Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 587 Xiao Emperor!

When I saw the Hall of the Ice Peak in the sword, the people of the human camp were all smoked when they arrived in the sword.

Task, the hometown of the Ice Peak is very strong, and the at least be much stronger than they have these ordinary temples. The result can not be three swords. If the sword is unparalleled to kill them, don't you use a sword? enough?

A Yunjing, the war can be strong, it is simple!

After killing the Horizon of the Ice Peak, the sword was unparalleled, the Muan Ling Temple was a micro-waiver, and then appeared on the huge bone dragon.

"Let's go." The sword is unparalleled.

Yang Weixuan nodded.

The more than 10 volumes of bone dragons on the void are moved, and they are pulled in the deep depth of the monster.

After the sword is unparalleled, the Emperor's Emperor has left the millennium army.

This riot, it also finally ended a paragraph.

Human camps, countless human strong are relaxed.

After this battle, they all remembered a name, that is the sword, no double, sword monarch!

Although the sword monarch has never appeared in front of them, today's sword monarch is alone, but the brilliant record of the three swords, the three swordsman kills the brilliant record of the Ice Peak Temple, and it will become a legend of the Library. Long time.


The monsters are extremely deep, and more than ten bones are thrown forward.

"Old two, how can you come to this demon continent? Your master, who?" The sword is unparalleled on the way.

No way, Yang Zai Xuan's appearance is that he has never thought of it. He naturally has a lot of doubts.

"Don't worry, you first go to see the Master, wait until the teacher, I called Wang Yuan's boss, and we gathered together." Yang Zi Xuan said.

"Wang Yuan is also here?" The sword was unparalleled to show a surprise.

"He is indeed, but his day is not so good." Yang Weixuan smiled.

Not long, these bone dragons came to a calm valley.

"It's time." Yang Weixuan opened.

The sword is unparalleled and immediately looks down in the valley, and you can see a huge black castle in the valley.

"Castle?" The sword is unparalleled, and then with Yang Zi Xuan from the bones of the bones, go to the black castle.

The black castle is extremely quiet. Under Yang Zai Xuan, the sword is unparalleled to a garden of the castle, with two stone tables, there are two people.

These two people, one is a mid-year middle-aged year on the stone bench, this gray robbinal face is handsome, with a delicate black short hair, the vastness is like a star of the stars, faintly silk lightning Blinking there.

This gray robes are sitting there and are free to look at a line of books.

The sword was not brought to this garden, and it was attracted to the middle age of this gray robber. It was attracted by the autonomous, as if there was a special magic of the middle-aged body, so that the sword was unparalleled. They all concentrated on his body, as for everything next to, naturally ignored.

Focus, this gray robb is very clear, but he is a focus of heaven and earth.

The sword is unpacking, obviously there is a stood that is there, watching the midnual, half ring, he has come back.

"What is this means?" The sword was unprecedented.

And I went back to God's sword, which noticed the person next to the gray robb.

Seeing this person, the sword is unpaladed again, "the senior of the emperor?"

Yes, this person is a dynasty that has saved him in the mainland of China and showing the power of heinous power.

At the moment, the vision is a respectful standing next to the middle-aged middle age, that is like a servant, is a master of his owner.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, and he has finally understood the identity of the middle age.

In this world, qualified to treat the vision, only one person!

This person is a father, Eastern Tang Dynasty, and the mysterious monarch!

"The Master of the Second, it is he!" The sword was unparalleled.

He is not the first time I heard this mysterious Datang Guojun.

He has heard some of Datang Guojun's deeds in Nanguo. I know that this Tang Dynasty is very mysterious. Later, he was firmly emperor, and the scenery of the Emperor Tang Dynasty. The seventh battle god!

Obviously, the native of the Native Tang Dynasty in Nanyang Continent is Xiao Emperor.

"Master, I have brought old three." Yang Weixuan stood in front of the gray robbery and shouted.

"Well." The middle-aged year slowly put down the books in his hand, turned his head and sword.

At this point, the sword is unparalleled only feeling all the secrets, under the eyes of this gray robes, there is no way.

The gray robbers have smiled slightly, then they told: "Two first, I will talk about this little guy."

"Yes." Yang Weixuan responded with the Jingjing, then the two left.

When I left, the emperor passed the sword and the sword, and they were unparalleled with swords.

Soon, only the sword in this garden is unparalleled with the two people in the gray robes.

The gray robbery is interested in the sword, and then see him slowly waving, waving, and after the sword has no double, a seat that is condensed by special energy appears.

"Sit." Said the middle age of the gray robe.

The sword is unparalleled, and the inner shock is strong, sitting in this seat.

"Self-introduction, my name is Xiao Yu, but most people like to call me Xiao Emperor." The sound of the gray robe slowly opened.

"Xiao Emperor." The sword shouted.

Anyone, in the face of strong, this should be kept a fear.

The sword is unparalleled, and the entire thousand ancient world should have standing on the top, but he is very clear that he is in front of this Xiao Emperor. It is estimated that it is nothing to follow with an ants. This Xiao Emperor is afraid to kill. He died numerous times.

In the face of such a super strong, the sword is unparalleled.

"Little guy, don't be nervous." The sound of the

"Thank I?" The sword was unparalleled.

"You have cleared some of my daughter, and the pain of my daughter's bone's fracture is alleviated, I certainly thank you." Xiao Emperor smiled.

"That is just the labor, let alone, she has also helped me several times." The sword is unparalleled.

Xiao Emperor, smiled: "You are afraid, don't know what I will find you today?"

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, he is indeed puzzled.

"Don't worry, see this thing, you will understand." Xiao Emily said, but took out one thing.


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