Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5848 Wu Li

This makes him a headache.

Without super ancient times, he encountered the most common five-minded power, there is no way.

I have a long time to discover.

The reason is not possible.

Because he is not the owner of the universe.

At this point, he will know.

Just unclear the reason.

After a time to show it, he completely saw the situation in the current situation.

The emperor, he is like a fruit that falls from the tree.

And the Lord of the universe is like the fruit of long on the tree.

The latter has roots.

Show super ancient times, there is a source universe.

There is no relying on the former.

After understanding the reason, he started looking for a way.

In the end, he still let him explore.

As long as you have an oversized time to make ancient times, you will get a breath.

With gas as the core, the incarnation of the universe, and then there is ancient times, and successfully.

Think of this.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will be a constant attempt.

First, it is ancient times.

Then gas.

When the breath arrived in the peak, the double eyes changed, and it was angry!

"Super ancient times!"


He clenched his fist and a breath broke out from the body.

The atmosphere on the body began to change.


After a buzzing, he turned into a supercomputer.

This time, he finally feels that this strength is felt.

Constant swing, feel the power of the power in the body.

Eight hundred thousand power.

Every boxing wind is enough to kill the strongest.

This is the quality of strength.

It has improved 50 times normal power.

Familiar with the power.

He began to feel the source.

The power of the Starry Air has also increased by fifty times.

Now his starlight records, whether it is the life of the first sword, or the death of the second sword.

It can kill the hard work.

Even the enemy's six robbery.


It's just that the pressure is too strong.

He can only stick to a fragrant time.

When it is displayed for the first time, it is more special, he can insist on so long.

It seems that it is a fragrant gas, in exchange for a peak.

However, there is a total of not strong.

Waiting for him to the Lord of the Universe, not free to show.

It is not fully grasped now, and there is no way to master it after it doesn't mean.

The ancient times and the starry sky are the peak secret law created according to the power of the Starry.

It is also his strongest secret law in this life.

It's just in the beginning.

There will be continuous improvement behind.

Super ancient times is like a starry map.

The starlight is recorded with nine swords.

The five swords are currently founded.

Master two swords.

It is life and death, respectively.

The third sword "round back"

The fourth sword "time and space"

The fifth sword "time and space reincarnation"

According to his estimate, at least to reach the five hobbies, the universe is satisfactory, born, life is going to death.

He can enlighten the roll back sword.

The light is a reincarnation, it is so troublesome.

Not to mention, the power of life combines with the force of death.

It is more difficult than it is now.

Subsequent time and space is simple.

Like life with life.

On the same level, these two swords can be displayed.

But the subsequent time-space wheel back sword.

Just needed him to arrive in seven robbery, and even eight hobbies can be displayed.

This is the five sword he has clearly recognized.

The sixth sword behind.

He just felt the future of the future.

It is not seen at all.

Just clear, if it is able to display the sixth sword.

The three ancient times in the nine-day time and space can be a wrist.

So "the ancient enormous enemy"

As for subsequent seven, eight, nine.

These three swords, there is no qualification to see.

Don't think about the main realm of the universe.

It is still ancient times, and there is a runner.

Ancient change, super ancient times.

They are all rapidly enhance the normal power.

This also makes him a more stringent time to normal.

The stronger is the more powerful, and it is more powerful.

It's just that my current power is really impossible.

Otherwise I have to eat a fat man.

The skeleton of Dongjun can still be on him.

Waiting to the Lord of the universe, once a five robbery, directly become the owner of the universe of the five hobbies.

Then swallow the entire bones of Dongjun.

His normal power can break millions.

At that time, don't say super ancient times.

It is the use of the power of the beast, he may be able to hand in hand with seven.

It's just that he has always seen the skeleton of this east.

I don't know how much it can be improved.

Anyway, millions are a foundation.

He is not clear.

I don't know when I have a five-knife, I can swallow it.

Even if you can't end it, he must swallow yourself.

This is reflected, the benefits of the flesh.

At the beginning, the mountain monarch is simply his good teacher.

There is also your own insistence and efforts.

Everything is not white.

I have made my own combat power and realm from new.

Currently, the universe has been successful.

Once the universe is satisfactory, the impact is hijacked.

Just he has always felt that you can't be robbed?

I thought it would be in Wanliu Shenmu.

But in the current situation, maybe where is it!

But in the infinity world.

The sooner breakthrough, the more beneficial to him.

He is not very careless.

"Call!" Stayed in the world.

He returned to the present, stood up and stretched a lazy waist.

The jump is far away, and the peaks do not expect the side.

Just like a strong person towering.


A wild is coming from behind.

The sword is unbolded, and it is turned to see.

The door of the Dongfu opened, Wu Li stands outside the hole, and the whole person has a lot.

And the breath is much stronger than ever.

I broke through the four hops.

And it is not a general four-minded.

Just a breakthrough, I arrived at the peak of four robbery.

"I didn't expect it, you will be so fast!" The tree took the lead and looked at Wu Li.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a word, congratulations: "Wu Li brother, congratulations!"

Seeing that he is here, Wu Li is obviously a little surprised, but there is nothing more.

Instead, I went to the tree.


Wu Li, the gods, and immediately kneel down.

"The disciples are not hoped, and they have already broken through the peak of the four hops!"


The sword is not aware of streamer.

It seems that he guess is not wrong.

This tree is not generally the relationship between Wu Li.

And the understanding of Wanliu, beyond people.

Although he understands Wanliu's understanding, he only comes from Wu Li.

But so long, I didn't hear the things from others.

It can also be seen that there are very few people who know the secrets of Wanliu.

This tree can be stored in the spirit of the grass, definitely not general.

The spirit of the grass, only recognizes the sky.

This requires that it is a matter of heaven, there is no possibility of passing.

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