Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 586 Killing the Peak Temple

"Well, I will go with you." The sword said: "But before this, there is something I have to finish."

The sword has no double eyes, but the many strong people who are in the human camp have been seen in the past, but ultimately lock in a person.

This person is the Hall of the Ice Peak.

"This old man has three times two times want to set me in the dead, before the strength is not enough, but now, it is different ..."

The sword is unparalleled, and there is also a faint killing rising, and then his body is shaking, and it has been draped toward the ice peak.

The Ice Peak Temple is in the heart.

Originally he is expected that the crystal Mihuang can shoot the sword unparalleled, but he did not expect Jingcha Emperor to defeat in the sword.


"I am too miserable, he is not enough before, I don't have any way, but now he has improved it, and the crystal emperor is not his opponent. How can I let me?" The Lord is fearful, and suddenly a murder looks toward him.

The shape of the sword is also brushing directly to him.

"Not good!" The main color of the Ice Peak Temple changed.

"The sword is unparalleled, what do you want to do?" The Hall of the Ice Peak has a burst.

"What do you do? What do you say?" The sword is unparalleled, and the pounds of killer time is completely covered with the Hall of the Ice Peak.

"The Lord of Xuanling Temple, Help!"

"Fast life!"

The Horizon of the Ice Peak is screaming, and his first time is also going to the Muan Ling Temple.

He is very clear, and he will definitely can't resist the sword unparalleled, and the entire human group can fight against the sword, only one of the Xuanling Temple.

He did not hesitate to grab this life-saving straw in Xuanling Temple.

The main color of the Xuanling Temple is slightly colored, faint, "sword is unparalleled."

The sword is unparalleled to stop, and look at the Lord of the Xuanling Temple, and the sword is quite very respectful.

"The Solid Temple." The sword has no double solemnly, "I only had a context in this Ice Peak, I can only carry life and death with Jin Sni, later in the bloody plain, this ice peak It is ready to kill me, if you arrive in time, you are afraid that I am dead now! "

"This three times the Hall of the Hall of the Hall, I want to be dead, can I not kill him? I hope that the Muan Ling Temple will be full!"

The sword is unhealthy.

When he heard him, the Lord of the Xuanling Temple had not responded, but the hometown of the Ice Peak is a roaring: "The sword is unparalleled, who are you? Say, you are just a foreign person, and I, It is one of the pillars of the demon continental human ethnic! "

"I got Herch work for the human ethnic group, and you? What have you done for my demon alliance?"

"To shut up!"

The sound of the Xuan Ling Temple is sinking, and the scorpion also has a cold, watching the Hall of the Ice Peak. The gods of the Miyun League, and the strength of his strength, it can be eligible for the palace of my demon alliance. "

"The same is the demon alliance, this seat will not be partial!"

"You have no double complaints with the sword, and three times two times want to set him in the dead, this is the fact, and he now improves up, want to find you revenge, then reasonable!"

"You can't just kill him, don't you kill you?"

"And since you have two private hatred, in accordance with the rules of the league, you can only go to solve themselves in the way of life and death."

"How is this?" The words of the Xuanling Temple were not leaking into the ear of the Horizhen Temple.

Life-death war?

Want to have a double life fight with the sword?

What joke is open?

Many strong people in the human camp, seeing the eyes of the hometown of the Ice Peaks.

You can decide this to the Muan Ling Temple, no one dares to question.

The Lord of the Xuan Ling Temple is indeed in accordance with the rules of the demon alliance, the sword is unparalleled with the ice peak, which can only solve the way with life and death, the Muan Ling Temple has not biased any party.

"Thank you!"

The sword was unparagmished, and then it was once again solidified in the owner of the ice peak.

"Ice Peak Temple, today, you will die!"

A whimsan from the swords, there is no double mouth, the sword is unparalleled, and it has been killed by the hometown of the Ice Peak.

Many strong people in human camps are indifferent, no one will stop the swords.


Ice Peak Temple does not have any idea that I want to have no double life fighting with swords.

Just sword unparalleled with the emperor's battle, he looked in his eyes, whether it is a brilliant emperor or a sword, but he is far from default.

With the sword, there is no pair of hands, he does not have any vitality at all.

"Do you escape?" The sword did not have a double-faced indifference, and the vast killing, immediately a huge vast blood color river, like the tsunami of the rolling, I took out.

With the unparalleled breakthrough of the sword, after the field, then the field, the power is much stronger than too much before.

The light is the moment, it is much stronger than before.

The huge field is filled out, and the entire battlefield is completely covered, and the hometown of the Ice Peak is in the field of blood river. I only feel that I am in a quagmire, he is crazy struggling, but it is still a big shape. The impact is greatly weakened.

"This guy."

I have already refunded to the Samura Demon Emperor to see the scene of the former blood river crazy impact, the brow is slightly frowned.

He is able to feel the power of the blood river, I am afraid that he is in the blood river, it has to be compressed.

You must know that when the sword is unparalleled with him, it has not been used to use this blood river.

"This sword monarch, before fighting with me, there is still a powerful strength." Jingchi imperial secretly thought.

The blood river field is crazy to oppress the Horizhen Temple, the main speed of the Ice Peak Temple is sharply weakened, and the sword is unparalleled. It is like a fish. The moment shuttle is remote from the main side of the Ice Peak.


The sword is unparalleled without paying.

" " "

, the beautiful three swords, every sword is strong, it is enough to convelive the general palace.

Three swords came to swaying, the Hall of the Ice Peak also took out the long gun to desperately want to resist, but the result ...! Hey! Connected twice, the very horizontal power shocked his hands out, and then the swords of the sword were unparalleled, and the swords of the ice peak were ruthless.

The demon league, the strength is enough to take the top three Ice Peaks, this is killed!


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