Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5843 Chapter Super Great

The eyes of the Benoba blurred, and finally saw the sword unparalleled book.

At the corner of the mouth, the blood flows.

With the only consciousness on the head, the sword is unparalleled: "It turns out ..... Hu La .... Long so like!"

"More ... I ..... I look good!"

The sword is unparalleled, and if you want to pass the power of life to the other party, it is found late.

His eyes start flashing.

The blue air of the stars is constantly turning.

His body is also starting.

Constant vibration.

The sword is unparalleled, biting the sore throat is low, and you shouldn't come back! "

He can't die.

He still has a universe, can show three shocks.

Can escape.

Just, I don't know.

I thought he went to the desperation.

The mulberry rushing did not change because of the falsehood of the Ben, or prepared to have no double shots.

Shi Tian saw the huge fish head, still somewhat uncomfortable in the heart, the operation warfare descended from the sky, and crushing the fish head with the battle of the knee.

The blood in the fish head sprinkles the sword without double.

There is no double eye hole in the sword, and a furious comes from the bottom of your heart.

He completely broke out.

God has skyrocked with this source.

Blue breath on your body, directly from the sky.


The sword is unparalleled with double punches, an outbreak, directly retreats the rushing Sang and the stone sky in front of it.


He happened to him.

Blue breath cohesive is solid.

Extermination of Shenli, gather together with the power of the Starry Sky.

This is the super old!

Shen Li and the origin, directly skyrocketing fifty times.

Originally, 400,000 power, rose fifty times.

It is 800,000.

It is equal to the power to double.

And the origin is doubled.

It was comparable to a successful universe, and suddenly stacked two universe.

He now shows star empty, more than ever.

A sword killed five hobbies were very casual.

"Is this the super ancient change?" The sword has no pair of palms, gathered a breath, and it is incredible.

He has become powerful, but there is no joy.

Instead, anger is full of his body.

Sangkou found that the breath of the sword was changed, but also thought that the sword was unparalleled just a simple outbreak.

Directly rushed forward, open the bloody mouth, want to swallow the sword unchanged.

The big mouth of the blood is unparalleled toward the sword.

The sword has no doubles, but only rapported, directly led Muli out of the hundred miles, and hit it on the core of the Fu Di core.

The hit Mulberry is grinned, and I can't believe in the strength of the sword.

I just took a touch with the sword unparalleled contact, he used to feel it.

But that time, it is a Tammail that faces hexack.

The stone three and others who saw this scene in the distance were stunned.

"How?" Shi San shocked.

The net lottery girl does not know who the sword is unparalleled, she has been closed to prepare the Holy Association, and I don't know this.

It is too lazy to the sword.

The stone three clear, the sword is unparalleled is just an emperor.

He used to reach the threshold of the five puffs, he thought it was the limit.

As a result, now one hand, talk about the serious injury.

He can't do it!

The king of the magic bat and the whale shark, it was leaking a lottery, and even busy the sound of Sang, let him not have no double to the sword, maybe there is no double with the sword.

Just they don't know, the current sword is unparalleled without any allies.

One person can challenge all of them.

The people on the warship, and it is also extremely shocking swords and unparalleled outbreaks.

Shijiu is a mouth, and I don't know what to say.

I only feel the stupidness of the ancestors.

And narrow!

Shi Tian panicked at this time, exclaimed: "How will you be so powerful?"

"Because, standing in front of you is that the super sword is unparalleled!"

The sword is unparalleled, and a flashes disappeared in front of Shi Tian.

Shi Tian's eyes and thought of thinking to capture the sword unparalleled figure, but found that the sword was unbearable in front of his eyes.

"Stupid, I am in the top!" The sword has already collected a rumor, because he thinks this kind of garbage is not worth using the rumored sword.

Super ancient times, single is the most ordinary power, is 800,000 power.

There are almost no opponents below the six robbery.

He stared at each other with his arms chest.

Shi Tian quickly looked up and wanted to take the initiative.

The sword is unparalleled but suddenly landed, and the feet is on the battlefield of Shi Tian operation.

Directly stepped into the ground directly, then spit a sip of water, ridiculous: "What is your high posture?"

"What is your strength?"

Shi Tian is struggling to take rid of the sword, a pair of footsteps, just climbed up from the ground, the sword is unparalleled to kick, kick the stone in the sky again, and the Sang Yet is one.

They all hit them.

It's just that Sulin and the old man hide, I dare not go up.

Shi Tian is extremely uncomfortable, roaring: "The sword is unparalleled, you will die, I want you to die!"

I have sent a crazy stone day, waving the hammer.

The sword is unparalleled is just a point, and it blocked the hammer that had never honest.

In the war hammer, he can be sinful.

And this war hammer, I also killed the tyrants!

Shi Tian did not believe that his war hammer in his hands could not shake the sword.

Ren, you will be unparalleled.

Let me smash thousands of times.

The sword is unparalleled with a finger.

At the last time, the sword is unparalleled directly with his hand.

This warmer is the treasure of the universe of the four hits, which is extremely hard.

The sword is unparalled with a warner, let Shi Tian can't pull it all, randomly angry: "Ah !!!"

The hammer in hand begins to appear cracks.

"Give me!"

Obsessed again, he is smashed with the fighting hammer of the troops hierarchy.

This time, Shi Tian was completely panicked.

Even the treasure was broken by the sword, and his operation was somewhat unstable, and the rear end of the grouped, pointed to the sword. "You ......"

I said that I am scared.

The sword has no double shape.

It has seventy-thousand powerful battle, instantaneous disintegration.

War array disintegration, hundreds of four-hearted strong, together with Shi Tian, ​​have vomited blood.

No more than half of the power.

The sword is unparalleled to step forward, and when he stepped on the cheeks of Shi Tian, ​​staring at each other, ridicuing: "You are not very powerful, why don't you work now?"


Take a sight of the opponent's face, the sword is unparalleled with a mouth, disdain: "You are a garbage!"

It is always ready to solve the other party.

It is also awarded to the tyrant.

There is also everyone who is fighting.

On the other hand, stone three others.

Seeing things have evolved to uncontrollable.

Shi San also couldn't see it, and the figure flashed, and he came to the sword.

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