Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5850 The universe is full!

Do you need to discipline?

"It's so comfortable, I will here in the future!" Vissered defending the defenders, built a model of magnificent castles.

The sword is unparalleled this time!

This is his universe, and some people can create things in his universe.

Safe, instant collapse.

Vis stared at the castle and felt still some unsatisfactory, and opened up some jungles and grass around the castle.

"Is it still missing ....." Wushed frown stretched, what did you think, laugh: "It's still life!"

After all hand, there are various animals.

"Perfect!" Vissered hands up, the home built, very satisfied.

The sword is unparalleled, but the shock is not closed.

I looked at the riding booths built, then I went to see the castle built by Vis, I didn't know what Vis was the owner of the universe.

Just when he had some biting teeth, what suddenly thought.

Just said life.

In a word, you can create life in his universe.

This is indeed that God can do, although the opponent has always been satisfied, it is very unreliable.

But the other party is able to do it.

In his universe, he should also God.

It is also possible to create life.

He has mastered the power of life.

Maybe may not, but once the universe is completely solidified, I am afraid that I can create life.

In addition to the special life of the universe.

He can also create, other ethnic groups.

Create a group, which is related to your own body.

The worse of the body, the stronger the group created.

Some ethnic groups, natural is 10,000 power.

Or like the strongest race "giant"! "

Birth is the master of the universe.

The family can also be 3 robbers to master the universe.

Giant gods, naturally there is.

"Creator!" The sword was unblocked.

Look at Vis!

Perhaps the sky in the sky, there is really God existed.

And it is their Creator.

Created the existence of the stars.

Just do it, maybe I want him to clearly, there are people in the sky outside!

At a window of the castle, Vissed saw a sword and unparalleled, and his face leaked a smile.

"Practice, if it is never end, then there will be a place to create never-ending!"

The sword is unparalleled with a thousand robbery, leaving the pavilion.

On the view and the nine robbery, you can't use it.

The beast will not have to wear it on the body, and when you need it, you will come.

It is almost like this as for the viewing of the game.

This comfort is broken by Vis.

He is now going out to face the reality.


Tree roots completely disappear.

All were absorbed by him and turned into this source.

He does not think that he absorbs more than Wu Li.

The roots of Wanliu Shenmu, the energy contained too much.

He is absorbed by one tenth.

There should be no more absorption of Wu Li.

Which tree person is the big head.

The identity of the other party is not simple.

It's just that Wu Li has not explained it, he is not good for excessive inquiry.

After got out of the cave, he saw the junction of the thousands of holes.

"Warrior brother, you are very fast!" Wu Li was a little surprised, did not expect him to go out so fast.

The power in the root, there is still a lot, even if he will take it, it takes a few years.

The sword has no double actually two days, it tastes everything.

"Yeans, and this area is not a cultivation, we still hurry out!"

Wu Li took a nod, "it is good!"

The power of the comics will be cut off, and there is no god-transmitted juncture, which is the consumed barrier.

"It seems that there are still some means, and the unparalleled brothers just have to go, still let me come!" Wu Li is very confident.

He is also a master of the sword.

One hand, there was a three-foot wood sword.

"Wan Phase!"

The figure flashed, to the top of the city, a sword, the junction, and the junction took out a mouth.

The sword is unbounded.

The only sword has already been six50,000.

He doesn't think this is the whole force of Wu Li.

I am afraid there are some hidden.

As such a sword, it is comparable to the peak of his five-fold animal god.

If you don't use super ancient times, now Wu Li is already enough to hit him.

And I want to use super ancient times, I have to get angry in advance, and there is time limit.

The real single kills, there is no chance to gather at all.

"Walk!" Wu Li turned his head and nodded, and it was able to go out.

The sword is not thinking about what I think, my body is flashing, and I have followed it.

At a moment, the two came to the outside of the comic.

Two days, it is enough to make Tamuwang and others to divide the victory.

I am afraid that the victory is waiting for them.

Perhaps it is hurt.

However, after he came out, he felt the three-stranded breath.

"What?" The sword didn't have a big eyes. He saw that there were three people living in Fundi, and they were still handing.

He is also familiar with these three people.


Six-hearted special life.

Whale shark!

Five knocked, 800,000, the municipal government and strength are extremely deep.

Stone three!

Stone country has a famous five-knocked strong.

When the stone country, another five-hearted strong, the net lacha, the demon girl has gone.

The probability is already falling.

Wu Li is not like a tree person, can steal the commencement outside.

Don't know these people.

The sword is unparalleled, and Wu Li is shocked.

Now Wu Li, is indeed very powerful, 700,000 combat power, should be there.

But he heard the six robbery or was scared.

"Don't worry, you see that they have been seriously injured now, we can retreat all over the body!" The sword is unparalleled.

Wu Li stunned, the sound said: "Warrior brother, can be with those deceased beasts, if so, it is better to fight with that stone country!"

"No, the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

At this point, Tumao Wang also saw them two.

Hu Yan! "

"Sword is unparalleled!"

Two names are the same person.

The whale shark and the stone three have seen the sword unparalleled, all are happy.

And I also saw a powerful strange power.

The sword is unparalleled is surprised: "I have become a person, I can recognize me!"

Three people saw him appearing and retreated.

The current situation is two.

It should be a whale shark and stone three-war Tumao King.

As a result, it is now a Tamuwang and stone three, and the whale shark.

It seems that these two days have happened here.

However, the power left now is less than 700,000.

Wu Li can make all these people clean up.

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