Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5855 Dragon Ball

Said to put the dragon ball on the ground, a butt was sitting above.

The baby of the pulley is still can't help it. It is a foot and kick it on the dragon ball under Wu Li ass.


Wu Li is not paying attention to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled to laugh.

The baby of the Wheel, and quickly went to the Dragon Ball rolled away.

The sword is not flustered, just like the child of the pulley, picking the dragon ball.

"This is the introduction to the treasure. Although you saved me, but you can't ignore my family!" The baby of the Bay, carefully holding the dragon ball, and looked at the sword.

He is extremely smart, knowing that the sword is unparalleled is the strongest person.

I didn't pay attention to Wu Li.

The sword is not a double point, take the initiative to apologize: "Sorry, I am sincerely apologize for my friend!"

"I don't blame you, but also thank you for saving me!"

Wu Li stood up at this time, patted the ash on the ass, looked at the child of the Boiri, and smiled down: "Doll, what is your name?"

Dan Bao! "

Feeling the wisdom of the other party, the sword is unparalleled to feel this child, and it will become a big event in the future.

In the face of them, it is not a good breath.

In response to flow, the death of the unique, and crashes.

In the eyes of God, it is intelligent.

"Danbao, I ask you, why do those people want to slaughter your tribe?" The sword asked without a double opening.

Danbao opened his head at this time, after all, still a child, I thought that the people were all falling, the tears of the eyes were also falling.

"They are coming to grab the inheritance of our family, this is the dragon ball!" After the words, he looked up to the sword unparalleled, asked: "Are you a sky?"

Wu Li heard this sentence, very surprised, I quickly asked: "How do you know that we are not locally?"

"Because, in the inheritance memory of our family, there is information of your family!"

Danbao's answer, let the sword have a brown eyebrow.

It seems that it is similar to the rumors.

"Since you all know, we don't have you, this time, this time, it is because of this dragon ball, we need to borrow him for a while!" The sword is unparalleled without choosing, this child is extremely smart, it is impossible to deceive it. .

After Denbao heard, he was very obedient, and he said: "I know what you have to do, but please don't hurt the Way!"

"I promise you!" The sword didn't double the Dragon Ball, and he agreed.

He doesn't have to fight for Dragon Ball again, because one is enough.

The rest has nothing to do with him.

Even if you get more, it is also given to the emperor.

As a result, the emperor also abandoned them. Now he can think of the emperor with Wu Li, which is already enough.

It must be owed to the other side in our last life, otherwise it is impossible to give her a woman.

This dragon ball is a chip, a total of nine.

One is enough.

Next, it is looking for the emperor.

At the beginning, the other party loves to answer.

He and Wu Li have just arrived at Longqian mainland, and the emperor just gave them a position.

I haven't take care of them again.

Now I have heard the dragon ball, I will tell them directly, waiting in place.

A day, the emperor can reach this place.

This also makes the sword unparalleled each other's speed.

He has to force it for a month.

The emperor took only one day.


What did the sword have no double?

For a hundred years, what tasks can take so long.

Wu Li took a robbery.

Then the emperor may also break through.

It is probably six robbery.

So speed will be so fast.

Thinking of this, he relieved.

If the emperor really breaks, then this time is really stable.

The Lord of the Universe of Six

I am afraid that I am almost one million.

This is still not walking.

Wu Li heard his estimation, his eyes were also bright.

"I don't have to shrink!"

The two have just relaxed, but they feel a strong breath came from the distance.

The sword is unbounded in the eyes, reminds: "No, which horror!"

Shen Li wrapped Wu Li and Danbao.

I also flatten my breath.

Wu Li is a lot of rumors: "Is Li Wei's fool, betray us?"

"It should be not!" The sword has no double convergence, and it is impossible to feel the breath.

But he feels unlikely.

Li Wei does not have to betray him.

It is nothing beneficial to betray him.

Instead, with him, the benefits are great.

That breath, very slow.

Not like chasing them.

Instead, it is a hurry.


The powerful gas field draws from their head.

The sword is unparalleled.

"That person, it's too horrible. Is it a seven robbery?" Wu Li wishes the gas, and it is not credible.

At this time, Dan Bao was taken out a crystal ball and said: "You should say it!"

The sword is unparalleled with Wu Li two people look at the crystal ball.

"This Nima is?"

Seeing the familiar faces, the sword is unparalleled and thought that he was crossing the temple.

This face is exactly the same as him kills the ancient temple.

Ancient brakes, frozen demon.

When he had just successfully succeeded, when he opened up the cave on the tomb mountain, Zhenling gave him to practice.

He also learned a lot about the frozen devil.

This is ancient ancient overflower group in Moro.

I originally thought that only Mo Luo is there, or there are still some residues in the Shenshen Temple.

I didn't expect to be in the wilderness of the ancient times, and I can encounter.

"It must be!" The sword was unparalleled with his teeth.

Wu Li is very different: "Do you know him?"

"No, I know his group!" The sword didn't swite his head, then said: "This is a frozen devil, the peak ethnic group, the power is very powerful, the most critical is that they will not show people in the peak state, but suppressed Your own strength, in the weakest state. "

In the first paragraph, Wu Li Bing didn't care.

He will not see people in the peak, but he heard the last time, it is stunned, trembled: "The weakest state, one million power?"

It is not the peak state, isn't it going to get it?

Other swords are unparalleled, but the original ancient temple can be upgraded from 100,000 to 180,000.

That is not half.

"Guula!" Danbao said his name and continued: "I have passed the news of Guula to the holy place, even if he is strong, the super warrior of the Holy Land will also tell him!"

Wu Li is almost laughing, thinking of this child, although the brain is bright, but it is still in the world.

Not clear, millions of power, representing something.

That is the entrance of the seven-robbery.

It is also a sign of a combat leap.

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