The Bonca is the first ethnic group in the Longshen mainland.

Numerous quantities, all over the dragon nest.

The strength is also extremely strong.

The family is divided into two types.

It is the battle class, and the wisdom class.

The type of battle is similar to the special life, even more powerful than special life.

This kind of talent and the heritage are enough to be proud of the dragon.

Wisdom, but also against the sky.

Everything is a master of the left.

, alchemy, casting the gods, array, etc. Special careers are all proficient.

The power of the pulley plum in this place is now the unilateral massacre.

Even the struggle of the battle type is far from the opponents of these people.

In this tribe, there is a five-hearted rim thrower to sit in the town.

But it is deceased by the deceased of the three five-knocked belly.

The rest of the people, the strength is a lot.

Li Wei cleaned up half.

On the ground, all the corpses of the pulsator.

The skin is a unified green, and there is a tentacles on the humanoid forehead.

Type of strange.

It is known as the descendants of the dragon.

This rumor is obtained by turning into the body of the warner.

The Wheel Equivalent, you can become a dragon during the emperor, just after the robbery, you can't change it again.

Inference according to the strong people of the ancient mouse, it is the force of blood.

Only the pure pulsators of the blood pulse can become a dragon in the robbery.

Transformed into a true dragon.

However, the entire dragon god mainland, only an old dragon god.

And this dragon god has fallen.

The people of the people of the outside world are generally believed that this dragon god is killed by the ancient mouse.

But the strong people in the dragon god, but think that Dragon God has not been defeated by the people.

Because the original dragon god has a half-step battle force.

In the whole endless world is invincible.

I have been repeated several times.

The two sides have their own speech.

No one knows that it is true.

This kind of thing is also difficult to verify.

Originally, it was already a legend.

But now there is strong, not to diamond this beef.


A humming sound, Li Wei drove which wave rafts, turned around: "Guula adult, please give me some time, I will let them open!"

"Oh, it seems that your patience is very good!" The ancient tiles were extremely thin, and there was this threaded sharp corner, purple lips, swinging tails, which were sitting on floating throne.

But the breath is extremely horrible.

Let everyone serve him.

Even the three-five-hearted manners, the old man standing behind him, like a servant.

If the sword is unparalleled, I will definitely be scared.

The appearance of Guula, is the same as the ancient temple where the sword is unparalleled in the tomb mountain.

That is to say, Guula is a frozen devil.

At the beginning, it was just a era of era in Moro.

But it appeared in this place.

And now the ancient ru, there is no transformation, and the power is one million.

The peak level of the six robbery.

The threshold of seven hobbies.

The entire dragon nemerland, even looks at the whole endless world, I am afraid it is the strongest existence.

The frozen devil is a transformed.

If it turns into force, the power is probably able to reach the seven hobby level.

This kind of terrorism, the family team is not enough to give the other party.

Li Wei came out of the Roman River at the beginning and ran on the shore.

I feel that I am a wasteland, I can walk on the shore.

The result did not expect that it was missed into a ban.

The unexpectedly discovered a relic, the treasure inside, all swept it, but found that it could not be left.

Just when he was tangled, he met a transfer array and delivered to this place.

Just encountered ancient la.

Although his power passed through the remains, he had remembered six hundred thousand, but this kind of power, before the ancient Rula, there was no way to move.

Immediately he chose to the opponent.

Guula Because it is necessary to verify the fallen of the dragon, I have been searching for the Baoxian's inheritance treasure "Dragon Ball".

Now Guula has already got two.

The core tribe of the dragon god, the core tribe of the wave wheel is nine.

That is, there is nine dragon balls.

As long as you get nine dragon balls, Gula can find the secret of the Dragon God.

Of course, the secret is just a curious product.

The real reason is the selection of the dragon god.

Dragon God has seized the treasures of the whole infinity world.

True dragon, highlights.


I like to collect treasures.

The ancient Roth is these treasures.

For him, there is no threat to the infinity world.

Only the weather is in the sky.

Those who are strong is his threat.

As long as he gets the treasure of the dragon god, he can rely on those treasures, once again enhanced the power, thus escaping the infinity world.

No longer being bound by the human family.

He pears the bustling of the outside world from the brain of those people.

Where is the place where the strong is survive.

There are indecent of the ancient wood continent.

However, these allogenic workers are not called deceased in the outside world.

Just with the Wolf.

God wolf!

That is to say, it is also a wasteland.

But because the words of the celestial wolf, plus the secrets of the celestial wolf.

Shake a change, becoming the power of the ancient wood continent.

Like the family, you can go to the ancient mouse.

But other deceased, most of them are still struggling in some wilders.

And those who are very wild, most of them are suppressed by the ancient mutters.

Inaction, the world is one of them.

It is just more close to Wanliu Shenmu.

Of course, comprehensive strength is better than those ordinary vents.

Other deceased, you can not know this.

Even Li Wei didn't know, Guula found the secret of these Dragon Balls.

"You have the damn invaders, the power of my Way, will never let you go!" The old man of a pulley, desperately marched, ready to be self-explosion.

Unfortunately, the strength of this old man is too bad, only 500,000 will.

Li Wei flashed, directly in front of the ancient Rula, the hands of the hands were seal directly, and there was no way to self-explosion.

"If you don't say, you will not say, then you will find it!" Gu Li played a yawn, very bored, sitting on the throne, dragging the chin in the throne, playing in the hand after being sent by hand, ready Before, kill all the pulsuits.

Li Wei saw the shape, nor hesitated, and then the trendy of the gesture of the gestin, the sudden meteor is going to the tribe, and start to kill the remaining Way to people.

When a pathway is an elliptical stone house, it was found that there was a baby child, the body is very small, and the head is very smooth.

"Almost forgot, you have a smart person!" Li Wei smiled and walked into the stone house.

When he entered, he saw a red sphere hanging on the house, and he went to the big joy.

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