Wu Li's eyes moved, nodded.

The face is a smile. I went to the sword where there was no double, and the chest said: "It is my own person, even if you are not these words, I will be quite you!"

Although this sentence is some fake, it is comfortable to listen to people.

In fact, Wu Li is all listening to the tree, or because of its own strength.

Even if he is half-step six-step, it is only 800,000.

This look is also white.

Waiting for the sword, there is no double to grab Dragon Ball, and also needs the support of Tree.

"Thank you!" The sword is unparalleled this time. Thank you.

Wu Li was originally wanted to pat his shoulder, but thought of what, his hand raised half, took the air, and said: "Little things!"

"How long does I need me?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it has been sent to Li Wei.

It will be very fast to grab Drago.

But breaking through this thing, you can need some things.

The old man also understood this risk, and suddenly said: "I have already sent it to Brui. You only have to resist a fragrant time, the Bruce will be blended again, becoming the most Strong Super Warrior! "

"A fragrant!" Wu Li bit his teeth, or nodded.

Everything is ready.

"Then start!" The sword is unparalleled directly to the super ancient times, and one hand has a hand of Wu Li's shoulder, and then tells the old saying: "Trouble is old and old."

"I will go!" Danbao stood up at this time.

The sword is unparalleled to block, but thinking that Denbao can quickly restore their power.

It is also a helper.

When he arrived, he could help others recover the power, although it has exposed the power of life, but waiting for him to him.

Grab the dragon ball, you will let the Guula have retalled.

Must be fast.

It is too little time left now.

The strong in the outside world is definitely noticed.

In fact, it is similar to Wu Li.

The whole ancient wood is now chaotic.

Dozens of Zuocheng's hiking level has been negotiated with the ancient muto.

Said to be negotiating, in fact, it is forced.

Let the ancient mouse transfer them to the infinity world.

Things have reached the point.

Shen Mu Wang personally comes, it is useless.

However, these people, if you know the current Shenmu King can also play the peak war, I am afraid I don't dare to make it.

"No matter what, the Holy Association is not over, no one can go in, this is the rule of Shenmu Wang Li, no one can break!"


A secret in a secret state stood out and said loudly: "You don't let it go, don't let you enter? Who knows how many people you sent yourself!"

The rest of the seven robbery, also followed by noisy.

The palmaticism of this ancient mouse is also unlucky.

Now make a big can't come out, let him be a small outside!

Although it is a palm, it is only managed some small things in chicken fry.

True big events, or those who are too old.

And there is Shenmu King.

Now these people don't know where they have.

Let him resist all.

"These old guys!"

Bulk crazy.

The silence of the owner of the universe.

Tonghe Jianxian is sitting with the strong people in Shi Country, and now the stone country is strong, in addition to the alcine star, I will go to the ancient mouse.

Even the vast ancestors, it is also a horse.

This is a son-in-law of Vietnam.

He is, but he is standing.

"The predecessors don't want to join in the life?" Tonghe Jianxian looked at the alcine star, the other party did not go, this made him very surprised.

Although the life of the alcine star is still very strong, it should also be precailed.

Langxing grasps the pendant in his hand, smiled: "I still like passive, too active, not good!"

Of course, I have to take the initiative to take the initiative.

Sword is unparalleled, they are the clearest.

Things will be so simple.

There is definitely eight hobbies.

At this time, I can't worry.

Among the holy land of the ancient mouse, the ten seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-old sites sitting down will come.

It is not easy.

The four digits in the scene recognized the sword.

It is planned to see Babi.

Void in the void.

The universe boat is a beautiful drifting.


Babi has already received a message.

There is already a unparalleled branch of the sword.

Just now the sword is unparalleled, there is no consciousness.

It seems that it is asked.

"Babi Emperor, it is better to go to the ancient mouse directly, and he will arrest his presents again!" Dilen said cold, staring at the sword.

The rest of the people because of the secret law of Babi, now is not so desired to life.

And I also know that the power of swords and unparalleled life is not too much fluctuations.

The claws of Babi Emperor were rubbed down, apparently thinking about something.

His plan is more important than the sword.

The reason why the sword is unparalleled, or because of the life.

There is only life that defeats.

He wants to use the sword unparalleled to defeat, you have to control the sword unparalleled.

Unfortunately, I can't take it now.

The ancient mouse holy place, he didn't even thought.

There is also the million willows, there is something that is contained, even he can't see.

But internal but there is a key treasure about reincarnation.


This is Babii's other names for the secret law.

It is also his biggest plan.

Reprincinal robbery, thus becoming the gods of nine-day spatial space.

I have experienced a lot of Babi Emperor in the stars, and this world is God.

Only those gods can be high high.

The robbery is a joke.

The nine robbery will also fall.

Barbi wants to use the nine-day spatial space to make your own road.

This plan is more crazy than in the life.

But he now has this capital.

"Red Jijiu, I will let you live!" Babi lifted his eyelids, leaking the eye slipped away, and the cold shiny.

Ancient mouse!

Soon became the core of the entire ancient times.

And all this is because of the power of swords without a double exposure.

Infinity world.

The sword is unparalleled. They have begun to act.

At the same time, in the upper part of the infinity world, the core of the array is dozens of super power, and the core of the array is destroyed.

The array was established by ancient muto.

Now is their own demolition.

Just dismantling some slow.

If you want to enter infinity world, you need a day from day to you.

This day, as long as the seven-robbery that stops the outside world, they can take the lead in controlling the sword.

"At the beginning, who is arranged?" An old man wearing a green high-crowned, asked.

Everyone stunned, then explained: "It is the seventh elderly and old place!"

"Old 7!" The senior people were silent, and they did not say anything, continue to destroy the core of the array.

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