Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5842 fallen by the flying

The anger of anger is raging, but he can't open it.

Otherwise, you have to eat the sword.

Under the eyes of countless people, the sword is unparalleled.

The sword has no double leaks.

Not these people think, I have to go with the identity of the people.

Fight this.

There is a reason for peace talks.

He leaking out of this respect, naturally it is necessary to use the sword.


The silence speaks.

At the moment of pulling out of the rushed sword, he represents his approach.

He is going to fight!

"Double sword slip!"

The sword is unhappy.

One-hand life, one hand died.

Black and white sword.


Straight battle in the market.

The Star Chart record is a circle in the sky.

Since the power is.

Then there is this source to defeat the other party.

"It's good!" Shi Tian dance the war hammer, ridiculous: "Look at me, kill your head!"

After saying that the hammer is warmed, greeted it.


Sword blade, for the war hammer.

Send a deafening sound.


The sword has no double shape through the battle, and the hands can't hurt.


Ten thousand robbery falls from hand.

Just fight, the shock of his tiger is numb, and the body is thrown.

Only the source is still tough.

The power of the stars is full of body.

I have never weakened it.

But he couldn't hold his sword.

That blow, he lost.

"Is this?" Shi Tian operation battle, turns a ridicule: "How do you win me!"

Seventy thousand power.


The peak of the five hobbies.

The sword is really not an opponent.

His relies on the same way.

Now, the universe is already used to escape, and the town can't live in the opponent.

It is not enough to improve the A.

Now, he only has the final card.

As for his ancient temple jade pot, there is only 700,000 power.

Even if used, you can't beat each other.

After all, there is seventy-thousand power to stand in itself.

And he doesn't want to have an ancient temple to defeat each other.

He wants to defeat his opponent with his true strength.


Sustain the wrist, the palm of the palm is broke out, and the falling tens of thousands of followers will renegate.

As long as you hold the sword, he has absolute confidence.

Even if the other party has a seventy of the power.

He also has confidence.

The first two swords recorded in the stars.

He has already entered a success.

The power of death, he has indeed learned a lot from the life.

And life can also be pushed to death.

Can help him get the death of death.

Then the rest is combined.

Just combine with the power and the source.

It is very difficult.

Super ancient times, need him to become the owner of the universe, and there is hope to create.

The third sword is also true.

It is necessary to reach the realm of the owner of the universe.

Death is combined with life.

Round back sword!

The sword is unparalleled and closed, facing the fight against the killing, a sword is open.

Once again, it is barely able to resist.

But still in the wind, it is not an opponent.


Representative's killing and fierce.

I met the war hammer.


One force breaks the law.

His sword move, it will be.

Power can't keep up, no.

The sword is unparalleled with the hands of the sword, and the arm is shocked.

If the power can be combined with ancient times, he will not be fragile.

However, it is impossible to use the power of the stars.

"It's evil!" The sword was unpacking, or did not aggressive.

Kill again.

Every collision, his flesh and the power were shocked.

There is no intact place soon.

Even if the recovery is very fast, the speed of the other party is faster.

On the arm, there is no flesh.

The finger is all broken.

But he still holds the sword, never let go.



The sword is unparalleled against these two points, go to this day.

The five-hearted strong in the distance stopped.

I want to see how the legendary emperor is falling.

The whale shark is relatively opposite the magic bat, and the recovery of natural music.

Sang Yus is not thinking so.

The sword is unparalleled must die.

And you have to die in his hand.

"People, you should die in my hand!" Sang's dragon's book, taking advantage of the stone three do not pay attention to it directly.

Stone three originally wanted to block, but found that the other party was unparalleled.

Randomly joined to Shi Tian.

"Let the deceased killed him, don't have to be involved!"

Jin Chen still looks at the boat.

If Stone Country kills the sword, there is no parallel, it may also make Vietnamese hail.

Although not care.

It can be used by the hand of others, it is best to remove a scourge.

Shi Tian manipulates the battle of the battle, and the hammer's violent sword is unparalleled, and it has not been addicted.

I can only stop.

"Kid, kill you, you don't need me, it seems that your enemy is really a lot!" Shi Tian scared, back.

The Sang Yo rushed over.

Li Wei, who has already escaped, and hello, I have seen the sword, no double is about to fall, stopped.

Bawlets are not deceived.

Hu Yan he knows is indeed a family.

Going out now, I haven't come to make Tammao.

Even Tamu is coming, it is impossible to save the sword.

"Lee brother, go to escape!" Hellio rushed to rush toward the sword.

Li Wei yelled: "" Is this stupid fish, is it to send it? "

He really doesn't understand, helloured a wasteland, why do you want to save the sword?

But a hundred years of sex.

Why bother?

Leave him standing in the hole, not, not going, not.

Thought twisted.

He thought of something that he had to guard.

The back of the family is falling.

Li Jia has the Lord of his universe.

He can't go to death.

Thinking of this, the head is not returned out of the blessing.

Beno Baiba is full of efforts, from the gossip, came to death.

He can choose to escape.

But he can't see someone who saves himself, and go to death.

When the master was so, the teacher also left.

The brother is even dead in his hand.

He didn't want to live again.

"Hu Lao brother, I will help you!" The incarnation, swaying the body, and flying towards the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to hear shouts, and the bottom of the conscious look.

Random anger: "Go!"

"Your dead fish, it's just right!" Shi Tian is a joy.

When there is no done, this fat fish didn't have less.

At this time it is a chance to revenge.

Looking up the war hammer, stopping the way to go.


War hammer, one knocked on the fish head of the rushing.

Shu is hard to have a hammer of his own brain, can't stop these seventy-thousand power.

Beno is directly blind.

Both eyes also began to blur.

Shi Tian lifted the war hammer, and it was a hammer, and the huge fish head, and completely depressed.

"Such a big fish head, but it is so unhappy!" Shi Tian still can't be addicted, and the other will not hold.

The extremely disappointment of the foot kicks the back of the rushing, and directly kicks his book.

The huge fish head is just in front of the sword.

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