Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5851 Stone Country's End

"The sword is unparalleled, you are still alive, it's great!" Stone three-faced brother, then said: "It is better to join hands, kill two animals, and revenge for the rest!"

Tammao is not surprising to the stone three rebellion. These two days, the stone three is almost enemies with everyone.

Always fade.

The net lotus demon woman is killed by him.

The whale shark king is shock, cold channel: "Things are in this point, you are really stupid!"

"Oh!" The sword was unhappy slowly, and the opening said: "The whale shark, it seems that you are ready to fall!"

Now he doesn't have to cooperate with anyone, you can kill them all three.

Anyway, this site is joined Tiantong, no one discovered.

But this is nothing to do.

The whale shark king is sinking. If the sword is not double suddenly appear, he fully has the ability to kill the stone three, then deal with Tamura.

But now the sword is unparalleled, disrupted his plan.

Now he is really a road.

Compared to him, Tamuwang and Shi San were seriously injured, no way.

"Since you are all dead, then I will give you a living road!" The sword didn't finger a point, pointing to the stone three.

Shi San was shocked, then the face was a happy, said: "The sword is unparalleled, I know, you will be for the ethnicity ....."

I haven't waited for him, the sword has no double power suddenly broke out, and a stream is directly injured directly, and the body is broken.

"Now give you a chance, who kills the stone three, who is qualified to live!" The sword did not finger the stone three in the ground.

He can do itself to kill the stone three, but this is not to solve his hate.

I blame this old king eight eggs.

Otherwise it is impossible to die so many people.

At the beginning, the Sailing stone killed him, and he would let him.

Wu Li stood aside, did not intervene.

He saw that this stone country is strong, it must be guilty of sword, or it will not be so miserable.

The whale shark king and Tamu king, just taught it, and strive to shoot first.

Can only live one.

When the whale shark heard this sentence, he didn't think about the three shots, but stared at Tamura.

And Tamu king, stupid rushing to stone three.

Shi Sanyi knows this time, and the sword is unparalleled in the madness.

Even if you die, he doesn't want to be killed by the whale shark king with Tumao King.

It is not because of the pride of the human identity.

Just simply don't want anyone to live.

The Tamu king has recently been seriously injured, plus this impact, and the power will fall again, there is less than 60,000.

Just after he blocked this wave of impact, when I wanted to turn the sword, I didn't think that the Whale Shark had arrived behind him.

I just found the whale shark, his chest has collapsed.

"You!" Tammao was angry, but he wanted to come up, but found that fundamental can't get the power.

The whale shark king took out his fist, jumped with a knife, a slippery, directly put the head of Tumu Wang Shuo.

A green liquid is sprayed, the river of the Raman River, the Tammord is completely fallen.

The whale shark is also exhausted, and he just burned a power.

I have lost any combat power.

He fell to the ground, and he saw that the sword was unparalleled, but there was no joy, but sorrowful: "I know, you won't let me let me, but I have won, Tamu Wang is dead, have won!"

"You are wrong, I didn't think about it, just I promised, the deceased of the outside world would not promise!" The sword was unpaired.

The city of the whale shark is deeply effective.

If the other party is a family, it must be left.

But the other party is a wasteland, and it is still the wilderness in the world, then it is another matter.

It may not be possible in a lifetime.

Unless it reaches the seven-robbery, it is an ancient mouse to become some top rides, or when it is a hand.

Can be able to go outside.

But the seven hobbening is so easy.

I am afraid that there is no world in the world, and there is no seven robbery.

"Wait for me!" The sword is unparalleled, and it will take the whale shark king to the ground, but let Wu Li wait for him.

From the mustard, he took out a fragrant burner and went to the center of Fufu, ignited three fragrances.

Is a simple memorial!

It's just that there is no paper money, and this place is not carrying with people.

It is better to have some characters, as well as some Danfang or array.

These things, there is nothing to use.

But in the outside world, it is worth 10 million cosmine.

Don't say that the mourning of the emperor, weakness will be robbed.

Comparing mixed omestical stones, it is the main thing of the universe to condense.

Cosmic crystal is different, almost everyone can condense, and it also needs.

But these treasures, all make the swords unparalleled when the paper money is burn.

Wu Li is standing on the side, there are some distressed.

It may be that the strength is improved too fast, and it has not been adapted to the strength of the stricken peak.

Four hobbies, you need mixed yuan, otherwise the fifth robbery, what to get it.

"Rest in peace!" The sword is unparalleled, lifting the head and looks to the Fu Land, and the gap is expanded directly.

Although there is no life in this place, it is also an equal blessing.

He hits, breaks the barrier of this place, leaving Wu Li.

Only left alert whale shark.

But the outside world, but there are many deceased, and after seeing this place, it begins near.

The whale shark is hard to get up, the throat sand moves: "I can't die!"

However, in the face of the three-minded desert beasts that have been relatively large, they have entered the Fulite, but they have no strength.

Under the siege of countless deceased.

The scorpion of the whale shark king is dark.

When he died, he didn't have self-explosion.

Above the Roman River.

The sword is unparalleled with Wu Li to break the water and come to the sky.

At this time, the strong people in the outside world also noticed two people.

The stone team has disappeared and shocked everyone.

No one knows the team's team, where to go.

The private ancient mouse, sent a lord of the universe of six, secretly went to the infinity world, entered the mountain range of the Raman River, found the blessing.

But where there is a countless wasteland, noisy, there is no way to go back.

The disappearance of the stone team has also become a legend.

At this time, there have been many teams in the river, or the mountains, to the inner world of the world.

Speaking, the peripheral is much safe than the periphery.

The inner is a very wild mainland.

There is not much legacy, there is no ban.

The more safe place, the more desert beasts.

Just like a relatively secure Raman River, there is a six-hearted power.

Any team encountered, it is possible to cover.

Just like Stone Country, unlucky to the weaving team.

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