Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5861 Hates Iron

Just like which wave wheel plus the first strong "Bruce old"

His battle is stronger than the Lord of the universe of the Saix.

After hesitation, the sword is unparalleled, and the detailed plan is also said.



Of course, he dares to guarantee that it is possible to return the Wheel plus.

But protect the Wave Route or confidence.

As long as the emperor is coming, tell the emperor this matter, inform everyone's strong.

This time is half a success.

Otherwise, Guula can break each other.

Of course, when he said this plan, there is still a lot of bottom gas.

Bruges and old stations think is a bit ridiculous.

A small guy with a normal power, but it is to protect their plans.

The old man on the throne is a very trusted sword.

"Brui, told it, let all the old age of the tribe, bring the dragon to the holy place!" Due to the old saying, a dragon ball above the throne also took it.

There are two holy land.

One is a sword. There is no double them, one is a long and old guard.

Plus three of the ancient Grand.

There are still four outside.

It is necessary to gather to the holy place.

It is too dangerous outside.

This is part of the sword unparalleled program.

First give the existing Dragon Ball together, then let the people of the people pursue the tricks.

Plus the strength of the pulley agent itself.

Ethnicity, it is impossible to do not cooperate.

In fact, he didn't have a little inception at the beginning, because he was just an emperor, even if he gave his emperor, all the people's strong people were condensed together.

You must use some means.

He is welcome to the so-called own people.

In the contact of such a while, he would rather believe in the power of the pulsuit, and will not believe in the people in the people.

"The big man is high, waiting for my family, I must shake the flag to summon all the people to gather together, cooperate with the aristocrat, defeat the ancient ru!" The sword is really happy, the layout can not participate.

Do not participate, drive everything behind it.

After the old man hesitated, there was no hesitation, and took out the crystal of the news.

This makes the sword unparalleled very admire.

The other party is the first power of the wave wheel, and the light looks at each other's character, it is definitely not good.

I originally thought that the other party will certainly not agree, it will waste a little tongue.

I didn't expect to listen to the elders.

This makes the sword unparalleled very admire.

The strong, not necessarily a wise man.

The power of a group needs strong.

However, a group of ethnic groups is a long time.

The thing is half.

He also relaxed, and Wu Li in the side made an eye, the eyes could not hide excitement.

Wu Li is naturally very happy.

It is best not to fight without fighting.

He now wants the girl to take him with him.

The two have not been happy.

Brown, but it is a situation.

"The old elders, please see this!" Bruce has a little embarrassment, handing crystal ball to the old age.

The sword is unparalleled with Wu Li.

Only two of them are not a bang wheel.

Can't see the picture on the crystal ball.

The big elder didn't see crystal ball, just put the hand up, and opened his eyes.

"The people of the people, is the woman in your mouth, is it a woman!" The big elders of the Wheel plus, swayed the crystal ball, and there was a shadow above.

After Wu Li saw the cooling of the cold, he nodded: "Yes, this is my family, the strength is never weak, waiting for her ..."

Have not finished, the sword stopped Wu Li.

Wu Li has asked, why do you want to stop him, I saw the girl's red ball across the waist, and the face was stiff.

"The big old, in fact, I am talking to her, nor very well!" The sword is unparalleled out of some smiles, then said: "Your heart!"

The Shenli in the Bruce has an outbreak, and after the two people, I will follow the chicken, and I have a sword and Wu Li, mentioned the front of the elder.

"It's not rude!" The old man shook his head, but there was a sad heart in the eyes, because of their tribes, just all over.

It is the emperor in the sword.

This also represents planning.

I can't cooperate again if the tribe of the wheel plus is destroyed.

But the sword is unparalleled with Wu Li is innocent, and they also saved Danbao.

"The old age, I suspect that they can be accepted with the outside world, can't stay in the holy place!" Bruges reminded a sound, he had long seen the sword unparalleled with Wu Li is not as good.

Just always endured.

Nowadays, the people have begun to slaughter the pulsator.

If he is not that the tribe is still in the drum, the dragon ball is brought to the holy place, and which girl is caught in, and their pulsator is dangerous.

After the old man is silent, the voice is hoarse: "Two kind people, there are some treasures here, you can take these treasures, regardless of my Way Runa, thank you!"

This is also an euphemistic saying, holding treasures, hurric out, two do not owe, next time, is a dead enemy.

Wu Li saw those treasures, it was already a bit a bit.

But the sword is unparalleled!

Such a perfect plan is so bubble.

"Feng Chen, you are misunderstood!" He did not honor himself.

I know that he will tell each other first.

Now make this.

Everything is over.

The treasure of the old man, what is it?

He can't see it.

Never want it.

He has already lost its limit.

The difference is not a treasure, but an opportunity.

An opportunity for impacting the mourning.

I don't have time to practice now, I can only wait for an opportunity.

It is an opportunity to make up nine dragon boars.

He is not only for Feng Chen Emperor, or he is for himself.

it's good now.

Everyone died together.

He is already able to foresee the future, not his time, but anyone can see the ending.

Gulu and the human besieged wave wheel plus.

Grab the dragon ball.

It is the competition for both sides.

One party, the strongest thing is the emperor.

The only six-hobby universe.

There is a million power of the emperor.

Just broke through the peak of six robbery.

But this is not enough!

After Guula turned into and met, the strength has skyrocketed.

The emperor can't stop, and the remains of those stinky fish are ignorant.

At that time, Guula won a victory.

The family is all defeated.

The task is not yet, nor does it need to think about the position of the sacred person.

"The place of the saints!" The sword was unparalleled.

The last generation of sages, it seems to be the Lord of the Six-Bombia Universe.

Is it so important that this holy woman is really important?

not necessarily!

Now this group task, how to look at the location than the sage.

This may be the most difficult task in all holy contend.

Seven stars.

Still appearing for the first time.

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