Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5846 Mysterious People

Jin Chen stands in place, his eyes move, her heart is dead.

There is still a bunch of body.

"You are right!" She laughed in the net lotus demon, and immediately entered the port of Fufu and jumped into the fire.

Stone three wants to block it too.

I can only cover her face: "Hey, why bother!"

The flames in Fundai burned a fragrant, and completely disappeared.

The whale shark king threw away the broken to treasure in his hand.

And the core of Fuitai has begun to break.

This makes him glitter.

Flying flying over.

However, the next moment he was slammed by the sword, but he kicked it directly into the ground.

The sword is unparalleled, because he can't maintain the super ancient turn, take the last time, the figure is flashing.

Directly renamed.

Using the last tone, it is directly over the coincide of the crack, and a hole is broken.

The hole is very small and is very weak.

And his figure directly illusion became a mist, and in the last moment, it entered the interior of the junior.

The whale shark who turned over, after seeing the sword, there was a rushing, and the result was hit in the comments, and it could not go in.

"How is it possible!" He didn't understand, the sword is unparalleled, how can he come into.

He is angry, constantly bombards the knot.

When there is a small round hole in the junction, it is blocked.

Can't go in at all.

But he looked at the sword.

He doesn't know, this comic circle is actually living.

Accurately, the neighborhood is manipulated.

The people inside want to let people go, who can go in.

On the contrary, no one can't open it.

Just a million power, it also made some cracks in the combo.

Even if you let the Tammour of the Six, you can't break it.

And Tamura, this time is really coming.

Stone three net lotus front feet come in.

Tammu king followed it.

"Haha, it seems that I missed a good play!" Tammao knew huckled at everyone.


The whale shark king has a deeper, this time still lost a complete.

Shi three and net lotian face color.

"The king of the Roman River!" The two were desperate this time.

The stone country is unlucky, let them meet.

The six robbery has appeared.

Both people know it.

Just when they are ready to escape.

The whale shark, but the sound came over: "Cooperate!"

Simply single word, let the two hope again.

Escape is definitely unable to escape.

Tammu king stands in the exit, how to escape?

But I heard the whale shark king to cooperate.

So three people teamed up, deal with a six-hearted, or have the opportunity.

And this opportunity is very big.

The sly whale shark, this time there is no waste of tongue, to try to tell Tamu king.

Because he is the clearest, the two is impossible to understand.

Once he arrived in the five hobbies, Tammould kill him.

Can only work with the people monk, then find a way.

Four people, both parties.



The battle in Fundi, a round of one round.

And the core of Fuzi core.

It is extremely peaceful.

After the sword is unparalleled, the state of super ancient changing will disappear.

The body is loose, almost planted.

Fortunately, someone helped him.

Looking up, it is a tree man who is full of green leaves.

"Are you?" The sword is unparalleled is very surprised.

After you feel the power of the opponent's strong life, he will understand.

A warmth is warmer.

It is the power of the tree being passed to him.

"Wu Li is closed, you will accompany me here, wait for him here!" Tree people helped the swords and unparalleled, with the sword where the sword walked toward the front of the cave.

The door of the cave is a cliff.

On the edge of the cliff, there is a hot pavilion.

The sword is unparalleled with the other party into the pavilion.

The bottom is very doubt.

I gave a lot of money, I found the corner of the cave, and the spirit of the grass visible everywhere.

Seeing this, he was shocked.

I thought I returned to the temple.

"Do you know?" Tree people gave the sword without double to a cup of tea, and asked casually.

The sword nodded, then tedmed the tea cup, see the tea floating above, the more it looks like the tree people.

The end is end, still there is still no mouth.

I said: "I have seen it!"

He feels that the strength of the tree is not.

I have dropped myself, and I said again: "Seniors, you are?"

Since the other party knows that Wu Li, it is so great that Wu Li's bottom sign.

In the body, boarding, this kind of routine, he has encountered a few times.

A nearest, or the white monarch is in his body.

And now, there is also a place in his body.

Just this profile is very large.

There is no nine robbery.

Also claimed to be God.

This sword is unparalleled directly to ignore the other party.

Because it is too boring.

Seeing Wu Li has this special power, it is also envious of the heart.

I am afraid I entered the secret of Wanliu, that is, the predecessor is coming out.

So he doesn't have to introduce yourself.

The other party may be familiar with him than Wu Li.

"I am just a little person, I don't know, I still say you, you actually know the grass of the grass, can you enter the Wanliu Shenmu?" Tree people directly open the sunroof and said the words.

Although the sword is unparalleled, although some of them are directly straight, they also like this approach.

It is the most polite.

So much the better.

Instead, he still doesn't think there is any threat to the opponent.

It will be honest to reply: "The late generation did not enter the Wanliu, but it entered a secret city, this secret is very mysterious, it is not in the ancient times of time, but downstream of the long river of the distant time and space, in the secret, There is a hidden Sen, there is a spirit of grass, but I didn't get it, just a auction. "

He still remembers that time, auction.

And I heard that the spirit of the grass is to be bought away by Hui Qing, and finally ginger.

After the ginger, he broke out all the way, once surpassed the dragon.

The body also contains the power of life.

So will have a deep impression on the spirit of the grass.

"Downstream of the long river!" Tree person is fine with tea, flat: "It is also right, Wanliu is from the end of the long river, the way downstream, maybe some legacy."

In fact, it is not a downstream.

Instead of oil.

Wanzang Sen, originally in Moiro time.

When I heard the tree, the sword was unparalleled and thought of killing.

Wanzang Sen, if it is related to Wanliu.

Then you have a sure.

It's just that he doesn't understand, why do you want to stare at him?

Wanliu also has the power of life, and it is stronger than him.

It is also the strength of the innate life.

Annexing Wanliu, isn't it better?

He suddenly thought about what.

At the beginning, I entered ancient times and was intercepted by a Tianwu.

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