Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5854 Group Tasks

Just on the occasion of him, the two movements directly left Li Wei.

"You!" When Li Wei saw two people, it almost called.

One of the people carrying the sword, I kicked it on the face of Li Wei, Li Wei's figure broke the stone house, directly went out.

The gurus of the Hulu saw the situation, and quickly wrapped up this.

"The mission is said, it should be this little ball!" I grabbed the ball suspended in the air, and I was happy.

When you want to incorporate this ball in the mustard, you find that you can't get into the Mihal.

Just one foot kicked Li Wei.

Young people carrying the god sword, leaking out the face through the cave desserts through the stone house.

It is a sword.

Another one doesn't have to say, it is Wu Li.

They were both prepared to leave, and the results received special tasks.

This task and its special, not only the task of the group, but also more than the rule of seven stars.

Mission Objective: Collect the inheritance of the nine rim adds!

It seems simple, but I have a little understanding of the Wheel plus, and the two stopped.

Wheel plus, there is a number of hexacks.

Impossible to grab it.

According to their two views, I will go to the emperor first, then I will have a long report.

But when I feel the outbreak of Li Wei, they also felt the breath of the pulley.

So intend to come over.

The result is just the massacre of these people.

The two people got bigger, and they hide the breath and mixed the tribe.

Want to touch the fish.

I didn't expect it, I really let them find it.

This is much more thanks to Li Wei's guidelines.

Following the other party into this stone house, I am ready to ask Li Wei here is awkward!

As a result, Dragon Ball was discovered.

Those who are outside, they don't know which parties belong to.

But it is definitely not a team from the outside world.

Can also look for Dragon Balls.

They also can't manage so much, and immediately, Li Wei moved.

Dragon Ball has nine.

Now get one, they can basically lie.

Just find the emperor, pay this dragon bird to the emperor, there is no two things.

So many teams.

They got one, even if it was successful.

Since it is a group task, you can't think of a person to collect nine.

However, they have to escape from this place.

The horror, still outside.

If it is found, you can't help it.

"Let me try!" The sword was unparalleled, trying to income the Dragon Ball in the source, but can not be done.

At this time, he thought of the tribe, next to the horror, there was a guy who had a spiked spike, holding two expropriation.

It should be unable to accommodate, can only hold it.

The sword has no double one hand, caught the dragon ball, and can't manage so much, you can only take it first.

"No matter, let's go first!"

Wu Li has wanted to follow the sword unparalleled, and the body came again to remind him, let his eyes stunned, and he looked at the Buffer plus child.

"Let him bring it, blame!"

When I heard this sentence, the sword was unparalleled.

At this time, I can't keep myself, but also to take a different kid.

But when I changed, Wu Li is not the benevolence of the woman, definitely because of a certain relationship.

I immediately wrapped the child of the Wheel, and then broke the ground, all the way.

This channel is connected to the lake.

After entering the water, the sword is unbaudo-speed begins to speed up.

He also just hides the breath with two people, not discovered by outsiders.

I originally wanted to take Li Wei.

It can be seen that the other party is mixed, and maybe it is more suitable for him to stay with him.

Two Dragon Balls in the hands of the other party.

Don't pay attention.

It is also the undercreating of them.

The tribe on the island.

Li Wei is kicked by a foot, and it is crazy to re-rush back.

As a result, a figure did not see, and the children who even had disappeared.

Look at the hole in the ground.

He is angry: "The death of the sword is unparalleled, you don't take me!"

Then the token is the order, I want to pass the sound to the sword.

When he took the token, it was shocked.

Two messages above.

Article 1, special group task, seven stars.

Looking for Dragon!

Article 2, is a voice from the sword.

"Where stay, don't go!"

Here, he all understand.

I understand why the sword is unparalleled, why not take him the reason.

This is to let him go as a fine!

If you have no difference between the sword, let him go to the country's first family, in addition to the first family of the royal family.

The key is still not good.

But he has to do it.

Feeling that there is a breath rushing outside, he quickly gave the hole, and contracted the token.

The entire stone house is destroyed.

boom! ! ! !

The stone house under the lower part of the ruins, he has also arrived in the air, and he also said: "The death of the pulsator, dare to attack me!"

This wave of performances, let the ancient rules around, and retreat back.

"Li Wei, don't get fire, come to help me!"

Li Wei is slow, laughing: "Look at me!"

Bomb! ! !

Wrapped in the depths of the lake in the island.

The sword is unparalleled with Wu Li and a child with a pulsator, and arrived at the edge of the lake.


The surface of the water is turned out, turning around, the black smoke rolled.

The wheel plus tribe at that point has been destroyed.

When the baby of the Wheel plus saw, his eyes contained tears.

He is a smart pulley, knowing what it is useless now.

The sword is not only looked at it, and he opened: "Let's go, first find a safe place to say!"

With two people, fly.

After a long time, he directly showed the universe of the three earthquakes, rapidly moved hundreds of times, and stopped in a canyon.

This place gathered a lot of waste of waste hierarchy.

It is a medium tribe.

However, the strongest, but it is not a quadrupment.

With the cover of this tribe, they arrived in the depths of the canyon.


I opened a hole in the hands, and the sword was unparalleled with them to enter the cave.

"Leave it!"

The road is not tired.

But the feeling of careful wings, let the sword have no double body and mind.

Wu Li took Dragon Ball from him and began to study.

The little boy of the pulley, but it is not a saying.

The sword is unparalleled to sit on the stone and restore some mental power.

Also looked at Dragon Ball.

"How, see if there is no problem!" He didn't detain this Dragon Ball in this way.

Just this dragon, engraved three hexagons.

There are no other special places.

Wu Li took the study for a long time and finally gave up.

"No, I can't see it!"

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