelon armor is wearing the armor.

I directly ignored their attacks, one person looked hundreds of people.

is the Lord of each four-knocked universe.

The strongest stone day, but six hundred thousand will, burning, no sword is unparalleled.

Moreover, the sword is unparalleled with almost unlimited.

Give him enough time, this 100 four-hearted universe is full of fallen.

However, these people have learned smart.

Start the wheel war.

And it will be separated from people to deal with Li Wei and Baobao.

This will make the sword unparalleled.

Li Wei is chasing the main chasing of more than ten striped universe.

The power of the key tyrants has not recovered.

Even if you leak your body, you can't resist so many universers.

"Broad brother, eat this fruit!" Li Wei took out a powerful fruit from the mustard.

Hegemony is big, excited: "Li's brother, you are not exposed!"

"Haha, my power is fast, so I am not willing to eat!"

The two were chased, they can laugh.

The sword is unparalleled.

"You find a chance to go out first, don't take me!" He turned his head reminded two people.

It is best to go out first.

Anyway, I can't help anything.

It is best to escape back to Wolong Mountain.

Where is at least it is safe.

Even if the team of the people is strong, it will not be stupid to go to a non-pavilum of special life.

When he went back behind those who rushed into the universe, his body was shocked, stopped the Lord of the universe of Li Wei.

"Don't chase, your opponent is me!"

The sword is unparalleled in the sky, the arms of the candle dragons, the wings behind the bars are shocked.

More than a dozen universe of the universe, they have retired.

"Due to me, kill them!" Shi Tian is anxious!

The Lord of Nine Sikou Universe has been successful, rushed up.

Lands, continue, gathered nine big battlefams.

No headless, both hands holding a break to treasure, and come to the sword.


The sword is not a feet.

This method combines, every battle, there are 600,000 power.

Plus Stone Day is a super power of ten six hundred thousand power.

Although he is 650,000, he can also have some effort.

Double fists in four hands.

Now he can't use the candlelong Wo, and then go to the earth.

Can only be personal, fight.

In the entoucted, his belly is affected by the enemy.

Sixty thousand power, falling on the body, even if it is weakened, it will be very painful.


The sword is unparalleled to avoid a battle against a battle, but there is a battle of the next battle.

Not much time reactions at all.

Shi Tian hand holds a warmer, standing on the periphery.

The sword is unparalleled, torn the sky, retreats four battlefares, and moves the body again to fight other battle.

But when he turned, there was a figure behind him.

Shi Tian!

He is looking for this opportunity for a long time.

Seeing that the sword is unparalleled, immediately rushed up, raised the war hammer, and smashed on the brain of the sword.

boom! ! ! !

The huge blow, directly hit the sword unparalleled from the sky into the ground.

This movement is not small.

The Magic Bat is noticed.

I originally think that three sorts of two should have the opportunity, and the results have been discovered that they are not opponents.

The whale shark and the magic bike were pulled up by the net lotus.

Sang Yo is also fine, and it is the ability to fight by stone three.

Now I have discovered that the sword is unparalleled.

They panic.

However, they still have a card.

That piece that has been filled with the treasure.

If it is used for each other, it can definitely be instantly killing.

But this to the treasure is for the former Tam Ming.

Now if you use it.

The plan is completely destroyed.

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