Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5847 Jiang Wei Tianwu?

It is necessary to be the sky of the ancient times.

During the life is, it will not be able to stand at him.

The celestial woman is a nine hobbian, even if the life is coming from the stars, I am afraid that I am almost the same time during the peak.

Moreover, Wanliu itself is strong enough.

The Lord of the Eight Bearding Universe is not going.

If you have been in your life, you may also fight.

Not don't say that it is now in life.

Let's talk about ginger.

The other party is destroyed.

I am afraid there is a way forward.

It is a back.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled to ask: "Seniors, this grass is the spirit of the grass, will it replace the origin of the practitioner, transform into the source of life?"

He wants to verify this matter.

The spirit of the origin of ginger is the spirit of the grass.

"How is this possible!" After he heard his words, he smiled and shook his head. He thought it was just exported, he thought of one person, said: "The ancient moon is time and space, there is one person to do, just that People have fallen into God, mortal can't do it. "

"Is it falling into god?" The sword is unparalleled. I suddenly feel that the other party is drinking more.

It can be said that it can be said.

But he still guess: "Is it the beautiful woman?"

"Yes!" Tree people nodded.

"In addition to her, can no one can do it?"

The tree people have shaken their heads firmly, "no one can do it, I said!"

"Who!" This sentence is unparalleled!

He asked again: "If someone is done, what is it?"

He can be sure, Jiang Wei has never done it.

Don't you say that ginger is a celestial woman?

Thinking of this, he suddenly stood up.

I really have this possible.

Jiang Yu is also likely to be a day, or a manner.

He thought for a long time.

Such powerful time and space.

How can I open a time and space tunnel?

If the tunnel is so easy to open, the ancient times of time and space has long been reached in the middle.

Moreover, Fan Tianfeng does not have to bring people, flying all the way back.

Let the flame god open a time and space tunnel that go to the god hall?

Why is it so troublesome.

Even if you don't know the location of the Dragon, you can also open a downstream position, not a long time.

At first, he felt that the true spirit relied with time and space.

But later he found that time and space is not as simple as it is.

The little old man, he knows the time and space.

It is an undead.

Inherited some guys who were confident and memories.

How can I urge time and space to go to the time and space tunnel.

This is probably there is a junior girl.

After they entered the ancient times, they went to stop them in order to prevent them from mixing.

Then I sent some big families.

At the beginning, he entered Wujia.

In fact, an emperor has entered the robbery family.

It is already a small opportunity.

It's just that his emperor is a little against the sky.

As for the rebirth, it is so unlucky, and it is estimated that it is also the meaning of the celestial woman.

Who made him guilty ginger.

And Fan Tianfeng's rebirth is very perfect.

At the top of the ancient wood mainland.

This kind of luck is not anyone.

Hui Qing entered the ruins of ancient times.

It is also the meaning of a celestial woman.

And Hui Qing does not let him go to the ancient moon, I am afraid it is because of the celestial girl!

It is not bad to make others now mix.

He this time, thoroughly thinking.

Just follow, it is another big network.

If Jiang Wei is a celestial woman.

What is the other party?

I will not map this little old man?

Even if you have the temple, there is two time and space to treasure, and you will not let a nine robbery.

There is also the reason why he doesn't know behind this.

Perhaps it is related to the life.

Thinking of this, he was completely ignorant.

Tree people with tea, slowly said: "Do you think, is it?"

The sword is unparalleled.

Wrinkled with brows, don't know how to answer.

Perhaps fallen.

It may also be fallen.

Just use another method.

Delicious is able to lay out of the temple.

What's more

"Everything is free, some things, no need to serious!" Tree people are very calm.

Careful to make the sword have doubt this guy, it will not be a god!

Visse is very calm.

No matter what the card is displayed, how to be amazing, even when it is time and time, it is used out, and Vis is still just flattened.

But there is a little, this tree person gives him the feeling, not like the kind of Vis, completely feels.

Still some gaps.

Even if it is not a god, the other party is definitely a strong person above the seven-robbery.

Just now use another kind of identity, survive.

He did not ask the other party's identity, so too rude.

Since you don't say, then you don't ask.

Waiting for Wu Li to come out again.

Wu Li, such as the two people waiting.

This is the time of day.

Anyway, the sword is unparalleled, it is just to restore your strength.

Wu Li has been here for a hundred years.

It should also be used for more time.

I don't know if Wu Gift is closed, can you have?

Not a jealous, but this cave, I am afraid there is a secret.

They are struggling to come in.

Those outside the outside, I don't know, I have been taken out of the peach.

The sword is unparalleled.

This time, because of a disaster, because of an anger in my heart, he forced him to show the supercientity.

Put the normal force increased by fifty times.

And there is not yet perfect.

If it is a complete super old, it is certainly stronger than it is now.

It's just that he is not so much now.

Now the super ancient change is enough.

Eight hundred thousand power, as well as the extreme source universe.

No matter whether it is a power or its own source, it is enough to suppress any five robbery.

Even if it is a six-minded body.

Nowadays, there is just a six-hearted country.


One pick three, pressing three five puffs.

These three five hobbies are not general.

The strongest whale shark, exposed the strongest strength.

It has been able to compete with the extensive sword.

The net lotus demon woman also has more than 750,000.

Stone three is not too much.

It can be the three strongest workers.

In the face of Tamura, there is still no big hand.

The peak of Tam King, 900,000 power.

Top hexapovery fighting power.

It's just that this battle is a big relationship with the sword.

He has been prepared in this place.

Wu Li closed, not so fast.

Maybe there is a hundred years.

At that time, the outside world had already lost the victory.

The sword is unparalleled, also takes the opportunity to study the use of super ancient times.

He enhanced in an anger.

But now calm down, but it is impossible to change it.

No matter what he did, you can't show super ancient times.

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