Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5878 This time I must win

This high-crowned old man is the opening of ancient wood continent.

At the beginning, the ancient wood mainland is still a wild, he led the eight star Zongmen ancient mutting, opened a big collar.

It is also the highest power of ancient wood mainland.

"Hey, this time I will take you!" Shen Mu Wang stepped on the empty, and he looked at the Wanliu, which was the wilderness, and greed.

The power of innate life.

In the eyes of Shenmu Wang, this is certainly related to Wanliu.

I won't be a sword, it is equal to open the Wanliu.

There are countless strong people peeking and trying.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is unique.

Although it is ready.

But this time, he is about to face.

It is an unprecedented power.

Dragon Mountain Hill Top.

The sword is unparalleled with Wu Li and roses.

"This time, I must win!" He clenched his fist.

It's been ancient times, it is a robbery, master the universe.

He must win.

Wu Li took a sigh of relief, but the power of the body began to change, the terrible power did not belong to him, but the tree man is controlling his body.

"Although I shouldn't ask, I still want to say, even if I have a five robbery, but there is no universe, you can't create one more!"

This is indeed a big problem for ordinary people.

The original universe in the time and space is quantified.

There is no original universe now.

I can only refine the universe.

This takes a long time.

I haven't time now.

The sword is not a lot of exposure, and the sure is not concealed. He turned to Wu Li explained: "I have a way, condense your own origin in a short period of time, and the growth can also do it quickly, as long as the breakthrough Successful, half a day, I can reach the five hobbies! "

His confidence is full.

Wu Li also no longer says, directly explosing tree people injected to his power, and the breath has skyrocketed.



The two instantly disappeared in the original place.

When there is once again, Wu Li single hand-held sword stands before the ancient Rula.

The ancient ru after turning into the mind, the power is as high as 13 million.

The emperor was seriously injured, and I didn't know the death.

Bruce and the four sacred sons, and join hands to stop the Gula's punch.

They all began to despair.

But I didn't expect, some people dared to come down from the top of the mountain.

"You will go!" Bruce is a bit anxious.

This older is different from the original plan.

Originally the elderly plan is to let them stand, if there is a win, it is natural.

It is impossible, that can only go to the sword without double with Denbao.

Now, they have lost.

Wu Guan face is pale, and there is a smile in front of it.

"A fragrant time, you can't stop!" Bru shot his head.

The old man just gave him the sound to let them carry out the final integration.

But Brui needs too long.

Unless Agola is waiting for him in place, it is impossible to integrate success.

Can't rely on Wu Li in front of you!

After Wu Li broke through again, there was more than 800,000 Shen Li, which already had the war of hexack.

However, compared with the ancient rules.

It is a drop in the drop.

, do not self - quantitative.

"Let you see it, I really power!" Wu Dynasty voice fell, and the power was again improved.

The face is also embarrassed.

This is the disorder of the body.

That is too much to accumulate too much.

This is not your own power. Now use it, it is very strong to him.

But the tree man told him that as long as there is a breath, no matter whether Dan Bao is still a sword, it can restore him to the peak.

Otherwise, he will not fight so.

Guula was also stunned by the people in front of him. It was originally not intended. But after the power of Wu Li arrived, it was not very calm.

"You can really be wrapped out!" The ancient pulling head screwed, and immediately rushed to Wu Li.

At this time, the sword hidden in the void is unparalleled.

He reached the side of Li Wei with a very fast speed.

"I can't help it!" The sword has no double leaks a smirk, and the four Dragon Balls around Li Wei will take all the four Dragon Balls around Li Wei.

Li Wei bite his teeth, and finally did not shoot, just looked at the sword without double holding Dragon Ball.

Just rushing half of the ancient Rula found that there was a strong breath in the back, knew something.

After seeing the dragon balls around Li Wei disappeared, it was completely angry.

The sword hidden in the void is unparalleled, all shocked by the stock.

"You only let you die first!" The anger of anger is still litter.

A jumper rushed to the sword unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled and immediately shouted toward the top: "It's now!"



Gulla is on a residue, and the sword is unparalleled.

Haven't waited for him to react, Wu Li rushed over.

"Three feet wood swords, you can get it!"

The wood sword hits deeply from the void, and the whole end of the world is shaking.

This moment of Wu Li, the power of up to 13 million.

Gulu is stunned, and the hands are busy with the sword blade.

But when both hands touch the sword edge, the power is constantly declining.

Crush the void and pungerate the space.

The power of this sword will let the ancient pull.

Wu Li once again shot again, the sword is smashed, but the power consumed is constantly recovering by the tree.

He is the only opponent who makes ancient pullery feel pressure.

No one can do it before.

Bruce and others in the distance have begun.

When I feel Wu Li's breath, my heart is very shocking.

This time!

They may really win.

And you don't need a sword where you can win.

The old elders also pay attention to this battle.

It is incredible.

He is not a sword.

Can also see Wu Li.

In his view, Wu Li's potential is not much powerful.

Maybe this is, you can't jump.

But under the outbreak, Wu Li's future has begun to change.

The five hobbies have become a starting point from a mountain top.

This is the current change in Wu Li.


The space is shaking, the sword has no double with four dragon balls, which has arrived in front of the elders.

"Start!" He put the dragon ball down, gathered together with the five dragon balls around the old age.

Nine Dragon Balls.

Before starting, the big elderly finally looked at the outside world's battle, and the opening reminded: "Don't have pressure, this time I can solve the Gudu!"

"This is best!" The sword nodded.

He is not allowed to succeed in Wu Li and Bruce.

This way, he has no worries.


The big elders are not saying, directly using their own mental injection to Dragon Balls, and burst out a powerful breath, directly broke the house, flew over the sky.

Heaven and earth rules instantaneous partition.

The outside world also can't see the situation here.

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