Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5860, double winning big

The sword is unparalleled, and the other party is a young hard-informed pulsator.

When he heard the old, he thought it would be an old man.

I didn't expect it to be so young, and the breath on my body is very powerful.

It should be a strong support.

"Dan Bao!" Bruce old voice is very gentle, put his hand on the head of Danbao.

In an instant, he felt things experienced by Denbao.

Danbao's eyes were tears and looked up in Bruce.

At this moment, he fully relaxed.

One day, the tribe is off.

I looked at the people who fell to help him.

A child with him, the hit is too big.

Bruce touched the head of Danbao: "You suffer!"

For a child who has never lived, it is indeed a big impact.

It comforted Denbao, Brui looked at the sword unparalleled and Wu Li.

"Thank you, two benefactors protect Danbao, please come into the holy place, the long is waiting for you!" Brui waved, a strong power wrapped in sword unparalleled and Wu Li, directly entered another space.

The sword is unparalleled.

When you appear again, they have reached a huge rack.

"Inside!" Bruce spells.

There is no double point of the sword, and I will follow Wu Li.

After going up the mountain, he could notice that the gravity of this place was up to 10,000 times.

The mortal cannot survive at all.

At least an immortal fairy.

Here is the thousands of gravity, but he is comparable to the gravity of those who are all in the world.

Here, the gravity here is calculated in accordance with the time and space standard gravity.

The standard gravity of time and space can be more powerful than those of those materials.

Everything is a cultural refinement that is extremely suitable for hard work.

The more you rely on the peak, the more gravity.

Danbao on the side is already a bit.

Bruce introduced the road at this time: "The gravity of the Longshan Mountain is calculated according to the steps.

"One Double!" The sword didn't look at the road to the top of the mountain.

There are 100,000 steps here.

That is the gravity of 100,000 times.

The emperor can't climb it.

It just corresponds to the power.

100,000 times gravity is 100,000 times.

Places to be a tempering for the junior.

But for him with Wu Li, this is the same as usual walk.

Nothing difference.

Danbao's power, only 50,000, I can't help it.

It is also in Brui to wrap Danbao in Bruce, step by step to the top of the mountain.

After arriving at the top of the mountain, the sword is unparalleled, there is only one place in the top, and the oval stone house is nothing to build.

Have to say that the holy land of the pulsuit is extremely simple.

Due to the unusual tribal difference.

It would originally think that the holy land, with the tribe will have a big difference, and it is not as good as the tribe.

"Enamel, the old man is please!" When the sword was unparalleled, I thought that the young rube plus people came out from the house, and he was very polite to him.

The sword is unparalleled and slightly hugged, and then takes Wu Li to go in.

Bruce and Danbao have also followed.

After entering the room, the furnish is simpler.

There is only a huge throne.

It is natural to sit in the throne to the long and old.

The old man is also extremely huge.

The rumor is the only descendant left before the death of the dragon.

The whole pulley is created by this big old man.

It is a very existence.

However, the founder of this pulley is not good at fighting.

The strength is just a normal robbery.

Maybe three robbers have never been.

But life, but more than seven-robbery of the foreigners.

Such a living stone, the sword is unparalleled, I can't help but worship, the tone is very respectful: "People, swords are unparalleled in the wagon to increase the old!"

"Human, thank you for saving Denbao, but also saving the Holy Spirit of our family!" The voice of the elders is very hoarse, and talking about breathing, there is no power.

Very weak.

The sword is unparalleled to see the other party's speech.

Of course, he first puts the powerful exaggerations of Guula, and then said the secret of the people to this place.

This is completely, the ancient muto does not specify that they can't communicate with the strong world of the world.

He was originally thought that after the secret of infinity world, the other party would be surprised.

The result of the wave wheel plus in the scene, except for Danbao, it is extremely light.

Look, I have long known.

And it is much more than him.

Up to 9 tenths, down to the Chunzi of the grass.

Is an understanding!

But for Guula, they know less.

At least, he said that there is a terrible of Guula, no one refutes.

The old man on the throne, recalls: "You said the frozen devil family, should come from the extreme ice original, the devil of the dragon god seal, no wonder will come to grab dragon ball!"

I heard this, the sword is also a glimpse, I didn't expect this long and old.

He also understood, the origin of Guula.

No wonder he did not find information about Guula from the memory of those deceased.

The emotional opponent has just arrived at Longqi Continent.

It's almost like him, all of them.

It's just that the strength of the Guli is so powerful. Why is the ancient muto still stay here?

Why don't you give Go?

The norm of Gula, Millions of Power.

After turning, it is the war of seven-robbery standards.

Staying in an infinite world, it is really a waste.

Unless it is an ancient mouse.

This will not know this.

From the perspective of this ancient wood mainland, the comprehensive strength of the whole ancient wood continent is very general.

If the Babi Emperor is the reason, even with this opportunity, you can end the old nest of the ancient mouse.

On a half-dead gumbeter, and the Lord of several seven-bit hijacked universe.

The Lord of the seven-robbery universe of the ancient mouse is not, the iron gall is only neutral, just breakthrough Yunzhi State, will not participate in the ancient mouse.

If he wants Babi, it will definitely bring people to the ancient mutting, to force the Wanliu Shenmu.

There are so many lives in Wanliu.

It can be said that it is endless.

If you get Wanliu, you can improve the robbery.

It is not impossible to unify nine big time and space.

The number of scattered robes is more than ten times more than the owner of the universe.

That is, the ancient mouse.

There is no one hundred and eighty.

But the Lord of the Universe is one.

The six robbery is more exaggerated.

Thousands of robbery, only the Lord of the universe of the six-hearted universe.

This is the heritage of the old power.

Let the Lord of the universe fight, and then support a group of waste.

The emerging power is ok, there are a lot of universe.

In this way, the fact that the family is not as good as those of the wild landland.

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