Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5849 Fu Land's Core Secret

People who can save, the threshold is relatively reduced.

It can be such that it is extremely difficult.

"Okay, since you broke through success, you will not look at you!" Tree people finished, and nodded for swords, said: "Little friends, our Wanliu Shenmu see!"

The sword is unparalleled to reply: "must!"

It seems that this tree is very confident to them!

It is considered that they will be able to enter the Wanliu.


The digital shape disappears and entered the Wu Guan.

Wu Li got up and opened his arms.

After gathered, loose a sigh of relief and went to the sword.

"There is no double friends, it seems that the fight outside is very fierce, is the rest of the people?"

Wu Li is now able to feel the fight outside, but he is not surprising.

And now he is here.

It is also possible to think of, the lower field of others.

"In addition to Li Wei, it should be fallen!" The sword is unparalleled.

Jin Chen is also dead.

Dead is behind Shijiu.


Which two of Li Jia's men have already fallen.

Let him still stay in this place.

When Li Wei slipped off, it may still keep it.

After all, it has been converted into a monsters.


Wu Li is leaking a smile.

He can't forget, his original wolf.

Champion chased.

Curited by countless wasteland.

If the teacher will fight for the source to save him, he has already fallen.

It's good to have a good luck!

I found this place.

Come here, not only to avoid the mulgia of chasing.

Also let him unexpectedly discovered the treasure.

At the beginning, only the breath, think is a treasure containing life, the result is found later, it is the root of Wanliu.

Wu Li did not look, directly said.

Wanliu tree roots.

Although it is just a small cut, there can be infinite value.

Wanliu is not a life.

It also contains power, as well as the source.

It is also a born to Bao.

Just with the innate beast god.

"Let's go in!" Wu Li took the sword unparalleled to the Dongfu.

It's better to see.

The sword is not a double close to watch, even with hand touch, it will find the special of this root.

However, the strength of the life above is no longer, and the roots have become a little wither.

"The world, there is such a treasure, it is really unable to believe!" The sword has no double-hand shock.

Wanliu Shenmu.

It is a god wood.

Wu Li pointed to the roots: "When I broke through, I used it, and I sent you a parallel brother!"

So big?

The sword is unparalleled to Wu Li, and the surface can't believe it.

"In fact, this is like this, this tree roots can't bring out. I have already reached the peak, the fifth robbery, I really didn't grasp, and the power of the root in the root is not enough, staying here, there is a cheaper!"

I heard Wu Li's explanation, and the sword was unhappy slowly.

"Then I will be welcome!" The power of life within this root is gone.

But there is also the power of your own.

Now he lack is the power of the origination.

Once the power of the origin is swallowed, he can quickly arrive at the universe.

Although this time is broken after Wu Li, but it is worth it.

It is useless to give him the power and life.

Although the treasure is good, it is also necessary.

Stone Country is fighting, and the result is almost dead.

The whale shark is finalized, and the final urgency used his strongest base card.

Tamu king wants to catch the arrest of the orioze, and the result didn't come in, but it was blocked outside.

He also wants to get.

It's almost falling.

The tyrants of the harm are also dead.

Jin Chen also falls with stone nine.

It is such a tree root.

He wanted this time.

The champion of the whale shark is the root of this tree.

The other party did not take away and explained.

Come here, one is to find Wu Li.

Now I have found it, and the other party will give him a gift.

For a time, he seems to win.

Just is empty around you.

"Warriors, I have absorbed it, I am protecting the law outside, the power used in the rigir is the power of this root, and now the root can no longer supplement the outside world, those people are afraid for how long I can attack it! "After Wu Li explained, he left the cave.

The outer junction has begun to be loose.

The sword is unparalleled, and now it is straightforward.

The origin of the root will be swallowed into the body.

A huge power of the source, also contains life.

Combined with his origin.

The speed of absorbing is also very fast.

The origin is within the stars.

A spotlight, completely bloom!

The origin of the origin, "Successful!"

10,000 black holes, links to count countless lines extremely beautiful.

At the same time, the new cosmic secret is still born.

East and West, each.

The center of the universe is the universe.

At this time, the cosmic seas continued to pull, and a Sky has fallen into the sea.

Another secret coming.

Since then, the black hole, the five universe secrets, and completely stabilize the universe.

This is the success of the universe.

It is still in the pregnancy stage.

Only after the robbery is reached, it will be able to turn this success into real.

The sword is unparalleled to look at himself and the wider universe, the heart is five flavors.

Once, I have now become a reality.

Everything is too easy.


Walk into your universe, Skiki secret peak.

A ride pavilion instantly aggregates.

In his universe, what he wants to do if he wants.

Standing in the hot pavilion, feel the power of everything is full of body.

This feeling is too wonderful.

A person is practiced, it is better than evolution of a universe.

"In the future, this is my world!" The sword has leaked a smile, and he has never had a feeling, he feels at this moment.

This is the home after him.

One instant.

The watch the game appears in the center of the festival, the knee is sitting on the futon, and observing the origin of the chess.

There is also this incense burner on the left hand, and it is more comfortable to dissemble intoxicated fragrance.

On the other side, a nine-layer small tower is also placed.

Nine robbery!

Take the sky of the sky, it is happening to his beast god.

Ten thousand rumors, they are also placed on one side.

His treasure is almost here.

There is no treasure on your body, and the sword is unparalleled, it is very easy, and it is unbelievable to drink tea.

Just when he relaxed.

Flying out of the nine robbery.

Holding the scepter, I have been unexpected, I saw the clouds around it, praise: "Good and solid universe!"

Standing here, you can look at the stars.

In the stars, there is a four-handed sword.

"Can you come out?" The sword was unparalleled, and it was busy standing.

Vissed smiled and said: "I am God, there is no thing to bind me!"

This sentence, let the sword have no doubles.

I am ghost all day.

It is ridiculous.

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